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Thanks Gilles Brusset for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Gilles Brusset.
Gilles Brusset:贡比涅森林中的休战空地是第一次世界大战最重要的遗址之一。1918年11月11日,停战协议就在那节今天已举世闻名的火车车厢里签署。该“第三列车花园”项目由景观设计师马克·布鲁姆(Marc Blume)、艺术家吉勒斯·布吕西特(Gilles Brusset)和建筑师弗朗西斯卡·利吉列里(Francesca Liggieri)共同设计,作为一个法德联合项目,它被设置在了通往停车场和林间空地的小路上,为人们到达签署停战协议的地点之前,创造了一段令人难忘的步行之旅。
Gilles Brusset:The Armistice Glade, in the Forest of Compiegne is one of the most significant sites of World War One. The Armistice was signed there, on the 11th of November 1918, in a railcar, worldwide famous today. Designed by the landscaper Marc Blume, the artist Gilles Brusset and the architect Francesca Liggieri, The Garden of the Third Train is a Franco-German project set around the path joining the car park to the glade, making it a memorable walk before discovering the location of the Armistice.

▼项目平面 Master plan

▼花园平面 Garden plan

▼效果图 Rendering

▼设计手稿 Draft

In the undergrowth, the three designers thought about a symbolic and plastic parallel between the scars of the trenches of the Great War and the shapes drawn by the filaments of the mycelian network. Following this pattern, the paths of the garden wind through the foliage, creating rounded and planted areas where different essences of the forest can be seen. Adding itself to this maze leading to the discovery of the undergrowth, an elongated bench crosses the garden and invites contemplation.

▼花园路径穿过层层树叶,创造出圆形的种植区域 The paths of the garden wind through the foliage, creating rounded and planted areas

▼人们在此交流、静思、嬉戏 People communicate, meditate and play here

A multitude of mirrors are inserted in the wooden bench reflecting the sky and leafs like a third train reflecting the peace. The principal axis of the composition of the garden is materialized by the third train, a wooden sculpture which is 70m long. It echoes the two trains in which the Armistice of the 11th of November 1918 and the one of the 22nd of June 1940 where signed, in the glade of Rethondes.

▼木制长凳上插入的大量镜子,映射着天空和树叶 A multitude of mirrors are inserted in the wooden bench reflecting the sky and leafs

▼与花园主轴遥相呼应的铁轨 The track echoes the principal axis of the garden

设计公司:Paysarchitectures——Gilles Brusset
主创设计师:Gilles Brusset, Marc Blume, Francesca Liggieri
客户:Arts & jardins / region des Hauts-de-France
照片:©Pierre Yves BRUNAUD
Project name: The third train
Completion Year: 2019
Project location: The Armistice Glade in Compiègne
Design Firm: Paysarchitectures – Gilles Brusset
Website: www.paysarchitectures.com
Contact e-mail: atelier@paysarchitectures.com
Lead Architects: Gilles Brusset, Marc Blume, Francesca Liggieri
Clients: Arts & jardins / region des Hauts-de-France
Photo credits: © Pierre Yves BRUNAUD
更多 Read more about: Gilles Brusset