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Thanks Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd. for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd.



Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd: human scale, safe, natural ventilated, sunshading device, warm and touchable material, rich texture, building consensus with various future customers, walkability, connectivity, visibility, landscape.





The upgrade of commercial consumption space is a reflection of the iterative demand of an urban consumer group. From the improvement of urban functions to the creation of site IP, and now to the urban space with a public character, the commercial consumption space has gradually promoted the social interaction of similar groups of people and softened social relations.

An excellent public space can bring more resonance and interaction to people. In the face of the increasing demand for differentiation, we should not use “standardization” to create a high-quality commercial space, but apply more creativity to write new equations, break more rules and regulations, activate the experience of the applicable people, and keep the space youthful and energetic forever.





Nanchang MIXC, the largest shopping center in Nanchang, was opened In October 2022. It is located in the CBD of Honggutan District, close to the Ganjiang River, and next to the tallest Ferris wheel in Asia. It is positioned as a city landmark integrating high-end business, high-end hotels and business offices. The landmark, once opened, has attracted many people who follow the “trend” of the city.

Adhering to the concept of infinite cross-border and artistic symbiosis, this commercial complex is a brand-new urban complex that integrates natural landscapes and commercial scenes, and upgrades multiple consumption scenes and creative expressions. The project changes the organizational form of the space, takes the central garden as the core, breaks the boundaries and extends outwards, moves the traditional indoor commercial space to the outside, and enhances the public attributes of the site with horizontal micro-power. The combination of commercial consumption space and public space not only enhances people’s sense of experience, but also improves the commercial attributes, giving enough depth and possibility to the improving art public space and diverse humanistic experience in Nanchang MIXC in the future.



绿洲与岛屿-共融 水流消解空间的边界 Oases And Islands


The main body of the MIXC runs through the overall space design in the shape of water. The buildings in the outer blocks are the main body. We sorted out the traffic flow and used the “tidal gravity” of water to attract people to quickly reach the central garden full of rich possibilities. In addition to providing the inner courtyard with the most important check-in destination, it also provides more display space and stage for merchants.


▽花园的“潮汐引力”Tidal Gravity

▽沿街入口广场  Entrance Plaza

▽中心花园入口  Central Garden Entrance



After entering the central garden, the crowd divides the oasis in the site into different island-shaped patches. The building uses the curtain wall as the boundary to accommodate multiple outdoor catering businesses. Customers can also have a rich spatial experience of water plaza, water garden, plant garden, and sunken theater.


▽商业人群流动犹如水流 Customers Flow like Water



Above the atrium, the waterfall falling from the sky garden serves as the visual focus, creating a strong sense of spatial atmosphere while also echoing the water system of the Ganjiang River. The waterfall is composed of a water curtain system, a large cantilevered high-altitude glass plank road and a sightseeing elevator. It not only brings vitality and the sound of gurgling water to the inner garden, but also serves as a carrier of light and shadow shows, providing all-round sensory enjoyment for people wandering in the inner garden at night.


▽从花园看向瀑布与水广场  View To Water Plaza



The dry spray plaza provides people with a water-friendly space, and the dynamic water show adds a bit of agility and vitality here, and creates more possibilities for subsequent holding of various commercial activities.


▽动态的水秀吸引人群驻足 Dynamic Water Show


▽瀑布与水广场成为花园视觉焦点 Water Plaza Becomes Spotlight


花园中的日常-包裹 微观且立体的城市绿洲 Daily In the Garden


水花园 Water Garden


Two distinctive gardens were designed around the waterfall and the water plaza. The building extends toward the inner courtyard like a wave, and shops extend on the east and west sides of the garden. The water garden and plant garden formed on both sides slowly support the building and provide it with a comfortable commercial outdoor space. A series of characteristic spaces such as cuisine street, pleasant outdoor business area, ecological green plants and waterscape are full of unique experiences of “urban micro-vacation”. It is a real three-dimensional urban oasis with easy scenery.

The water garden was planned to combine the guidance of the entrance to allow people to explore the garden with the sound of water and the waterfall as a destination. Meanwhile, the waterscape tightly wraps the building inward, forming an outdoor business area nearby the water.


▽水景包裹的外摆区 Outdoor Business Area Wrapped by Waterscape

▽涌泉树影过滤了城市的喧闹 Green Filters Urban Noise

▽正步入水花园的人群 The Crowd Walking into the Water Garden

▽水花园的日常 Daily Life of the Water Garden


园艺花园 Plant Graden


The plant garden is composed of the garden path and the plant flower border. The pavement of the garden path uses a more disordered proportion and modulus to distinguish the main landscape avenue, so that people can feel closer to the garden. .


▽植物花园嵌入在街区的流线 Walking into the Water Garden

▽花境吸引人群驻足 Flowers Attract People

▽绿色包裹的商业街区 The Commercial Area Wrapped by Plants


下沉的聚场-弹性 艺术公共空间的可能性 A Sinking Place


The theater space is a natural place to gather people. In addition to considering the flow line and height difference, it focuses on preserving the flexibility of the space, allowing people to become the protagonists and providing a place for small commercial events.


▽扶梯穿越林间花境到达-1f  The escalator goes through the flower border to the ground floor

▽下沉剧场成为中心花园人气汇聚地 The sunken theater becomes a popular gathering place.

▽人群自发形成聚合的动态关系The crowd spontaneously form aggregated dynamic relationships.


花园的方向性 The Directional of the garden


铺装—更轻松的到达感 Paving

作为商业最核心的基底,我们对于铺装研究是从铺地的比例开始的。我们有意思的发现当铺装的比例从1:3 到1:2再到1:1后,铺装给人的感受会让人逐步放慢脚步。

The appeal of commercial landscapes often emphasizes efficiency and convenience, so we have been discussing how to reduce and weaken this strong sense of guidance to achieve a balance between the convenience of high-capacity commercial circulation and the leisurely garden experience. Therefore, we provide three construction strategies to achieve it.

As the core substrate of business, our research on paving started with the ratio of paving. We found that the paving would make people walk slowly when the ratio of paving changed from 1:3 to 1:2 till 1:1.


▽铺装比例的研究 Study on paving ratio


水景—更舒适的包裹感 Waterscape


After a series of comparisons and research on waterscape height, slope and surface texture, the overall height was controlled at 450-600mm. That is best for people.


▽水景推敲过程 Waterscape study


植物—更放松的氛围感 Plant


To create an overall relaxed resort feel, the planting design is an important element. We carefully consider the matching of different forms and the sense of combination of color and height. Under the overall green base, different spaces are organized in different atmospheres and textures, generating a variety of emotions and experiences for people in the garden.


▽植物的选择与质感 Plant selection



As Kenya mentioned, the beauty of a garden does not lie in those wonderful features created by a designer, in fact, its beauty is unveiled through a constant process of cleaning. We hope to create a garden for visitors lived nearby can slow down in their busy lives and discover the kindness and beauty of the garden.




灯光设计:HDA*MEGGA ART 汉都设计

Title: Nanchang MIXC
Client: China Resources Land (Central China Region)
Landscape Design: Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd.
Architectural Design: Urbanplot
Lighting Design: HDA*MEGGA ART
Area: 81347m²
Location: No. 388, Xuefu Avenue, Honggutan District, Nanchang
Completion Date: Oct. 2022
Photography: Nancy Studio




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