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ASPECT Studios:Toorak 道路平交道口拆除项目作为一个典型的示范性项目,它展示了如何通过设计与交通基础设施相结合创造品质的,开放的社区共享空间环境。

ASPECT Studios:The Toorak Road Level Crossing Removal Project is an exemplary project in how exceptional community and environmental outcomes can be created in tandem with transport infrastructure projects.



从总体规划到施工阶段,ASPECT Studios与相关设计咨询事务所紧密合作,将敏感的集成高架轨道下方场地打造为品质舒适的空间环境。设计旨在利用场地荒废的灰空间,结合铁路桥梁,创建一个新的,开放的公共空间、游乐和娱乐兼存的场所。在改善场地自然生态的同时,加强人们对社区的认同感,重新构建曾被高架桥而割裂的空间场地,连接行人、自行车和开放空间的联系。

ASPECT Studios worked closely with consultants and stakeholders from the master planning phase through to construction to develop this elegant and sensitively integrated elevated rail solution. The project identified and then seized opportunities to create new railway bridge, public open space, play and recreation place, improve site ecology, strengthen community identity and connect previously disjointed pedestrian, cycle, and open space links.


▽道路串联行人、自行车和开放空间 The road connects pedestrians, cyclists and open Spaces

▽桥下游乐空间 Play space under the bridge


这个新开放的公共空间项目约 6,000 平方米,其中包户外休闲的活动区域、空间丰富的交通流线、生态的植物种植区域以及利用croft空间下的高桥新游乐空间。共享空间场地的构成极大地改善了Tooronga公园和Sir Zelman Cowen公园在Toorak路上的视觉形象,同时引入了一个新的主要动线和一系列为人们提供使用的、良好的公共设施。

The project created over 6,000m2 of new public open space, which features activity areas, active transport network connections, significant areas of planting, and a new play space that makes use of the high bridge under croft space. The composition of the new open space vastly improved the visual presence of Tooronga Park and Sir Zelman Cowen Parks on Toorak Road, while introducing a new active transport network and series of well-used public.


▽增加场地活力的空间设计 Space design to increase the vitality of the site



The bridge, bridge screens and retaining walls throughout were designed to maximise local identity and to reduce visual impact for adjacent residents.


▽最大化的利用场地,结合桥墩减少呆滞的视觉冲击 Maximizing the use of the site, combined with piers to reduce the visual impact of dullness

▽暖黄色系的色彩搭配,给人温馨的氛围体验感 Warm yellow color collocation, give a person warm atmosphere experience sense



The project achieved strong sustainability outcomes, contributing to site ecology, biodiversity and habitat value through the planting of over 300 new mature trees and 37,000 plants and the installation of over 30 habitat logs.


▽刻意而不随意的原木放置,为场地增加多元化的休闲栖息地 The deliberate but not random placement of logs adds a variety of recreational habitats to the site


▽娱乐种类多样的桥下滑板 Various types of entertainment under the bridge skateboarding




Stormwater from the elevated railway and the wider site is captured and discharged into the landscape by way of a large, planted swale. The swale hugs the edge of the shared path, exposing cyclists and pedestrians to a striking and textured palette of native trees and plants.

The project is an example of how urban design and landscape architecture can influence, improve and create better places for local community to compliment major infrastructure projects.


▽共享步道两侧的植被自由生长 Vegetation grows freely on both sides of the shared trail




工程名称:Toorak Road Level Crossing Removal Project
设计公司: ASPECT Studios
客户:South Eastern Program Alliance
合作者:LXRP, Laing O ‘Rourke, Jacobs Engineering
项目地点:Kooyong, Melbourne, Australia

Name of Project: Toorak Road Level Crossing Removal Project
Project Category: Infrastructure
Role of ASPECT Studios in project: Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
Client: South Eastern Program Alliance
Other designers involved in design of landscape (if any): LXRP, Laing O’Rourke, Jacobs Engineering
Project location: Kooyong, Melbourne, Australia
Design Year: 2019
Year Built: 2021



审稿编辑: Maggie

更多 Read more about:  ASPECT Studios