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Thanks VIASCAPE design  for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by VIASCAPE design.



VIASCAPE design:The PAPER house is a community house located in Dongbo yuan, a residential compound in Hudong Sub-district. VIASCAPE has been working on urban regeneration projects in this area for years, while the PAPER house appears to be a unique experimental case among all VIASCAPE’s practices. This pioneering project targets at a compatibility of design regulations and site restrictions through full-term public participation, with which spatial installation, and design thoughts could be weaved into residents’ daily lives. We also continually try to exploit a possible way of combining formal and informal construction with more common benefits.


▽项目视频 video

▽林荫下的纸片屋 @CreatAR Images

▽  具有园林游观为特征的纸片屋流动空间 @CreatAR Images

▽纸片屋的主体空间由男性活动室与女性活动室构成 @CreatAR Images

▽使用中的纸片屋内景 @CreatAR Images



Start from a Dilapidated Community House


Dongbo Yuan (6th phase), initially built in 2000, is a relocated compound majorly owned by its original villagers of Zhangqiao town. The residents are mostly related by blood or marriage. To meet the growing needs of social life, the residents spontaneously began refurbishing the only timber pavilion here regarding its function as a community house for card and chess playing. Some redundant furniture is collected and reshaped, tied with wooden columns of the original pavilion to form simple external screens. With more people getting involved, the total space was expanded to 20 sqm with a semi-closed room and an enclosed room for males and females respectively.


▽更新前场地现状 @VIA维亚景观

▽从小区入口方向看树荫下的纸片屋 @孙轶家



This scenario of how users occupy the space is doubtlessly lively. However, the structure also has multiple safety issues resulting from years of illegal construction, expansion, and long-term wear and tear. In mid-2023, Hudong sub-district office therefore contacted us to carry out a renewal design for it.


▽纸片屋夜景 @CreatAR Images0

▽午后的纸片屋日常使用状态 @CreatAR Images

▽ 纸片屋中男性活动室的使用场景 @CreatAR Images

▽ 纸片屋中女性活动室的使用场景 @CreatAR Images



Design the Paper House as a Spatial Installation

项目占地极小,原活动室与相邻休憩场地的占地总和不过60平米,场地中的5棵大雪松又限制了空间利用的自由度。于是我们决定采用极小的平面模块(1.5米×1.5米)进行空间组合,将室外场地、通道、活动室内部空间、雨棚灰空间、大树树穴等诸多空间要素组织在一起。并借此形成连贯的、流动的游憩体验,让改造前各自为政的社区活动室与室外活动场地成为空间上的整体,让居民以游园的方式使用此处公共空间,获得基于整体空间结构营造的“景到随机”[1] 。

The site is extremely small, with a total interior and exterior space adding up to 60 SQM. 5 established cedar trees sit sporadically in the site, which makes the space more fragmented. In this context, we applied 1.5×1.5m spatial module to form various grouped spaces. Elements such as outdoor space, passage, interior space, grey space under the canopy, and tree pits are integrated to form a continuous and flowy spatial experience and to merge the externals and internals. In this way, the residents can experience the space with a brand-new way of “touring” rather than “using”, in which Views Given by Chances1 are created from the general spatial structure.


▽ 由北向南看纸片屋所呈现的园林意趣 @CreatAR Images

▽ 从南向北看纸片屋的室外小空间划分 @CreatAR Images

▽ 鸟瞰纸片屋1.5米×1.5米空间模块构成 @孙轶家

▽ 纸片屋主体功能空间与游园体验空间融合 @CreatAR Images



We did not follow the traditional building structure consisting of beam-column, slab, and wall when considering the way of spatial construction. Instead, a 30mm-thick steel sheet is adopted as the only structural material in this project. The whole structure is “installed” rather than “built” with an open boundary that could be seamlessly merged into the surrounding landscaping. Concerning the limited site size and the spatial interference from the existing tree roots, we tried to maximize the functional space with assembled steel sheets like a card tower, this officially gives this project the name of “the PAPER house”. All steel sheets were prefabricated, allowing the total site work to take only 2 weeks. This also to a large extent reduces the possible disturbance for residents. To keep the current way of how space functions, the PAPER house designed two independent but connected functional rooms for two gender groups. Two interior color themes were also defined by the residents through a public participation process with guidance from the community board and VIASCAPE design team. This process gave birth to a strong emotional connection between the users there and the PAPER house. And it also made the PAPER house achieve an integrity of the “site”, the “material” and the “emotion” as a spatial installation creation. 


▽  施工过程中,在活动室在内墙上涂上一些色块,让居民们能看到实际效果,有效的参与到活动室的装修过程中。内容来源沪东宣传,文汇报,人文沪东

▽  居民投票选择“苹果绿”为纸片屋中男性活动室内部主色调 @CreatAR Images

▽  居民投票选择“珊瑚粉”为纸片屋中女性活动室内部主色调 @CreatAR Images

▽  纸片屋内部2种色彩的碰撞 @CreatAR Images

▽纸片屋西侧临路立面呈现出低调、有趣且具强烈空间属性提示的画面 @CreatAR Images



an Unexpected Public Participation Story


Actually, the very first design scheme is quite different from the current PAPER house. The main Semi-open functional space was placed to the north of the existing trees, while the space under the tree shades was planned as a recreational area. This layout concerns a reasonable space arrangement and tree protection. A combination of “courtyard” and “garden” would then tie indoor functional space and outdoor recreational space together. Having gone through two rounds of hearings, construction started in mid-September, 2023 after design revisions, tender documents production, and other related administrative procedures. An objection was raised shortly after the construction process started by one resident who lived in the 1st floor, claiming an overly expanded functional area to the north, which blocked the sunset view from his tiny bathroom window.


▽原方案(左)与纸片屋实施方案(右)对比 @VIA维亚景观

▽被迫围绕现状大树建构的纸片屋 @CreatAR Images

▽ 纸片屋的钢板构建与现状大树的关系 @CreatAR Images

▽ 纸片屋的钢板与现状大树共同形成园林框景 @CreatAR Images


在社区居委干部、社工与其多次沟通无果后,我们主动与该居民进行2次现场交流,并明确其需求为“改造后的活动室主体空间不宜大于改造前占地范围”。于是,我们不得不放弃原方案,转向研究如何在现状大树下方用最轻薄的结构形式获得最大的空间使用可能与最小的环境影响。最终,我们以“纸片屋”方案获得了该居民的认可与其他小区居民代表的支持,令项目得以顺利进行。从另一个角度,正是由于业主、居委、设计团队都支持与尊重每个居民的不同声音,以“权力委任”(Delegated Power)3的方式将决策权让渡给居民,在社区更新实践中达成了在地居民的“实质性参与”(Degrees of Citizen Power)[3] 。也正是因为这个参与性过程,令纸片屋成为VIA迄今为止在沪东新村街道的诸多社区更新设计中最具实验性的创作。

After the community board communicated with the complainant in vain, we actively conducted a second communication session on-site and reached a compromise, in which a “no larger floor area space than the previous one” was allowed. In this context, we have to abandon the former design, and turn to another resolution, in which a low-impact thin structure under the existing tree canopy is employed to gain maximal functional space. Eventually, “the PAPER house” scheme won support from most residents and became the final built one. From the other perspective, it is this process that the community board and VIASCAPE design team listened and respected the voices of every single user, then finally achieves a Delegated Power3 method, and maximize the Degrees of Citizen Power3. It is also because of this public participation process that makes “the PAPER house” a most experimental project in the collection of VIASCAPE’s design practice in Hudong Sub-district.


▽  纸片屋的灰空间 @CreatAR Images

▽  居民在纸片屋中的活动与现状大树“共生” @CreatAR Images

▽  与园林空间融合的纸片屋 @CreatAR Images

▽  全钢板搭建为纸片屋争取了最大的内部实际使用面积 @CreatAR Images

▽   纸片屋成为居民归家路上的一道风景 @CreatAR Images



Change Informal Construction into Community-Building Activities

2024年5月,纸片屋在完成最后的标识安装、灯光调试、软装匹配、绿化修剪后,正式面向使用者开放,受到了居民的一致好评。同时,居民又从实际使用角度提出希望可以在冬季对主体空间进行适当封闭,以满足基本保温需求,而这却是我们从景观构筑物或者空间装置的定位出发在建造阶段无法提供的。而当一些实际需求是正规建造过程无法满足的,往往就会激发“非正规建造”[4] 过程的发生。

The PAPER house was open to the public in May of 2024 after the installation of signage, lighting, furniture, and tree manicuring. The project is well received by the users. Meanwhile, suggestions related to practical use were raised, hoping to enclose the structure in winter to keep indoor warm. However, this requirement can hardly be met as this project was initially merely positioned as a “landscape structure” rather than a “building”. In this context, the “informal construction” pathway might be triggered.


▽   纸片屋是由全开放式的流动空间构成 @CreatAR Images

▽ 纸片屋的流动空间、虚实对比与色彩对比 @CreatAR Images

▽  VIA将于与业主一道将居民的非正规建造动机转化为社区营造活动 @CreatAR Images



It is known to us that Dongbo yuan (6th phase) is tightly connected through the familial bond of residents. This will result in the desire for functional space based on convergent behavior. The unauthorized renovation and expansion based on the wooden pavilion 10 years ago is an example. We proposed to apply the method of community-building guided by the community board and design team. Safe materials are suggested to be used to build a detachable insulation screen by residents’ own hands to keep warm in wintertime with the PAPER house itself still functioning as an open space. What we are willing to try to see is to guide the informal construction based on users’ reasonable needs and make it a part of community building and governance. This will place the last piece of the puzzle in the game of community building, governance, and sharing. The opening of the PAPER house is not only a completion of a renewal project, but more a starting point to activate more social activities, community building, and community governance as well.


▽ 从设计到归于日常,在使用中活动室拥有了更多不同的凳子 @CreatAR Images

▽  与树共生的纸片屋 @CreatAR Images

▽  夕阳下的纸片屋 @CreatAR Images

▽  完全融于现状大树的纸片屋在夜间使用时发出温暖的光 @CreatAR Images



[1] 见 [明]计成《园冶》。

[2] 装置艺术最早出现在20世纪70年代,并逐步成为当代艺术的主要呈现方式之一,一般认为装置艺术的实质是“场地+材料+情感”的综合艺术。

[3] Arnstein. S.R., A. Ladder of Citizen Participation, Journal of American Institute of Planners, Vol. 35, No.4, July 1969. 216-224.



[1] see Ji Cheng’s “Yuan Ye ” for details

[2] Installation art first appeared in the 1970s and gradually became one of the main forms of contemporary art presentation. It is generally believed that the essence of installation art is a comprehensive art of “site + material + emotion”.

[3] Arnstein. S.R., A. Ladder of Citizen Participation, Journal of American Institute of Planners, Vol. 35, No.4, July 1969. 216-224.

[4] In recent years, “informal construction” and “informality” have become important issues in urban renewal and community renewal research in China, aiming to study the motivations, methods, processes, and related policy and institutional changes of residents engaging in informal construction in community space. In our practice and research on the PAPER house, we focus more on whether there are opportunities and methods to guide residents’ informal construction motivations based on actual public space needs into lawful and compliant community-building activities.


▽ 区位图 @VIA维亚景观

▽ 一层平面图 @VIA维亚景观

▽ 屋顶平面图 @VIA维亚景观

▽ 立面图及剖面图 @VIA维亚景观




照明顾问:OUI light
摄影师:CreatAR Images、孙轶家

Project: the PAPER house
Design Firm: VIASCAPE design (VIA)
Lead Designer: Sun Yijia
Design Team: Sun Yijia, Ma Li, Ji Wenshan, Gu Qinyi, Zhang Liang, Chen Lu, Ji Yuwei
Design Time: Oct. 2023
Built Time: May. 2024
Gross Floor Area: 21sqm
Landscape Area: 37sqm
Main materials: Steel Sheet, Terracotta Brick
Location: in the 6th Residential Community of Dongboyuan, Hudongxincun Sub-district, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Client: Hudongxincun Sub-district Office, Pudong New area, Shanghai
Project management consultant: Shanghai Shefapuzhong Construction Managing Co, ltd
Contractor: Shanghai Dongrong Construction Engineering Co, ltd
Lighting Consultant: OUI Light / Xu Yuefeng
VI Design: VIASCAPE design
Fonts for VI: REEJI type
Exhibition Display: BGC
LDI: Dongda Design Group
Photographer: CreatAR Images, Sun Yijia
Article Author: Sun Yijia
Design Drawings: Ji Yuwei




审稿编辑: junjun

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