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KHBT:2021年10月7日,苏格兰高地首府因弗内斯中心展出了一件重要的公共艺术作品——“聚集之地”(“The Gathering Place”),该作品位于标志性的尼斯河沿岸,由Sans façon与KHBT联合为因弗内斯市创建。
KHBT:7th October 2021 marks the opening of a major new public artwork for Scotland in the heart of the Highland Capital, Inverness. Found along the banks of the iconic River Ness, ‘The Gathering Place’ was co-created by the collaborative team of Sans façon and KHBT for the City of Inverness.
▽鸟瞰 Aerial view

▽平台和对岸的长凳 The platform and bench on the opposite bank

The artists were tasked with creating an artwork that “re-connects the city with the river, drawing out its stories, engendering a sense of place and creating access to the river.” It was an opportunity to revisit the river’s social role within the fabric of the city and celebrate its distinct character.

A short walk upstream from the centre of Inverness, ‘The Gathering Place’ creates a sense of place that draws your attention to the nature and character of the River Ness.

Framed on both banks, Clashach stone encircles a portion of the river along the water’s edge. The simple contour of stone transitions from bench like platform to a pier where it reaches out to offer views upstream in the direction of Loch Ness and back towards the Castle and heart of the city.

Echoing the shape of the banks of the river the artwork maintains a low, horizontal presence so it does not dominate the landscape while views are unobstructed to ensure the river itself remains the focus.

Sans façon的设计师Tristan Surtees说:“这项工作在很多方面都对河流的社会和自然遗产有重大意义,因此维护和保护工作非常重要。这是一个供人们颂扬场所感、与河流互动、享受河流以及重现回忆的空间。”
Tristan Surtees, of Sans façon, said: “The work in many ways is a monument to the social and natural heritage of the river, so important to keep and protect. It is a space to celebrate the sense of place, to interact, to enjoy the theatre of the river and to perhaps see the familiar anew.”

KHBT的设计师Karsten Huneck补充说道:“经过深入的研究,包括收集了许多因弗内斯人的故事,我们发现小型的装置更适合这里,它在增强河流作为焦点概念的同时也在堤岸两边观众之间建立了一种有形的的联系。”
Karsten Huneck of KHBT added: “After the intense research including the collection of many stories of from the people of Inverness, it felt appropriate to create a minimal gesture that enhances the notion of the river being the main actor whilst creating a tangible connection between the spectators from both embankments.”

Clashach石的发源地Moray与该场地距离接近,因其美观而被艺术家选用,同时它在过去是许多当地重要建筑的建造材料,包括“Town House”以及远方爱丁堡的苏格兰博物馆和巴塞罗那的圣家堂。
The Clashach stone was selected for its beauty and the proximity of its origin in Moray to the site which has historically made it the material of choice for many important local buildings including the ‘Town House’ and further afield the Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh and the Sagrada Família, Barcelona.

Given the artworks proximity to the river and the sensitivity of the site, the artists, engineers and construction team liaised closely with NatureScot (formerly Scottish Natural Heritage), SEPA, Historic Environment Scotland, Scottish Forestry and Land and the flood risk management team to ensure the piece has the durability to withstand use and weather events with minimal or no impact on wildlife, natural habitats, or trees.

项目要感谢比尤利的建筑商Simpsons Builders精湛的工艺和技术,他们承担了作品的建造工作,以及参与设计过程并在新冠疫情延迟期间坚持完成该项目的因弗内斯人民,他们的共同努力铸就了供所有市民和游客欣赏的尼斯河景观。
The project is indebted to the craft and skill of Beauly based Simpsons Builders who undertook construction of the work and the people of Inverness who participated in the design process and stuck with the project throughout the pandemic delays to make this permanent addition to the historic River Ness for all citizens and visitors to enjoy.

▽区位图 Site plan

项目名称:The Gathering Place
景观/建筑公司:KHBT 与 Sans façon
首席建筑师:Karsten Huneck, Bernd Truempler (KHBT) + Tristan Surtees, Charles Blanc (Sansfaçon)
设计团队:Alice d`Andrea (KHBT)
图片来源:Robert Ormerod
Project name: The Gathering Place
Completion Year: 2021
Size: ca. 67m
Project location: Inverness, Scotland, UK
Landscape/Architecture Firm: KHBT in collaboration with Sans façon
Website: www.khbt.eu, www.sansfacon.org
Contact e-mail: khbt@khbt.eu
Lead Architects: Karsten Huneck, Bernd Truempler (KHBT) + Tristan Surtees, Charles Blanc (Sansfaçon)
Design Team: Alice d`Andrea (KHBT)
Clients: City of Inverness, The Highland Council
Photo credits: Robert Ormerod
Photographer’s website: www.robertormerod.co.uk
“ 精心设计的装置与河岸景观相得益彰,在提供观景场地的同时也不喧宾夺主。”
审稿编辑: gentlebeats
更多 Read more about: KHBT