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Thanks HIBINOSEKKEI,Inc for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by HIBINOSEKKEI,Inc.
HIBINOSEKKEI:This is a private house whose owner values living with nature rather than living in a city, so here people can feel the four seasons in Japan and at the same time feels the signs of people and things.

In order to feel the four seasons, it was necessary to create and arrange a garden where you can feel the four seasons, and in order to feel the signs of people and things, it was necessary to be aware of the continuity of the space and design it.
▼住宅入口 Residential entrance

▼自然散置的入口景观 Naturally scattered entrance landscape

▼入口条石台阶、汀步 Entrance stone steps, stepping steps

▼自然营造的绿植空间 Green space created by nature

▼入口夜景 Entrance night view

Then, I thought that it was important to connect the garden and the room so that I could experience it as well as visually, and I was particular about the arrangement and size of the windows, how to open and close the fittings, and how the wind and light entered.
▼入口玄关通廊 Entrance hallway

▼精致的细节 Exquisite details

As a result, we have realized a mechanism that allows you to always feel the connection with the adjacent space and the outside, such as the courtyard that you can see when you enter the entrance and the outside that you can see from the corridor.
▼透过走廊的开窗看向庭院 Looking to the courtyard through the window of the corridor

▼走廊的条窗引入自然光线 The corridor windows bring in natural light

▼走廊与庭院相连接 Corridor connects with courtyard

Realize a rich eating habit in the bathroom where you can experience as if you are in the bathroom, and in the kitchen facing the garden where seasonal plants and ingredients are arranged, you can feel the blue sky, the flow of clouds, the moonlight, etc. even when you sleep. The bedroom and living room are connected to the main garden through a terrace with a deep eave, so that you can always feel the scent of the season.
▼开放的浴室将自然引入室内 The open bathroom introduces nature into the interior

▼开放式的厨房 Open kitchen

▼面朝庭院的客厅 The living room facing the courtyard

▼在与庭院相接的大露台,感受四季 Feel the four seasons on the large terrace connected to the courtyard

Furthermore, it is premised that all the building materials used inside and outside the building will be selected from natural materials or naturally derived materials and will be aged. This is because I think that seeing the process of aging due to sunlight and wind and rain also leads to feeling nature.
▼整体使用纯天然的材料 The whole use of pure natural materials

▼纯天然木材的隔墙与天花板 Partition walls and ceilings made of pure natural wood

▼卧室,以大面积的玻璃窗使其自然采光 The bedroom is naturally lit by large glass windows
In the modern society where the number of counterfeits that are close to the real thing has increased due to the development of technology, in this house it is possible to improve the life by adjusting the original functions of human beings by being able to face the real things such as nature and people. I’m expecting it.
▼平面图 Plan
▼立面图 Elevation
▼剖面图 Section
项目名:OH House
照片摄影:Kenjiro Yoshimi、Yasu Kojima
Project Name: OH House
Address: Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan
Purpose: Private house
Site area:997.58㎡
Building area:212.25㎡
Total floor area:183.88㎡
Structure: Wooden, single storey
Completion: December 2020
Photo Credit:Kenjiro Yoshimi, Yasu Kojima (the photographer’s name is written in the title of each photo)
“ 设计师有意识的将空间进行连通,从每一个细节上亲近自然,体现追求大自然和人的本真。”
审稿编辑 王琪 – Maggie
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