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Thanks Gummy Gue for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Gummy Gue.
Gummy Gue:滑板公园是我们为“Subsidenze”艺术节设计的项目,该艺术节由意大利北部的拉文纳市政府举办,是当地一年一度的重要节日。
Gummy Gue: The project that Gummy Gue proposes for the municipality of ravenna is part of Subsidenze, an an-nual event dedicated to public art in the city of Ravenna, north Italy.

▼鸟瞰图 Aerial view

滑板公园坐落在一片新改造的市区中,靠近拉文纳的历史中心——Darsena Popup,这是一个沿着河岸建造的休闲运动综合体,由Officina Meme设计建造。 通过反复引用集装箱元素呼应港口环境,为该区打造了一个新地标,场地内还设有体育设施、酒吧和餐馆。
The skatepark is nestled in a newly refurbished urban area, close to the historic center of Ravenna, the Darsena Popup, a recreational and sports complex built along the banks on the river, designed and realized by Officina Meme. A new point of reference realized by the reuse of containers typical of port context, an area that houses sports facilities, pubs and restaurants.
▼场地反复引用集装箱元素 The reuse of containers

▼休闲运动场 A recreational and sports complex

Though the use of abstract codes, the intervention covers the entire skatepark, offering the possibil-ity os sensory and perceptive involvement in those who cross the surface. Soft shapes and curved lines suggest the idea of movement generated by skaters and bikers on ramps colors seek to high-light the surface’s three-dimensionality, offering an immediate ability to read volumes.
▼细节 Detail

▼3d模型 3d model

面积:230 平方米
景观/建筑公司:Gummy Gue
主创:Marco Mangione
设计团队:Andrea Mangione、Carmelo Mangione、Marco Mangione
合作者:Subsidenze、Officina Meme
摄影:bd studio
Project name: Skatepark
Completion Year: 2017
Size: 230 m2
Project location: Ravenna
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Gummy Gue
Website: http://gummygue.com/
Contact e-mail: dinologo.gue@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Marco Mangione
Design Team: Andrea Mangione, Carmelo Mangione, Marco Mangione
Clients: Municipality of Ravenna
Collaborators: Subsidenze, Officina Meme
Photo credits: bd studio
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