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Thanks Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects.
Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects:The overall location of the project is at east of Shanghai Yangpu bridge, which belongs to the south part of Yangpu Riverfront. This area was originally called “Yangshupu Industrial Belt”——an industrial agglomeration area south of Yangshupu Road, adjacent to Huangpu River, starting from Qinhuangdao Road in the west and ending at Liping Road in the east.
▽项目视频 Video
-总体规划与定位 Overall Planning and Orientation
From west to east, it spans six historic factories, namely, Power Station Auxiliary West Building, National Cotton No. 9 Factory, Power Station Auxiliary East Building, Shanghai Soap Factory, Yangshupu Coal yard and Gasworks. It covers an area of about 150,000 square meters and has about 1.2 kilometers of waterfront. As the birthplace of modern industry in Shanghai, the industrial zone along the riverside stretches for tens of miles and has the characteristics of early time, multiple types, wide distribution and large scale. The public space takes the dense industrial factory area (300-500m section) as the design node, reflecting the demand for spatial diversity.
▽杨浦滨江二期工程完工后夜景鸟瞰 Aerial view of the night scene after the completion of the Yangpu Riverside Phase II project

▽建成场地鸟瞰 Aerial view of the built site

Following the completion of the Pudong Minsheng Wharf Reconnection project, three independent firms, Atelier Z+, Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects and Atelier Deshaus, has been invited to participate in the preliminary planning and concept of the Yangpu riverfront public space since 2018. Further more, a joint working group was organized in a cluster mode, which was led by Atelier Z+ to complete the whole process design and section area deep design. Ultimately, it hopes to achieve limited intervention and low impact development. With minimum manual intervention, the authenticity of industrial docks is retained to the maximum extent.
In addition the overall planning and connection design, Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects also take in charge of the deep design and construction coordination of the area of Yangpu riverfront Power Station Auxiliary East Building.
▽场地原始状况鸟瞰 Aerial view of the original condition of the site

-电站辅机厂东厂 Power Plant Auxiliary Plant East Plant
场地为上海电站辅机厂东厂原址。历史时期由铜梁路为界,1949年前, 分别属于一战时期建立的三井木工厂及1921年间建立的慎昌洋行工厂。其中,慎昌洋行工厂专业制造机器,在三十年代,曾先后参与上海等地包含龙华机场,外滩中国银行等重要工程。
It is the former site of Shanghai Power Station Auxiliary Equipment Works East Building. The historical period is bounded by Tongliang Road. Before 1949, it belonged to the Mitsui Wood Factory established during the First World War and the Shenchang Yangxing Factory established in 1921. Among them, Shenchang Yangxing factory specializes in manufacturing machines. In the 1930s, it has participated in important projects in Shanghai and other places including Longhua Airport, Bank of China on the Bund and so on.
▽原始场地 Original venue

1952年,两厂与慎昌洋行在杨树浦路西侧另一厂区合并为浦江机器厂,本区域称之为东厂;并于1953年成立上海锅炉厂。1980年电站辅机厂由锅炉厂分出独立经营,分为东西两厂,成为国内规格最大, 品种最多的电站辅机制造专业企业,以及我国核电设备制造的骨干企业。2004年,东厂内原慎昌洋行地块,作为上海滨江创意产业园试行,运行期间对上海及亚洲地区老厂房保护及功能再造多有启发。
In 1952, the two factories and Shenchang Yangxing merged with another factory on the west side of Yangshupu Road to form the Pujiang Machinery Factory, which was called the East Factory; and in 1953, the Shanghai Boiler Factory was established. In 1980, the Power Plant Auxiliary Equipment Factory was separated from the Boiler Factory for independent operation and divided into two factories, East and West. It has become a professional enterprise in the manufacture of power station auxiliary equipment with the largest specifications and the most varieties in China, as well as a backbone enterprise in the manufacture of nuclear power equipment in my country. In 2004, the original Shenchang Yangxing site in the East Factory was put into trial operation as Shanghai Binjiang Creative Industry Park. During the operation, it was very inspiring for the protection and functional reconstruction of old factories in Shanghai and Asia.
▽施工过程 Construction process

-设计策略与景观布局 Design Strategy and Landscape Layout
The design aims to preserve the wildness, freshness, nature and downshifting character of the site by adopting the concept of limited disturbance. The existing camphor trees are retained and one of the former warehouses is transformed into an open Pavilion of Symbiosis. The design also takes into consideration the historical texture of the site and introduces a system of pedestrian routes and bicycle paths. The newly built elements, Garden of Vestige, Meadow in Succession and Eco Pond, are established through historic relics, the canal and building remains, and as the skeleton to the landscape. As an ensemble, the site provides visitors different touches of landscape when strolling inside, and together they make the East Campus an everyday landscape Which not only functions as the riverside open space for city life, but also offers fun and diversity similar to traditional gardens in the Yangtze River Delta.
▽概念草图 Concept sketch

▽场地彩平图 Site Plan

▽景观轴测爆炸图 Concept AXO_Landscape

▽场地鸟瞰 A bird’s-eye view of the venue

共生构架 Pavilion of Symbiosis
共生构架原为锅炉厂(1953-1979)期间建成的老厂房,因安浦路通过而需要被拆除; 设计利用道路斜切角度,对原结构采取一半拆除、一半保留的加固策略,所形成的特殊形态和几何关系,结合新旧门窗洞口,打开屋顶,引入阳光和绿化, 加入亲子沙坑、景观造坡,使墙里墙外形成一体。
An old factory building of Shanghai Boiler Works (1953-1979) was set for demolition due to road planning. By analyzing the angle and orientation of the planned traffic road, the design proposed to retain and reinforce half of the original building to form a unique structure and geometric condition. The roof was opened up to let in sunshine and to allow the growth of new green vegetation from within. Preserved as well as newly installed doors and windows, sandpit for kids, and the landscape coteau make the whole structure an integrated whole.
▽共生构架结构轴侧爆炸图 Concept AXO_Structure

▽场地上遗留厂房改造后 After the renovation of the remaining factory building on the site

▽打开之后的共生构架 Symbiosis framework after opening

▽规划道路穿越原有厂房,设计采取一半拆除一半保留的策略 The road is planned to pass through the original factory building, and the design adopts a strategy of half demolishing and half retaining

▽半拆半留的共生构架 Semi-demolition and half-stay symbiotic framework

▽共生构架下的活动空间 Activity space under the symbiotic framework

▽加固后的建筑墙体和内外融合的景观空间 Reinforced building walls and landscape spaces that integrate inside and outside

▽打开屋顶的共生构架 Open roof symbiosis framework

▽因路穿越而半拆半留的共生构架 A symbiotic structure that is half demolished and half left due to road crossing

▽共生构架下的亲子沙坑活动区 Parent-child sandpit activity area under the symbiotic framework

既保留了老锅炉厂的空间样貌, 又转化成了供市民休憩活动的开放场所,成为建筑与景观、历史与城市的共生构架。
By preserving and restoring the original space and partial structure of the Boiler Works, the Pavilion of Symbiosis functions as an open space for all citizens, fusing together architecture and landscape, history and city.
▽厂房改造后的共生构架及跑步道 Symbiosis structure and running track after factory renovation

▽融入草甸自然的共生构架 A symbiotic framework that integrates into the nature of the meadow

▽现场保留的原樟树林 The original camphor forest preserved on site

印记花园 Garden of Vestige
在原厂房的轮廓上, 以原建筑破碎后再利用的材料砌牆, 再现了原场地的遗迹; 并透过景观堆坡与园路的引入, 将室内的办公空间转化成了花园的日常, 与漫步道一同, 联繫了工业厂区与黄浦江河岸景观。
The demolished fragments of the original building are reused to build a wall representing the remains of the former sites. A landscape slope and garden paths lead to the Garden of Vestige and the indoor office space is transformed into a garden space. The garden, linked up with the riverside paths, offers both views of Huangpu Riverside and Yangpu industrial zone.
▽印记花园石笼挡土墙 Imprint Garden Gabion Retaining Wall

▽石笼挡土墙 Gabion retaining wall

▽融入自然的石笼挡土墙 Naturally integrated gabion retaining wall

▽印记花园游园般的景观步径 Imprint Garden’s garden-like landscaped walks

野趣区 Meadow in Succession
在原内河及厂房遗址上, 以混凝土砌块牆的手法重现原厂房空间, 并透过人工化草甸概念, 鼓励参与与观察, 在草甸变迁与演化的过程中,体会上海的四季。
Walls made of concrete blocks contained within the Gabion baskets are built on the former site of canal and factory buildings to represent the original factory building relics. The man-made meadow also encourages visitors to observe the growth and decay of vegetation and to experience the four seasons of Shanghai.
▽草甸植栽图 Vegetation Plan

▽野趣区完工后 After the wild area is completed

▽野趣区游步径 Wild area walking trail

▽向野草甸 Xiangye Meadow

▽三十个草籽品种,八个组合的向野草甸 Thirty grass seed varieties, eight combinations of wild meadows

生态水池 Eco Pond
生态水池利用海绵城市技术, 聚集了场地裡的雨水到原厂房/內河的遗址上并与地下水位相连接。它是人与黄浦江自然的联系, 也是亲子亲水之所。
Applying the techniques of sponge city, the Eco Pond collects rainwater of the site and is connected with the ground water, the Eco Pond brings out natural accesses to Huangpu River for visitors to enjoy. It brought out a natural access between visitors and the Huangpu River, while providing the ground for leisure activities.
▽随季节水位而变化的生态水池 Ecological pools that change with seasonal water levels

▽共生构架与雨水花园夜景 Symbiosis framework and rain garden night view

▽A-A+B-B剖面图 Section

▽共生构架立剖图 Pavilion of Symbiosis Section 1

▽共生构架立剖图2 Pavilion of Symbiosis Section 2

▽野趣区E-E剖面图 Section of Wild Interest Area

▽生态水池区C-C剖面 Section of ecological pool area

▽石笼挡土墙_大样节点图 Gabion retaining wall_Large sample node diagram

▽印记花园区_大样节点图_保留闸门剖面 Imprint Garden Area_Large sample node diagram_Reserved gate section

基地面积:11147.6 平方米
主要景观材料: 透水沥青混凝土、風化花崗岩、现场混凝土砌块、黄石、钢板氟碳喷涂
摄影: 陈颢、田方方
Project Name: Shanghai Yangpu Riverfront Power Station Auxiliary East Building
Location: Yangpu district, Shanghai
Type: Landscape & Infrastructure
Site Area: 11147.6 sqm
Design Stage: 2017-2018
Construction Stage: 2018-2019
Client: Shanghai Yangpu Riverside Investment and Development Co., Ltd.
Overall Plan & Design Team: Atelier Z+, Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects, Atelier Deshaus
Cooperation Team: CONCOM STUDIO, YIYU Design, Laurent Landscape &Architects Firm
Power Station Auxiliary Equipment Works East Campus Design Development: Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects
Design Principal: Liu Yuyang
Project Leader: Yi-fong Kuo
Design Team: Chen Zhuoran, Liang Xiao, Wang Yihan
Structure Consultant: Structure AND Architecture Office
Lighting Consultant: Shanghai Fubaolai Landscape Lighting Design Co., Ltd.
Hydraulic Engineering: CCCC Water Transportation Consultants Co., Ltd.
Landscape Water & Electricity: GUIXI Landscape Studio
Local Design Institute: CCDI China Construction Design International
Contractor: Shanghai Gardens Group Co., Ltd. (Land), Shanghai Hydraulic Engineering Group Co., Ltd.(Water)
Main Landscape Material: Porous Pervious Concrete、Decomposed granite、Concrete block、Yellowstone、Fluorocarbon Coated Steel Plate
Photography: Chen Hao、Tian Fangfang
“ 历史遗址的旧厂房,在低扰动的介入方式下进行修复与重建,让其成为人们所喜爱的休闲娱乐公共空间。”
审稿编辑: 王琪 Maggie
更多 Read more about: 劉宇揚建築事務所