GLS:在加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley),两处广受欢迎的半公共广场耗资3亿美元进行了翻修,GLS负责这两个街区的所有现场工作,包括入口通道、临街面、中央广场、地下室的采光场、家具、照明设备,以及多功能自行车车棚。

GLS:For this $300 million renovation of two popular semi-public plazas at UC Berkeley, GLS was responsible for all site work on both blocks, including entry passages, street frontages, the central plazas, light courts at the basement level, furnishings, lighting, and highly detailed, multifunctional bike sheds.


UC Berkeley Residence Halls & Bike Sheds by GLS


平面图 Master PlanUC Berkeley Residence Halls & Bike Sheds by GLS


在每个庭院的周边,GLS保留了一些石墙,这些石墙是Lawrence Halprin从1960年开始的原始设计的一部分。该项目要求有选择地拆除两个独立街区的建筑和公用设施,对支撑新广场景观的地下室结构进行抗震升级,并插入四个新的住宅建筑和相关公用设施。GLS在与居住在现有宿舍的学生一起工作的时候,保持着快速的进度。为了在施工期间保持这些建筑的正常运行,GLS首先制作了一个前期工作图纸包,造价300万美元,用于解决流通和公用设施的改道问题。

Along the perimeter of each courtyard, GLS preserved a number of stone walls that were part of Lawrence Halprin’s original design from 1960. The project required the selective demolition of buildings and utilities over two separate blocks, the seismic upgrade of basement structures supporting a new plaza landscape, and the insertion of four new residential buildings and associated utilities. GLS stayed on a fast-track schedule while working around students living in existing residence halls. To keep those buildings in operation during construction, GLS first produced an early working drawing package for $3,000,000 in construction costs addressing the re-routing of circulation and utilities.


UC Berkeley Residence Halls & Bike Sheds by GLS UC Berkeley Residence Halls & Bike Sheds by GLS UC Berkeley Residence Halls & Bike Sheds by GLS UC Berkeley Residence Halls & Bike Sheds by GLS UC Berkeley Residence Halls & Bike Sheds by GLS UC Berkeley Residence Halls & Bike Sheds by GLS UC Berkeley Residence Halls & Bike Sheds by GLS
UC Berkeley Residence Halls & Bike Sheds by GLS


摄影: Patrik Argast, Steve Proehl
奖项:2006 ASLA国家荣誉奖;2006年伯克利设计倡导卓越奖


Project name: UC Berkeley Residence Halls & Bike Sheds
Project type: Education Place
Location: California,American
Completed: 2005
Design company: GLS
Photography: Patrik Argast, Steve Proehl
Awards: 2006 ASLA National Honor Award; 2006 Berkeley Design Advocates Award of Excellence


更多: GLS Landscape | Architecture