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RDH Architects:在多伦多以西约45分钟路程的布兰普顿市,斯普林代尔图书馆(Springdale Library)和驹形丸公园(Komagata Maru Park)成为郊区社区新的公共图书馆和社区公园。RDHA设计事务所的目标是创造一个包容性的聚会场所,与平坦的郊区相互映衬,成为城市的骄傲。
RDH Architects: In the City of Brampton, about 45 minutes west of Toronto, the Springdale Library and Komagata Maru Park provides the suburban community with a new public library and community park. RDHA’s goal was to create an inclusive gathering place, a counterpoint to the otherwise flat suburban area, and a point of pride for the city.
▼铝幕墙、落地窗和钢柱自然地无缝衔接 The connections between the aluminum curtain wall, the floor-to-ceiling windows and the steel, tubular columns appear seamless and effortless

The project site was physically constrained, framed by a commercial plaza to the east, a main road to the south, and a natural ravine to the north and west. The architects positioned the library as close to the street as possible, in order to solidify the building’s presence with the street, preserve the site’s natural topography and irrigation patterns, and channel interior views towards the ravine. This siting also maximized room in the rear for a neighbourood park, and a parking and drop-off sequence with a canopied entry forecourt.
▼不规则的建筑形态灵感源于场地的三角形几何形式 The irregularly shaped building was inspired by the overall triangular geometry of the site

RDHA designed a project that would be as much about a building as it is about establishing a landscape: from the organically shaped perimeter that joins building and courtyards; and the creation of an undulating topography between the fluidly shaped ceiling and mountainous green roof; and the sloping floor slab of the interior and the flat landscape of the park. The park is comprised of a series of terraced contemplative gardens for older users as well as a splashpad and childrens’ play area organized around the word “Imagine.” The five-metre-high letters are oriented in both horizontal and vertical planes and become an interactive feature for the children to discover.

▼图书馆外是郊区环境的休息区,融合了建筑与景观 The Springdale Library offers a respite from the suburban context, seamlessly blending building and landscape

▼屋顶凸起的小山从另一景观角度给予了图书馆高度 The roof’s raised hilltop gives the library height in an otherwise very flat landscape

▼公园以大写字母为特色,兴趣点散布在各处,引起人们对其含义的好奇 The park features large letters, playfully scattered throughout the park inviting curiosity about their meaning

▼亭子是避暑的地方,也是野餐和庆祝活动的聚集地 A pavilion provides respite from the sun and a gathering place for picnics and celebrations

▼夜晚的图书馆 The library at night

▼室内绿色的“苔藓状”地毯与外部的倒影池相邻,模糊了内外界限 A green “moss-like” carpet, and adjacency to the reflecting pool blurs the boundaries between inside and outside

The interior program is comprised of 20,000 square feet of library program space, combined with a 5,000 square foot community multi-purpose room. Each element of the library, detailed in scope, highlights RDHA’s practice of applying conventional budgets and materials to design unconventional buildings. For example, Springdale’s oculi, fashioned from perforated drywall fixed to off-the-shelf framing components, temper the noise levels and the way that light spreads within the library, to inspire a sense of awe and wonder — and an unusual sense of shelter and togetherness.
▼室内被设计成一种供探索和休息的景观 The interior was conceived as a landscape for exploration and repose

▼自然光通过倒转过来的天窗照射进入儿童区,地形般的天花板下降至半空,创造了另一种世界的氛围 In the children’s area, natural light floods in through an inverse skylight. The topographic ceiling descension creates an other worldly atmosphere

▼球形吊灯和嵌入墙内的LED灯为室内的有机线条和轻松的氛围增添了几分光彩 Globular pendant lights and LEDs embedded in the drywall compliment the interior’s organic lines and casual yet sculptural vibe
RDHA设计总监Tyler Sharp与多伦多大学的创造型设计专家Brady Peters合作,在建筑的窗户上打造了太阳能感应的陶瓷釉料式样。其条纹图案从白色到深灰色不等,根据太阳的方向展开和收缩,同时还与一系列不锈钢杆有视觉上的结合,额外的过滤了阳光,支撑着光滑的顶棚并成为了庭院的围墙。这些元素被认为是两种组合式隐喻的功能化抽象概念,即图书馆内藏书的翻页现象和森林中的树干。
RDHA Design Principal Tyler Sharp collaborated with Brady Peters, a generative design specialist at the University of Toronto, to create a solar-responsive ceramic frit pattern on the building’s windows. Its striated patterns range from white to dark gray expanding and contracting based on solar orientations, while also visually merging with a series of stainless steel rods that add an additional layer of solar resistance while supporting the glazed units and forming the courtyard enclosures. These elements are conceived as a functional abstraction of two combined metaphors: the turning pages of a library book and the trunks of trees in a forest.

▼动态的建筑展示了图书馆内部令人兴奋的学习活动,层级的倒影池塑造了一个沉思的场所 Dynamic architecture announces to the library’s surroundings the exciting intellectual endeavours happening on the inside, and tiered reflecting pools establish a place of reflection

Expressing inclusivity, innovation, dedication to learning, collaboration, curiosity, courage and accountability the new building reflects the vision of the institution. Seamlessly integrating universal design principals, and targeting a LEED Gold rating, the building demonstrates the highest levels of achievement in both dignity and sustainable design.

▼图书馆大厅 The lobby

▼书库旁边有一间灵活的教室和一个创客空间,里面有3D打印机、激光切割机和一台带录音设备的电脑供读者免费使用 Adjacent to the stacks, the library has a flexible classroom and a Makerspace, with 3D printers, laser cutters, and a computer with audio-recording equipment that is free to library users

The new Springdale branch provides Brampton Library with an emboldened presence and a valuable resource to the Springdale community.

▼场地平面 Site plan

▼场地1-1剖面 Site section 1-1

▼1-4剖面 Sections 1-4

地点:加拿大 安大略省 布兰普顿
面积:26,000平方英尺 (2,418平方米)
照片来源:Nic Lehoux
建筑与室内:RDH Architects Inc.
设计负责人:Tyler Sharp
管理负责人:Bob Goyeche
项目经理:Sanjoy Pal
工作人员:Shelley Vanderwal, Carlos Tavares, Juan Caballero, Soo-Jin Rim, Gladys Cheung, Lisa Sato, Simon Routh, Anton Freundorfer
结构工程:WSP Canada, Andrew Dionne
机械工程:Jain Sustainability Consultants, Ezzat Mitri & Mohammed Khan
电气工程:Jain Sustainability Consultants, Raed Hindi
LEED顾问:Jain Sustainability Consultants, Brad Hollebrandse
土木工程:Valdor Engineering, David Giugovaz
景观设计:NAK Design Strategies, Robert Ng
水景顾问:Resicom, Rob Brogee
技术指标:DGS Consulting Services, Don Shortreed
Official project name: Springdale Library
Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Client: City of Brampton
Date of Completion: Summer 2019
Area: 26,000 sf (2,418 sm)
Construction Budget: $16,670,000
Photography Credit: Nic Lehoux
Architecture and Interiors: RDH Architects Inc.
Team Members:
Design Principal: Tyler Sharp
Managing Principal: Bob Goyeche
Project Manager: Sanjoy Pal
Staff: Shelley Vanderwal, Carlos Tavares, Juan Caballero, Soo-Jin Rim, Gladys Cheung, Lisa Sato, Simon Routh, Anton Freundorfer
Key Consultants:
Structural Engineer: WSP Canada, Andrew Dionne
Mechanical Engineer: Jain Sustainability Consultants, Ezzat Mitri & Mohammed Khan
Electrical Engineer: Jain Sustainability Consultants, Raed Hindi
LEED Consultant: Jain Sustainability Consultants, Brad Hollebrandse
Civil Engineer: Valdor Engineering, David Giugovaz
Landscape Architect: NAK Design Strategies, Robert Ng
Water Features Consultant: Resicom, Rob Brogee
Specifications: DGS Consulting Services, Don Shortreed
审稿编辑 Hongyu
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