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Thanks ChartierDalix Architectes for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by ChartierDalix Architectes.
ChartierDalix:”Building a city on a city” has long been the standard approach to urban renewal. Our modernity has largely ignored and further complicated this practice that is now coming back all the more strongly due to the economic realities of construction being challenged by the severity of environmental issues. Rehabilitating and preserving existing buildings, even over and above considerations of heritage, is becoming a viable means of saving energy and sobriety, a source of reusable materials and a great opportunity to discover new uses resulting from conversion.
Entering a building with its past life and its history, its previous uses, means imagining new stories to tell based on older tales and the richness of their promise. That is why we like to use the term “Metamorphosis” rather than rehabilitation: for us, it means building on the old to create something new and richer still than what might have been preserved.
The project to transform the Lourcine barracks in the 13th Arrondissement of Paris is ambitious and innovative, due to both its scale and above all to the new relationship it creates with the existing buildings. In the heart of a very built-up and innervated district where the barracks has hitherto formed a distinct area, opening up the site to its immediate environment helps to tell those new stories. This evolution is based on an approach to the redevelopment of Parisian heritage, which in this case is envisaged not so much as a museum exhibit frozen in time, but as a means of regenerating the city, capable of breathing new life into the district.

虽然这里早在法国大革命之前,就已经是一个军事基地,但自十九世纪末以后,它就再没有进行更新过。洛尔辛军营在阅兵场和皇家港大道之间的地势较为平坦,但朝冰川街(Rue de la Glacière)一侧略微倾斜,以及布罗卡街东侧(一条古老的中世纪小巷)地势相对低了5米,而这种典型的十九世纪土木工程和开发方式的地形,反而使得2号楼的地下室可以通过主地基的大窗户进行自然采光。
A military site at the heart of urban planning in Paris in the twentieth century
While this had been a military site since well before the French revolution, it has been in its current configuration since the end of the nineteenth century. The topography of the land in the Lourcine barracks presents a flat area between the parade ground and Boulevard de Port Royal and a slight slope towards Rue de la Glacière, but on the eastern side Rue Broca (an ancient medieval lane) is almost five metres lower. This allows for natural light to enter the basement floors of building 2 through large windows with a major foundation. This topography bears witness to the major earthworks and development undertaken in the nineteenth century.
In the centre, a large, rectangular parade ground planted with trees and surrounded on both sides by substantial barracks (buildings 1 and 2), each consisting of a central portion with wings at either end. These two original buildings were doubtless built in two phases using dressed stones, rubble and brick with a wooden frame and a slate roof according to a classical architectural model.
The site evolved in the second half of the twentieth century with the demolition of buildings facing Boulevard de Port Royal and Rue Saint Hippolyte and the construction of two imposing buildings maintaining the composition of the north / south axis. On the Saint Hippolyte side, a two-floor car park was created under the building up to the level of the slope and protruding into the parade ground.
▼靠布罗卡街东侧的场地地势相对低了5米,反而使得2号楼的地下室可以通过主地基的大窗户进行自然采光 The topography of the land on the eastern side Rue Broca is almost five metres lower. This allows for natural light to enter the basement floors of building 2 through large windows with a major foundation.

▼军营楼建筑使用的材料都是经过修整的石头、毛石、砖、木制框架 These two original buildings were using dressed stones, rubble and brick with a wooden frame

我们的重建设计范围包括1号楼和2号楼的部分巴黎大学法学院空间(教学和研究设施、图书馆和中央复印室)以及3号楼的地下室部分。3号楼(部分地下室和上层建筑)和4号楼不包括在当前项目范围内:3号楼是法国国防部管理的宿舍,4号楼是Lycee Jean Zay中学的寄宿生宿舍。
A university teaching and research programme on a military site
The site of the Lourcine barracks has evolved considerably, becoming a set of office buildings and accommodation, but keeping its original form around the old parade ground and its major north / south axis. The two military buildings have been preserved both in terms of their volume and a large part of their internal layout.
The redevelopment plans include the installation of a part of the Law Faculty of the Université Paris 1 (teaching and research facilities, a library and central copying room) in buildings 1 and 2, and in part of the basements under building 3. Buildings 3 (a part of the basement and the superstructure) and 4 are not included in the scope of the current project: building 3 houses accommodation managed by the French Ministry of Defence and building 4 houses boarders taking preparatory classes at the Lycée Jean Zay.
The challenge for the project is to preserve a precious heritage that bears witness to the urban history of this district while altering it as little as possible. The idea is to change the organisation of the barracks buildings to perfectly suit their new intended functions.
▼改造后的军营基地主要用于大学教学研究 The military site is mainly used for university teaching and research

Two major choices…
Showcase this precious heritage by minor interventions on buildings 1 and 2: the quality of the construction and their capacity already make them a wonderful place to house the research and teaching programme. Structural adaptations for insulation, access and safety are all possible and can even be further reduced if the project is carefully adapted to the existing spaces (conservation of the staircases, for example).
Work on these buildings is carefully targeted and limited to the interior; the envelope remains almost untouched apart from altering the size of the doors leading to the outside to comply with modern standards but within the existing clearance. The works have been planned to ensure that the rough finishing leaves the existing structure and the nobility of the original materials visible. The internal façades are revealed by generous walkways, while the height is emphasised by shafts that show off the existing volumes.
▼轻干预-利用宽敞的走道展示历史建筑内部 Minor interventions – The internal façades are revealed by generous walkways

▼轻干预-通过竖井的高度体现现有建筑的体量 Minor interventions – The height is emphasised by shafts that show off the existing volumes

Re-establishing the strategic function of the central square: the co-existence of different uses, namely the proximity between the future premises of Paris 1, the military accommodation and the rooms for students taking preparatory classes make the square something of a challenge: a place where flows both converge and separate, it must make it possible to preserve the overall sense of the site while avoiding any undesirable confrontations between users. The square must not therefore be “built”, but rather restored: that is why the placement of the reception area represents a particularly sensitive feature of the project.
While giving the site its overall sense and cohesiveness, the location of the reception area calls out, offers guidance and plays the part of an attractive, functional and pleasant space. This reorganisation makes it possible to add value to the centre in terms of both landscaping and functionality.
Envisaged as an interior geography, it links together different topographic levels through folds in the ground or gentle dips with minimum interference. Furthermore, the symmetrical layout of the whole enables a visual link to be envisaged that runs right through the plot revealing the depth of the whole area from Rue Saint Hippolyte to Boulevard de Port Royal.

lead to a project making a connection via the garden level that reveals the topography of the site.
The proximity of buildings 1 and 2 to the basement of building 3 makes it possible to create a link connecting the 3 units without affecting the landscape. With this reception hub it is possible to access both the teaching areas and the library and research areas. We wanted to make this “distribution platform” the living heart of the site.
The programme installed on the lower level of the esplanade, which leads you down naturally, constitutes the heart of the Lourcine site. It is this central point that provides access to the library, located in building 1, via a direct link that crosses the sunken entrance and also provides access to the upper floors. On the other side, it is from the same central point and by following the amphitheatre, that the students can access the magnificent classrooms on Rue Broca, and all the teaching facilities located on the upper floors of building 2.

▼学生们可通过中央广场到达位于布罗卡街的大教室 The students can access the magnificent classrooms on Rue Broca by following the amphitheatre from the same central point

材料和室内设计的选择 Materials and interior design choices
The qualities of the existing site are magnified by the complete freeing up of the spaces: the simple application of flocking on the underside of the arches (acoustics and fire prevention), as well as the complete absence of false ceilings, thus revealing the technical installations, helps to maintain the existing volumes.
▼室内设计-不设假式天花板,直接外露技术装置,以保持现有的体量 The interior – complete absence of false ceilings, thus revealing the technical installations, helps to maintain the existing volumes

A certain “brutalism”, linked to the visibility of all the utility networks, contrasts with the fine details of the made- to-measure furniture and the nobility of the raw materials (steel, solid oak, floorboards).
For the interior design of the reading rooms in the library, we have chosen to position the aisles along the façades to allow the light to freely enter the building and thus free up the view of the succession of windows.

A monumental winding staircase marks the entrance to the library at both the garden level and the ground floor up to the first floor. Its size makes it a remarkable architectural feature and reveals the volume of the building and the height of a whole section.
The eastern end of the connecting gallery of the Lourcine site leads to a section that opens onto the Rue Broca. The reception level thus provides a direct link with the outside and the street at garden level.
In the upper floors, a wide and generous walkway filled with natural light provides the opportunity to create a meeting place over several floors: each floor is thus linked by the main, open staircase that provides direct access to the classrooms without taking the closed staircases.

The garden level gallery, linked to these walkways, transforms them into places to share and exchange in which a number of alcoves have been built for working: building 2 thus becomes a sort of “learning centre” perfectly adapted to new ways of learning and teaching.
The 500-seat amphitheatre, a major feature of the Lourcine campus, is installed at the lowest point of the parade ground where the old car park was and along the north / south axis of the site. It is accessed through a gallery entirely covered with self-weathering steel that provides a continuity with the central esplanade. The self-weathering steel, a warm, vibrant and changing material, accompanies the visitor throughout all the outside public areas and extends right into the interior. It is a skin that shows the marks of time and embodies the new face of the Lourcine campus.

▼耐候钢走廊-这是一张展示时间痕迹,同时体现洛尔辛校园新面貌的皮肤 The self-weathering steel gallery – It is a skin that shows the marks of time and embodies the new face of the Lourcine campus

▼材料细节 The materials detail
▼场地平面图 Site Plan

▼场地轴测图 Axonometric drawings

© ChartierDalix Architectes

▼项目剖面图 Section

▼项目设计细节 Details

地址:法国巴黎 Rue de la Glacière
项目所有者:Epaurif For the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
团队:Egis Batiment (Tce), Elioth (HQE), Acoustb(声学),DHpaysage(景观绿化),Grahal(遗产),BTP顾问(监管办公室),CSD faces(消防安全协调),BECS(健康安全协调)
承包商:Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de France
Project name: Campus Port Royal, Centre Lourcine
Address: 1, Rue de la Glacière, 75013 Paris
Programme: 500-seat amphitheatre, 27 classrooms, 2,000 m2 of library, 1,500 m2 of offices and 2 official lodgings
Surface area: 9,710 m2
Delivery: June 2019
Cost: €22 million
Certification: HQE environmental approach (Paris region standard)
Project owner: Epaurif, For the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Architecture and Design: ChartierDalix
Team: Egis Bâtiment (Tce), Elioth (HQE), Acoustb (acoustics), DHpaysage, (landscaping), Grahal (heritage), BTP consultants (supervising office), CSD faces (fire safety coordination), BECS (health & safety coordination)
Contractor: Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de France
更多 Read more about: ChartierDalix Architects