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Thanks Espace Libre for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Espace Libre.
Espace Libre:新的杰西·欧文斯公园由景观城市规划设计公司Espace Libre设计,已于2018年9月正式落成。它坐落在大库罗讷市,面向所有人开放,适合所有年龄段人群,并配有专门的运动、游戏和休闲空间,实现了它作为一个城市公园的使命。
Espace Libre:The new Jesse Owens park, designed in Grand-Couronne (Seine-Maritime) by the landscape and urban planning workshop Espace Libre, was inaugurated in September 2018. Open to all, for all ages, with dedicated spaces for sports, games, relaxation, it fulfills its vocation as an urban park.

From a former fully enclosed sports area, one of the key challenges of Jesse Owens Park was the creation of a landscaped public space linking together the various spaces of the municipality.

Today, new pedestrian paths adjust these spaces and avoid direct confrontation between users and the private spaces bordering the site. Likewise, the entrances to the park are designed so that pedestrian and vehicle flows can coexist in complete safety.

The project predisposes the existing urban fabric of Grand-Couronne to future essential junctions. In fact, this arrangement of gentle paths makes it possible to fully integrate the entire space of the park and to form a link with the nearby public spaces. The park can thus in the future expand and create pedestrian and ecological corridors on the territory of the municipality.

▼规划设计 Plans
▼施工过程 Construction Process
设计:Espace Libre——景观设计,道路设计
预算:737.000 欧元
图片版权:Julien Falsimagne
Location: Grand-Couronne (FRANCE)
Client: Ville de Grand-Couronne
Design: Espace Libre, landscaper – BERIM, roads design office
Surface: 7.225 m2
Budget: 737.000 €
Year of construction: 2019
Image credits: Julien Falsimagne
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