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JTL Studio 新加坡:宁波沐拾,作为万科拾系的首发交付楼盘——设计时间约在四年到五年前。如同拾系传达的气质,我们希望整体的社区氛围是文艺的、松弛的,能在与自然的野趣与细致的景观设计里,感受生活。

JTL Studio:Ningbo Mushi, the inaugural project of Vanke’s “Shi” series, was designed approximately four to five years ago. Reflecting the ethos conveyed by the “Shi” series, we aim to create a community atmosphere that is artistic and relaxed, allowing residents to experience life amidst the natural charm and meticulous landscape design.



01 内向居所 Introverted Residence


We hope Mushi offers a relatively secluded and not overly exposed feeling, allowing residents to have a sense of journeying home. The entrance design of the project is rather introverted, with no prominent gateway, instead, it is made to be quite discreet.


▽隐秘的归家入口 A secret entrance to the home



The small entrance in the southern area, due to planning constraints, is designed to feel as open as possible within the limited space. It features a water body and a surrounding corridor. Beyond the ceremonial foyer, clean and neat corridors are interspersed with small pocket gardens, creating an external visual experience for the corridor.


▽转折回廊 Turning cloister

▽回廊口袋花园 Cloister pocket garden



The project is bordered by a river and a riverside green space that is yet to be developed. The EVA and boundary treatments are quite intricate. In terms of planning, the project aims to integrate the riverside area as part of the entire larger community. The planning seeks to minimize the adverse impact of the fire access areas, and the public activities within the community are thus considered to be positioned around the periphery. The riverside green space will also be transformed into a wellness park for future use by the residents.


▽自然包裹的沿河景观 Nature wrapped along the river landscape


02 水榭林间 Water among the woods


Due to the architectural layout, the landscape space is fragmented by the buildings, resulting in relatively small individual spaces. We aim to find a landscape axis to connect these fragmented spaces together.


▽场地空间布局动图 Site space layout GIF



We use the linearity of plants and hardscape to delineate and interweave the spaces. The exterior entrance space is screened with greenery to create a more introverted entryway. Upon entering the larger community, the human-scale spaces feel relatively small. Therefore, while seeking spatial connectivity, we proposed the concept of “Water among the Woods”—considering a few buildings as units situated on water bodies. The continuous water system is used to reflect the overall cohesion of the space.


▽内部中庭景观 Interior atrium view



When we use landscaping to merge the spaces between these buildings, the interior of the water features winding garden paths lined with tall trees. These trees are planted close to the water and near the pathways, significantly diminishing the oppressive feeling caused by the buildings. This creates a spatial imagery of the “Water among the Woods”. As we walk through this area, we focus on the tree canopies, which soften the hard edges of the high-rise buildings. We then proceed alongside the water.



03 微风草坪 Breezy Lawn


In the only diagonal visual corridor, the landscape aims to break the sense of confinement and narrowness of the space. By interspersing plantings, the community space feels open, leading into the second complete space within the community—a section with relatively greater depth and distance between buildings.




We aim to make the most of the community’s most open area by turning this space into an open lawn. This lawn is not isolated but connected to adjacent functional clusters. The breeze from the riverside flows through the buildings, which is why we call it the “Breezy Lawn.”




The Breezy Lawn also connects to the second landscape courtyard. We aim to use landscaping to integrate the scattered layout so that people can experience a cohesive landscape at eye level. Here, we provide open corridors that accommodate both movement and rest, rather than just being transitional spaces. Deliberately, we made the corridors winding and interspersed with more resting areas.




Facing the children’s area, the lawn includes a multifunctional pergola that not only serves the supervision needs of the children’s zone but also meets the requirements of the surrounding area. The central part of the pergola aligns with the gable end of the building, minimizing its impact on the aerial visual effect of the fifth facade.



04 轻松明快 Relaxed and Bright


Using a clean and straightforward design approach, we envision a community that is artistic, niche, and relaxed and bright.


▽简洁干净的线条语言勾勒社区环境 Clean and clean line language delineates the community environment



Within the community, we use many 1.8-meter tall hedges to softly enclose spaces. These hedges, with their substantial form, are combined not only with hard landscape walls but also with soft plantings. In addition to the hedges, we incorporate many loose and soft plant layers, creating a scene that is both refined and relaxed.


▽自然舒适的生活场景 Natural and comfortable living scene



Mushi does not solely pursue natural wildness; in this residential area, our sense of refinement comes from a relaxed, leisurely vacation atmosphere. We have installed ceiling fans on our pergolas, making the outdoor resting and gathering spaces more comfortable.




Next to the Breezy Lawn, there are some terraces equipped with lounge chairs and pergolas designed to accommodate family gatherings and activities like barbecues on weekends. The pergolas themselves feature large cantilevered spaces without structural columns, creating a highly open and transparent spatial experience. This design ensures that the view is focused on the foreground of the space.




Our children’s activity area is designed to be very relaxed, using imported natural wood equipment to create a natural environment that encourages children to explore on their own. Adjacent to this area is a sensory garden, where children can be seen running and playing. This scene, typically found in parks or gardens, is instead part of our high-density residential community. The flexible and soft foundation of the community provides a rich and relaxed experience for a variety of people.


▽嬉戏于儿童活动场和种植认知园的孩子们 Children playing in the children’s playground and planting awareness garden


结语 The End



Four or five years after the design was completed, as we look back at Mushi’s implementation and its interaction with customers, it aligns with our long-held vision of enduring landscape aesthetics.

In this project, we avoided excessive decorative techniques and emphasis. Instead, we focused on creating a detailed and warmer experience at a more intimate and human scale. Despite the multiple possibilities for landscape expression, we still aim to understand and pursue long-lasting landscape aesthetics over time. It’s not about immediate impact, but about appreciating the essence of life through long-term immersion in the future.




景观设计:JTL Studio Pte. Ltd, 新加坡办公室
设计团队:Pax Ju,  Bannapanya Chanaphat, Geronimo A. Miflores, Mark Santos
摄影:Chill Shine丘文三映
媒体:E-ar TARS




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