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Thanks WTD for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by WTD.
WTD: The project is located in Shigao, Renshou, Meishan City. This area is contained in the New District of Tianfu and belongs to the half-hour economic circle in both Chengdu and Renshou City. The site occupies approximately 308 acres area with simple and grand modern-style architectures. The demonstration area is around 18000 ㎡ and the core area is 9000 ㎡.

This is a challenging site. There is a highway on the north including 35KV high-tension cable, under which is the concrete approach slope. With a 25% to 35% slope, the north side has been taken dozens of meters in-depth and the available site area has been reduced at least half of the entire demonstration area. On the north side, a ten-meter high retaining wall is exposed to the air due to the underground parking and becomes a giant visual screen. The maximum distance from east to west is 316m. The topography had a dramatical drop of 10 meters from 476 at the entrance to 466 in the sales office. with the two visual screens in south and north, the entire demonstration area becomes a narrow moat passed through by an underground canal. A 100kv high-tension cable to the west and a 35kv high-tension cable converge at the entrance of the demonstration area. The box-Type substation manufacturer on the west side has to remain in the short-term planning, leaving a great challenge to the designers to establish the entrance image.
While we facing this site, what can we do to confront the difficulties? The essential point is to transfer the weakness to a distinct identity. Our designers try to build up an innovative space to create a brand new experience, forming the distinction and aesthetic values of the project. With such consideration, we start the journey of challenges.
Throughout deep exploration, discussion and deduction, the designers use the folded lines to break the space. Therefore, a “valley” concept appears, which manage the formation of lights with the visual guidance of the flowing-shape wall.
▼方案演变 Scheme of evolvement(由左至右方向 left to right)
The flowing-shape wall becomes a tunnel, blocking the periphery cable and retaining walls and becoming the background of the scenery lighting. The mountain-like structure combines with natural interaction, making it the main character of the environment. Thus, the “Canyon of Light” rises.
▼方案总图 Project plan
The flow of people enters from the northwest side, facing to clusters of silver grass with slender and delicate leaves, which sway in the wind to make a fine sound, like dancing. Following the guide of light, there is a colorful cherry blossom path, which has the tall and straight canopy covering the 4-meters wide road. Even in a hot summer day, this path still provides shade shelter with light spot dancing.

Leaving the cherry blossom land, a bay of water shows up and red apricot in the water ushers in. The backside is against the “mountain” and in the valley is a small hole. From here we enter the “Canyon of Light”, a place designed by new material and technology and the most modern abstract language.

Under a beam of light, some people keep silent and some of them keep thinking. The light follows the pace of time, morning, noon, twilight, sunlight, and skylight all becoming the best painters in this space. The light beams come from the darkness. Thus, around the corner of these two flowing black walls is this pure darkness of vacuity, forcing people to have an alienate experience in the space. Perhaps during the moment of darkness, we can see our internal lights.

There is the other light. The light runs from the open of the wall, which is sacred, clear, pure, and enlighting. Amid the light, the power of life exists. Behind the willows, there is always a way out. At the end of the tunnel, the clear water surface reflects the sky and clouds, accompanied by the meditation of someone seeking the truth of life.

One more layer of mountain extends further with a tilt wall. Stepping around the mountain, the visitors come to the lowest point of the site and meet the architecture standing upon the open space of the water.

The water surface contains Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night”. The art master has been filled with light forever in his poverty life. In his “The Starry Night”, he used tiny light spots to merge into an ocean of stars. The end of the light tunnel must have such grandeur of light.

We even design the tree pot in the water as a spiral shape and carefully put the song “vincent” into it. “The most beautiful innovation have to be expressed by technology to become reality”, especially in a structure with 3D space. We communicated with steel structural company for the design of the valley and discussed the implementation of the project through materials, cost and mechanics.
▼对景墙材质对比 Contrast of wall materials
▼材质选择对比 Contrast of material selection
We hired professional structural engineers to calculate the structure and completed a deduction system of structural logic and applied the system during the construction phase. The technology efficiently supports our light and flowing structure. Every designer will struggle. “Shall we demolish the structure?”—This means more complicated thinking and calculation.
▼思考建造过程 Construction process
In JiuTianYiCheng, the site forces us to use a more innovative design method to create a richer experience, more magical artistic effects, and more unforgettable memoir. We hope Canyon of Light, as the beauty of abstraction, silence, and purity, help us to find a peaceful habitat in a busy world.

It is light, making us see the moment of flame. It is light, making us remember the dance of space. Canyon of Light—let us follow the light, finding our spiritual home.

项目地址: 四川省眉山市仁寿县视高镇
设计团队:李卉 李彦萨 苏漾 朱小慧 陈怡 彭子娟 李理 朱峰 李超 童征 宋照兵 张梁 张书桢 兰明姝
Project name: sunac JiuTianYiCheng
Location: Shigao town, Renshou county, Meishan city, Sichuan
Design time: 2019.04 Completion time: 2019.06.28
Client: Sunac Sichuan real estate
Landscape design: WTD
Landscape construction: Sichuan Shanhe Jinxiu construction engineering co., LTD
Design team: Li Hui, Li Yan, Su Yang, Zhu Xiaohui, Chen Yi, Peng Zijuan, Li Li, Zhu Feng, Li Chao, Tong Zheng, Song Zhaobing, Zhang Liang, Zhang Shuzhen, Lan Mingshu
Photography: except special remarks, the rest of the pictures are taken by Holi Landscape Photography
项目中的材料运用 Application of materials in this project
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