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L&A GROUP: Welcome to the Qilin Joy Magic Village at Longgang Children’s Park in Shenzhen!

Hello everyone! We are the Qilin family that guards Longgang Children’s Park in Shenzhen—Village Chief, Lightning, Aisen, Waterdrop, Catchwind, and Meili.

Long, long ago, we used magic to create a joyful village in this beautiful valley, which includes 10 major unpowered facilities such as the Secret Scroll, Catchwind Climbing, Giant Bird Slope, Qilin Valley, Dream Tree Net, Elf Forest, Magic Water Ring, Lychee Ball, Sugar Heart Workshop, and Seed Warehouse. We look forward to young warriors coming to challenge them!

Today, Aisen will lead everyone to bravely venture through the Elf Forest and complete the many challenges set by the Insect Guard Team!





Hello, I’m Aisen, a little Qilin who guards the forest. I have formed the Forest Guard Team with insects and set up a “trap” in the Elf Forest.

Young warriors, come and challenge with me!



第一关:唠叨大蜘蛛 First Challenge: The Chatty Big Spider

嘿,你们这些小虫子!Hey, you little bugs!




As you step into the Elf Forest, the entrance guard, the eight-legged Big Spider, is ready to give you a bit of “color” to see: “Hey, you little bugs! Who are you?” “They’re all afraid of me, I’ll show you my super nest! Do you want to be friends with me?”

The Big Spider actually spoke! Accompanied by the creaking sound of its crawling and the continuous spread of cool mist, the children were both surprised and delighted, screaming and running away.

Congratulations on escaping the Big Spider’s clutches! Next, there are more challenges guarded by different insect spirits waiting for you!



第二关:巨网陷阱 Second Challenge: The Giant Web Trap

想通关?先问问我的网答不答应!Want to pass? Ask my web first!


The challenge has just begun, and a huge spider web is right in front of the children. But the young warriors of the Elf Forest will not be scared! Holding hands and heart to heart, they struggle to crawl forward and finally pass through the Giant Web Trap.




Suddenly, a young warrior on the edge of the web found a “ballet-dancing” Big Spider. The children curiously looked around and asked, “What’s its name?” “Does it bite people?” “What do spiders eat?” “Does it like the Elf Forest?”




With “ten thousand whys,” the children quickly found the answers on the nearby science knowledge signs—it’s the Argiope bruennichi, the largest web-spinning spider in China!




It turns out that from the design to the implementation of the Elf Forest, great attention was paid to the protection of the ecological environment. While playing, children can unexpectedly encounter small insects such as spiders, butterflies, and dragonflies, and learn natural knowledge that matches the local ecology and species on the science signs, truly allowing children to get close to nature, understand it, and love it.



第三关:飞跃丛林 Third Challenge: Leaping Through the Jungle

挑战难度升级!劝退?The challenge level is increasing! Are you discouraged?


The challenge is slowly getting harder, and the title of young warrior is not so easily earned! The 12-meter-long Elf Suspension Bridge is the most popular, with children competing to see who can run across the fastest.




Feeling the bridge sway under their脚尖, relying on wisdom and strength to reach the other side, this Elf Suspension Bridge has become an unforgettable landscape on their growth journey.




Then, ants, butterflies, dragonflies, and mantises also set up a “formation”: suspension bridges, swinging log bridges, climbing nets, and slides surround the Elf Forest into a “trap.”




Children need to use their balance and coordination, concentrate on all their senses and muscles, or cooperate with others to stimulate a positive and optimistic attitude of love and friendship to successfully pass the challenge.




Even if you get tired, it’s okay. Along the vertical climbing net in the tower, you can smoothly return to the ground~



第四关:森林音乐会 Fourth Challenge: The Forest Concert

神秘的歌声到底是谁?Who is the mysterious singer?

突然,不远处传来神秘的“歌声”。原来, 是孩子们在敲击立式管风琴,悦耳的旋律随风流淌,欢乐的气氛萦绕了整个精灵森林。

Suddenly, a mysterious “song” came from not far away. It turned out to be the children hitting the vertical organ, with the pleasant melody flowing with the wind, enveloping the entire Elf Forest in a joyful atmosphere.





The interactive game device simulating a beehive, every time a button is hit, a light point will randomly move, just like the little bees running around everywhere~

The nearby flora and fauna science signs also tell children about insects, plants, soil, water resources, and wilderness survival through vivid pictures and texts, combining education with entertainment.



第五关:蝎子大滑梯 Fifth Challenge: The Scorpion Big Slide

期待最勇敢的小朋友 Looking forward to the bravest child


Do you dare to challenge the longest slide in the forest? A full 20 meters! The “villain” Scorpion hides deep in the forest, saving its big move~ When someone passes by, it will make a sound and spray “to show off.”




With a flick of its tail, a big slide appears. This is the most difficult, most exciting, and most fun challenge in the forest, and also the last one. Slide down from the sky and race through childhood!




The Scorpion Tower is also the highest point in the Elf Forest, offering a panoramic view of the entire children’s park.




Back on the ground, the simulated beach and stone steps are not only fun but also provide a low-age playground and a parent rest area, allowing parents to participate in co-creation or rest and wait.





01 亲子文旅受热捧 Parent-child cultural tourism is popular


My “bug” challenge is also very popular with children.

Longgang Children’s Park, as a new benchmark for child-friendly parks in the Bay Area, has had a positive impact on the local economy and society since the opening of the “Qilin Joy Magic Village” unpowered amusement park created by Aoya Luojia:

Taking the popular Elf Forest in the unpowered amusement park as an example, by simulating the natural environment of insects, combining physical amusement with knowledge popularization, it has become the unpowered equipment with the most calorie consumption and the highest enthusiasm for parent-child participation. It not only enhances the park’s experiential and educational aspects but also further improves the attractiveness of Longgang as a parent-child cultural tourism destination.



02 拉动各行业增长 Driving growth in various industries



During the Spring Festival just passed, Longgang Children’s Park received more than 240,000 visitors in 8 days, setting a new record for the number of visitors! The consumption generated by tourists has also boosted the supporting services such as catering, retail, and hotels around the park, promoting regional economic development.

Come and chat with the designer The story behind the Elf Forest!




Q: What was the inspiration for creating the Elf Forest?

A: When we initially surveyed the site, we found that this small valley had a rich ecological diversity, with a large number of insects appearing and disappearing. We realized that these insects were indispensable residents here, so we decided to use insects as the IP theme for the Elf Forest. Through artistic design and creativity, we recorded and showcased the cute and interesting side of insects, hoping to help children eliminate their fear of insects and cultivate their understanding of insects, respect for nature, and love for the environment.





为了让精灵森林融于青翠山谷中,又不失辨识度和神秘感,我们精选了具有层次感的绿色作为昆虫主题装饰的颜色, 加上恰到好处的深棕色构成廊桥和通道,甚至把栏杆都做成了树枝的形状,就是为了高度还原我们梦中精灵森林的模样。

Q: How was the mysterious and wonderful atmosphere of the Elf Forest created?

A: The Elf Forest is built in a small valley, surrounded by dense vegetation. Adhering to the basic principle of protecting the ecology, we retained many trees to the greatest extent.

To blend the Elf Forest into the lush valley without losing its recognizability and mystery, we carefully selected layered greens as the color for the insect theme decorations, complemented by just the right amount of dark brown to construct the corridors and passages. We even made the railings into the shape of tree branches, all to highly reproduce the Elf Forest we dreamed of.




When night falls, the “insects” that perch on the branches and leaves will turn into点点荧光, leading children into the wonderful night of the Elf Forest.









Q: For children of different physical abilities, what special considerations have been made for the play route settings?

A: We have divided the Elf Forest into four play levels from one to four stars according to the difficulty of the challenge:

One-star difficulty Jungle Crossing (yellow line), mainly consisting of easy climbing nets, suspension bridges, and interactive game devices;

Two-star difficulty Forest Exploration (pink line), including vertical climbing nets and butterfly slide, increasing the fun factor;

Three-star difficulty Forest Courage Adventure (blue line), the most exciting Scorpion Big Slide is reserved for the bravest children;

Four-star difficulty Forest Physical Challenge (green line), this section not only has the highest altitude but also the greatest difficulty. Children must pass through three different types of log bridges in succession to be considered successful, testing their balance and endurance.






Q: How does the popular Elf Forest address the issue of crowd congestion?

A: We put operational thinking first and paid special attention to the design of the people flow lines for the corridors and passages in the Elf Forest. By setting up a single entrance and multiple exits, and retaining emergency evacuation channels, we effectively solved the problem of crowd guidance, making the overall operation smoother.





Q: How is the safety of children playing on the soft suspension bridge in the forest ensured?

A: The soft suspension bridge is loved by children for its fun and interactive experience, but their frequent activities on the bridge, especially behaviors like bouncing, may bring safety hazards.





Therefore, we have increased the number of bridge cables to form a double insurance, thus ensuring that the suspension bridge maintains high playability while also meeting strict safety standards, providing a safe play environment for children.



项目类型:儿童友好 非动力 自然教育
实施单位:奥雅深圳公司 洛嘉组

Project Name: Shenzhen Longgang Children’s Park – Elf Forest
Project Location: Shenzhen Longgang Children’s Park
Project Type: Child-friendly, Non-powered, Nature Education
Construction Unit: Longgang District Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement
Bureau Construction Agent: Shenzhen Tianjian Real Estate Group Co., Ltd.
Supervision Unit: Shenzhen Heng Hao Construction Project Management Co., Ltd.
Implementation Unit: Shenzhen L&A Design Holding Limited, Luojia Group
Operation Unit: Overseas Chinese Town Culture Group Co., Ltd.




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