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Tideland Studio:在奥胡斯Godsbanen地区的一条窄巷中,New Ark装置为人们带来了新的艺术体验,它鼓励人们对躯体、建筑和快速变化的气候进行思索。
Tideland Studio: In a narrow alley in the Godsbanen area of Aarhus, New Ark can be found – an artistic experience that encourages reflection on the body, architecture, and the rapid changes of the climate.
▽三个“救生圈”仿佛是从屋顶上扔下来一样,嵌在混凝土路面中,激起层层涟漪 As if thrown from the rooftops, the three lifebuoys lie embedded in the concrete surface, creating ripples.

艺术与气候 Art and Climate
New Ark位于奥胡斯建筑学院附近,这个50米长的艺术品由起伏的混凝土砖和抛光钢制救生圈构成。建筑师与艺术家相互合作,共同完成了这个独特的装置作品,它旨在将狭窄的过道改造成具有超高艺术价值的城市空间。
New Ark is constructed near Aarhus School of Architecture and consists of a 50-meter-long artwork made of undulating concrete tiles and polished steel lifebuoys. It is the result of a unique collaboration between architects and artists to transform a narrow passage into an urban space of high artistic value.

To address one of our time’s greatest challenges, the team has focused on water – an element with both alluring and destructive properties.

As if thrown from the city’s rooftops, the three lifebuoys lie embedded in the concrete surface, creating ripples. Using digital simulations, the movement of the water has been captured in the split second when the three lifebuoys touch the water. Waves and splashes are captured in minute detail, providing a fascinating insight into water’s otherwise ephemeral nature.

▽地面细节 The Details

向场所致敬 A tribute to the place
The presence of water in the alley serves as a warning of rising sea levels, but also as a tribute to the invisible history of the place. The artwork is located on a site that, 100 years ago, was a flooded natural landscape.

When visiting the place today, one can rest on the lifebuoys, whose mirror-like surfaces bring the sky down to the street and distort the architecture’s stringent lines.

The waves in the tiles create a dynamic walking experience that prompts passersby to reflect on the relationship between the rhythm of the body and that of the waves. In this way, the alleys’ elongated character is utilized to create a surprising and sensory experience amidst the bustle of the city.

▽项目平面 Project Plan

规模:250 m2
项目地点:丹麦 奥胡斯
景观建筑设计:Tideland Studio + Rumgehør + Stine Rosdahl-Petersen
首席设计:Tideland Studio + Rumgehør
设计团队:Simon Strøyer, Rasmus R B Maabjerg 和 Stine Rosdahl-Petersen
照片来源:Niels Rysz Olsen and Tideland Studio
Project Name: New Ark
Completion Year: 2023
Scale: 250 m2
Project Location: Aarhus, Denmark
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Tideland Studio + Rumgehør + Stine Rosdahl-Petersen
Website: tidelandstudio.dk
Contact e-mail: hello@tidelandstudio.dk
Lead Architects: Tideland Studio + Rumgehør
Design Team: Simon Strøyer, Rasmus R B Maabjerg and Stine Rosdahl-Petersen
Clients: Aarhus School of Architecture and Aarhus municipality
Collaborators: odico
Photo Credits: Niels Rysz Olsen and Tideland Studio
“ 救生圈形态的镜面装置“掉落”在小巷之中,硬质路面仿佛泛起涟漪一般,引发人们对于水的思考。”
审稿编辑: 阿毛
更多 Read more about: Tideland Studio