Thanks SHUISHI for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by SHUISHI.



SHUISHI: Wuhu is an ancient city with a long history, a carrier of history and culture, and a glut of traditional cultural factors. We explore every alley and space on the site, looking for inspiration from history. We weave the street space, preserve the original trees, and tap the relationship between the cultural heritage of the site and the people living in the place today. Following the main concept of “integration of the ancient and the modern, and reconstruction for regeneration”, we inject new vitality into the ancient city of Wuhu to build a new ancient city that comes alive.




一、访古问今 Visiting the past and the present


The city of Wuhu was founded in 1115 AD in the Northern Song Dynasty. The existing ancient city was built in the third year during the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty. It was restored many times during the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China period. To date, it still retains a complete structure and layout, featuring administrative, military, judicial, religious, and educational institutions.


▽芜湖古城演变Evolution of Wuhu ancient city



At the beginning of the project, we conducted an in-depth research and carefully studied the original spatial structure. We found that over the centuries, buildings in the original sites of the ancient city were seriously damaged, and the space could no longer meet the needs of the modern city. Before the transformation of the ancient city, what to do with these relics and how to make them shine in the new city became a primary problem.


▽芜湖古城资源分析 Analysis of Wuhu ancient city resources


二、置陈布势 Setting up the layout



Wuhu is not only an ancient city, but also a place where local residents have lived for generations. After careful discussion, our team decided to reinterpret the contemporary regeneration of the ancient city with the main concept of “integration of the ancient and the modern, and reconstruction for regeneration”.

Starting from reproducing the heritage culture and integrating it into the modern urban life, the design team mapped three main design directions — sorting the alley space, protecting the original trees on the site, and integrating the new and old materials. It carried out a comprehensive design using the method of “weaving and symbiosis”.


▽芜湖古城鸟瞰 Aerial view of the ancient city of Wuhu


▽手绘平面图 Hand-drawn floor plan


策略1:梳理巷道空间 Strategy 1: Sorting out the alley space


The ancient city contains dozens of streets and alleys of various scales that still maintain the overall pattern of the Ming and Qing dynasties and retain the traditional commercial style. Hasty change of the street scales and directions will inevitably affect the overall layout of the ancient city. To this end, we studied the history and incorporated the traffic flow and surrounding business forms, so that each new design element fits neatly into the narrative of the entire historical space, and meets the needs of different streets and alley spaces. By restoring history and shaping new event spaces, people can better enjoy the venues and feel the cultural heritage there.


▽还原街巷历史面貌 Restore the historical appearance of the streets and alleys

▽使用在地材料和传统工艺复原街道墙体和铺装Restore street walls and paving with local materials and traditional craftsmanship


▽探索复原巷道,从历史之中寻求灵感Explore alley recovery and seek inspiration from history


▽结合传统业态,最大程度再现古城生活场景Reproduce the scenes of ancient city life to the greatest extent with traditional business formats



策略2:场地古树保护 Strategy 2: Conserving ancient trees on the site


At the beginning of the project, we were deeply impressed by numerous famous ancient trees on the site. We worked with the proprietor and the construction party to record the location of each ancient tree and protect them, preserving the sense of history of the ancient city, and realizing the symbiosis between the plants and the sites, so that they go on witnessing the continuity of the ancient city after the venues are reopened.


▽场地古树梳理 Sort out ancient trees on the site

▽原场地大树得以保护与延续 Preserve and lengthen big trees on the original sites

▽光影重叠,树影斑驳 Tree shadows mottled in light and shadow


▽大树上径直生长的爬藤 Vines climbing on big trees


▽苔藓与蕨类植物从墙石的缝隙中生长而来 Mosses and ferns growing in wall stone gaps


▽复原街道与留存植物 Restore streets and preserve plants



策略3:新旧材料结合Strategy 3: Combining old and new materials


People from all walks of life are involved in the process of renovating the ancient city. The 1,000-people “brick picking” activity initiated by artist Ying Tianqi provided plenty of inspirations for the reconstruction of the ancient city. We combined old materials with new ones for building facades, landscape walls, paving and furnishings. During the reconstruction process, we invited local craftsmen to rebuild them with traditional methods to bring them back to life.


▽千人拣砖:一场名为“遗存 . 再生-芜湖古城艺术计划”,艺术家应天齐以寻砖的方式将废墟中散落的古砖收集,这是一种对历史的“找寻”1,000-people picking bricks: an art program for the preservation and regeneration of the heritage of the ancient city of Wuhu. Artist Ying Tianqi proposed collecting ancient bricks scattered in the ruins of the city, which is practically a “search” for history.

▽新旧材料结合唤起场景新生The combination of old and new materials to evoke the rebirth of the scenes


▽邀请当地工匠使用传统方法重新砌筑Local craftsmen are invited to rebuild them using traditional methods.


▽新旧材料结合唤起场景新生 The combination of old and new materials evokes the rebirth of the scene



三、妙笔筑典 Preserving classic constructions

来凤门 Laifeng Gate (Phoenix-coming Gate)


The ancient city of Wuhu used to be the biggest of the four rice markets in the country. It was inseparable from the dividends brought by water transport. We took the abstract ship-shaped sculpture, along with the water system, as the outset of the ancient city axis, in order to commemorate the contribution of water transport to the city.


▽牌坊的修复,结合地图水系塑造主入口仪式感The restoration of the archway, combined with the map of the water system, creates a sense of ritual at the main entrance.


▽来凤门处,旧时的坊门被复原,传统的市民生活重新回归At the Laifeng Gate, the old gate is restored and the traditional civil life is returned



清末官府 Official Mansion of late Qing Dynasty


The gate of the official mansion of the late Qing Dynasty is a rare square-type space in the ancient city. The design is unfolded with two big native trees on the site, intertwined with paving waterscape, to create a comfortable space for people to stay.




花街 Hua Jie (Flower Street)


Huajie, built in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, used to be the most important commercial street in the ancient city. It was lined with many local time-honored businesses. We truly restore the texture of the street here. With decorative fabrics and characteristic traditional formats, we create an immersive experience, allowing tourists and residents who enter the ancient city to pick up memories of the past.




长虹门 Changhong Gate (Rainbow Gate)


The magnificent Changhong Gate is a landmark building in the ancient city. Taking advantage of the height difference of the site and the enclosure relationship with the surrounding buildings, we design installations, such as layered dry fountains, to create a small city square to share public art and exchange culture with artists.


▽恢宏大气的城门下台阶围合空间,吸引游客驻足停留The laddered enclosed space under the grand atmospheric city gate attracts visitors to stop and stay.



小天朝 Xiao Tian Chao (Small Celestial Empire)


Xiao Tian Chao is an open leisure space within the ancient city. We restore the original street paths according to historical documents and paved them with local stones. The light-hearted design brings a relaxing sunny lawn to the ancient city.




四、游目骋怀 Reproducing vitality



The rich venues provide unlimited possibilities for the operation of the ancient city, and diverse activities also give the ancient city more vitality.

We hope to restore the historical appearance through design, organically integrate the historical heritage and modern life on the site, and make the ancient city an important place to display the history and culture of Wuhu, become a living cultural heritage, and make the ancient city of Wuhu regain the vitality after the vicissitudes of the centuries.


▽光影艺术季 The light and shadow art season

▽回声·芜湖再生艺术季 & 国庆节现场图Echo · Wuhu Rebirth Art Season & National Day scene

▽国风集市&中秋长街宴 National style bazaar & Mid-Autumn Festival long street banquet

▽山海奇闻夜剧本杀&汉服游园会Night Tales of Mountains and Seas naraka & Han costume garden party


▽元宵节灯会Lantern Festival lantern show

*活动照片来源芜湖古城官方Photos of the events come from the official source of Wuhu Ancient City




Project Name: Urban Renewal Landscape Environment Design of Wuhu Ancient City
Proprietor: Anhui Land Investment Co., Ltd
Landscape area: 79,934m²
Design unit: SHUISHI
Job description: Urban renewal landscape environment design
Design team: SHUISHI Landscape Design Department II
Project photography: WANG Xiu (except for annotations)




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