T.C.L :Tidbinbilla自然保护区是ACT公园系统’皇冠上的明珠’。继2003年1月的丛林大火之后,Taylor Cullity Lethlean开始重建公园及其游客项目。

T.C.L :Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve is the ‘jewel in the crown’ of the ACT’s park system. Following the January 2003 bushfires, Taylor Cullity Lethlean were engaged to redevelop the park and its visitor program.



已经为参观者提供了一个可持续的结果,并为这个景观提供了相互联系,身临其境的交互式体验。 2.1公里的轮椅通道主循环轨道通过一系列有着众多动物栖息地和植物生态系统(包括重建的高效湿地)的故事集中区,带领游客前往参观。

A sustainable outcome has been provided for visitors with an interconnected, immersive and interactive experience of the landscape. The 2.1km wheelchair accessible primary loop track takes visitors on a journey through a series of story focussed precincts with numerous animal habitats and plant ecosystems including redeveloped water efficient wetlands.


Photos by Ben Wrigley and Emily Taylor.

客户: Environment ACT
合作: 大卫·汉考克和格雷厄姆·莫里斯
地点: 澳大利亚首都直辖区堪培拉
竣工日期:  2009年
建筑预算:  800万美元
大小:  2.5公里小道

Client: Environment ACT
Collaboration: David Hancocks and Graham Morris
Location: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Completion Date: 2009
Construction budget: $8,000,000
Size: 2.5 km Trail

更多 T.C.L (Taylor Cullity Lethlean)