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Thanks Heatherwick Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Heatherwick Studio.
Heatherwick Studio:2010年上海世博会英国馆设计比赛的获胜者是Heatherwick Studio。上海世博会的主题有关于城市与未来,所以我们的设计从城市与自然的关系入手。英国是世界上绿色面积最大的城市,有许多公园、广场、树木和花园,伦敦也是世界上第一个大型植物园——邱园的所在地。
Heatherwick Studio:The studio won the competition to design the UK pavilion for the Shanghai World Expo in 2010. The expo’s theme was the future of cities so we looked at the relationship of cities to nature. British cities are the greenest of their size in the world, with their parks, squares, trees and gardens, and London is also home to the world’s first major botanical institution, Kew Gardens.

Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank aims to preserve the seeds of 25 per cent of the world’s wild plant species. This collection gave us the idea of making a structure with an extraordinary texture as a way of connecting the building with its content. The pavilion could be a cathedral to seeds.

The finished Seed Cathedral consisted of a box, 15m wide and 10m high. Its 60,000 silvery, tingling hairs protruded from every surface, lifting it into the air. Each hair is a 7.5-metre acrylic rod, which extended through the walls of the box into its interior. Cast into the glass-like tips of the hairs, were 250,000 seeds.

By day the Seed Cathedral was lit only by the sunlight that was drawn in along the length of each acrylic hair. By night, tiny hidden lights inside the rods illuminated both the seed ends inside the pavilion and the swaying tips outside.
During the Expo over eight million people visited it, making it the UK’s busiest tourist attraction. It was awarded the gold medal for Pavilion Design.

地点:中国 上海
项目负责人:Katerina Dionysopoulou
设计团队:Peter Ayres,Jem Hanbury,Ingrid Hu,Jaroslav Hulin,Robert Wilson,Stuart Wood
合作方:Andrew Cahn,同济大学建筑设计研究院,Atelier Ten,Philip Dodd,Mace,Casson Mann,Ian MacCartney,Mike Smith Studio,Mark Jones,David Langdon&Seah,Adriana Paice,RHWL,Safe Consulting,Paul Smith,John Sorrell,Wolfgang Stuppy,苏中建筑集团,Albert Taylor,Troika
Client: Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the Government of the United Kingdom
Location: Shanghai, China
Appointment: 2007
Completion: 2010
Size: 6,000sqm
Project Leader: Katerina Dionysopoulou
Studio Team: Peter Ayres, Jem Hanbury, Ingrid Hu, Jaroslav Hulin, Robert Wilson, Stuart Wood
Collaborations: Andrew Cahn, Architectural Design & Research Institute of Tongji University, Atelier Ten, Philip Dodd, Mace, Casson Mann, Ian MacCartney, Mike Smith Studio, Mark Jones, David Langdon & Seah, Adriana Paice, RHWL, Safe Consulting, Paul Smith, John Sorrell, Wolfgang Stuppy, Suzhong Construction Group, Albert Taylor, Troika
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