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Thanks NCD Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Photos provided by NCD Studio.
NCD Studio: A comfortable residential living space does not need too much luxury and decoration, indifferent breath and natural healing sense is the best interpretation.
▽简洁的日常 ©三棱镜
In the project, we tried to use the simplest and most direct combination of elements to interpret the most appropriate indifferent temperament of this space. The restrained colors, materials, and plants applications all make it difficult to interpret the characteristics of the site, and behind the refined visual symbols is a lot of screening and testing work.
▽用最简单和直接的元素组合来构建生活的日常 ©三棱镜
Interestingly, the site of our project is rightopposite the newly built Feng Zi-kai School in Tongxiang, Jiaxing, the hometownof Feng Zi-kai. We found that the calm and playful charm revealed in Mr. Zikai’s paintings was very close to the project concept we wanted to express, we have designed real scenes based on his five works, which are: Garden of flowers, Garden of innocence,Garden of waterfall , Garden of shadow, Garden of aerial platform, To correspond to his concept of “high and harmonious”.
▽克制的色彩、材料、植物应用都给场地特性的诠释带来了不小的难度,精炼的视觉符号背后是大量的筛选与试验工作 ©三棱镜 ©玖鹿设计
Through the contrast of clean and warm colors with green and the composition of general blocks, the designer presents a soft and capable picture. When playing in it, we try to block out unnecessary distractions and noise from the senses and create a strong calming force.
▽屏蔽掉感官上不必要的干扰与杂音,柔和而干练的画面,创造一股强烈的平静之力 ©玖鹿设计
Just as FengZi-kai said: lowbrow songs are not necessarily easy. In the design of the site,we adopt concise lines and imperceptible gradients to avoid conveyingoverwhelmingly excited emotions, filling the environment with faint light andshadow displacement as a whole. The connection of the sight with and theenvironment is closer for the sake of the corridor, creating a time-freezing beauty.
▽空间平静而柔和 ©三棱镜
▽墙与廊将视线与环境的连接约束在亲近的尺度内,缔造出时间凝固之美 ©三棱镜
In the design of the activity venue, we hope to design the whole space from the perspective of children. We have highly controlled the corridor and trestle on the second floor, which is a secret environment for children only. Combined with the changes of the green slope terrain, the whole space is a bit like a game map, changeable, interesting and private.
▽孩子的游戏地图 ©三棱镜
“ 一个舒适的大区生活空间并不需要太多的奢华与装饰,淡然的气息和自然的治愈感是最好的诠释。”
更多 Read more about: NCD Studio Pte Ltd 玖鹿设计