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Brusnika:通过推出水管理系统,俄罗斯开发商 Brusnika 为现代住宅区提供了舒适的城市环境和可持续的景观。水通过支持生物多样性和生物量,有利于城市气候。

Brusnika:By launching a water management system, Russian developer Brusnika offers a comfortable urban environment and sustainable landscape in modern residential areas. By supporting biodiversity and biomass, water benefits the climate.


© Ilya Teplov


水是景观和城市环境可持续发展的关键因素。它维护了生物多样性,提高了洪泛区(河流旁边易受洪水侵袭的平地)的生物量。Brusnika 推出的“水管理系统”通过整合植物修复设施(如雨水花园和生物排水系统或洼地)来减少公用设施的超负荷。设计雨水花园并在可控的生长介质中种植喜湿的草类是经过科学验证的:这是处理、收集和利用住宅区地表径流的有效方法。这类“植物修复设施”还能防止水涝,为当地吸收、过滤和储存水以备后用提供了场所。提高用水效率的另一个关键因素是保护邻近的河流和湖泊。

Water constitutes a key sustainability factor for the landscape and urban environment. It maintains biodiversity and boosts biomass in floodplains (areas of flood-prone flat land next to a river). The water management system reduces utility overload by integrating phytoremediation facilities, such as rain gardens and bio drainage systems, or wadi. Designing rain gardens and planting moisture-loving grasses in a controlled growing medium is scientifically proven: it is an effective way to treat, collect and utilise surface runoff in residential areas. Phytoremediation facilities also prevent water logging, providing local spots for absorbing water, filtering and storing it for later use. Another crucial factor of water efficiency is preserving neighbouring rivers and lakes.


© Maxim Loskutov
© Ilya Teplov
© Ilya Teplov


在土壤吸收雨水并滋养植物根系后,Brusnika 还将屋顶和停车场的径流用于住宅区。径流首先通过屋顶排水结构和内部排水管道系统进入雨水花园的“主体”。收集后的雨水渗入精心平衡的堆肥——天然成分和添加剂的完美组合。在这一阶段,堆肥中的杂质——大、中型悬浮固体,即硬金属和有机物夹杂物被清除。污染物进入土壤混合物,部分被植物根系吸收和处理。土壤混合体重新焕发生机,净化后的水进入邻近的河流、湖泊或排水沟。在整体水处理方面,该系统的效率为 93%。建筑物和停车场屋顶的径流总量减少到 90%。


Brusnika uses rooftop and parking roof runoff in its residential areas after the soil absorbs the rainwater and nourishes plant roots. The runoff first enters the ‘body’ of the rain garden through roof funnels and the system of internal drain pipes. After collection, the water infiltrates into the carefully balanced compost – an optimal mix of natural components and additives. At this stage, it frees from impurities – large and medium suspended solids, i.e. hard metals and organic matter inclusions. Pollutants enter the soil mix and are partly absorbed and processed by plant roots. The soil mix revitalises, and purified water enters a neighbouring river, lake, or storm drain. In terms of overall water treatment, the efficiency of this system is 93%. The total runoff volume from building and parking rooftops reduces to 90%.

Landscape engineering distinguishes three levels of rainwater collection and usage. These are green roofs, trafficked parking roofs, and street phytoremediation facilities.


▽Brusnika 开发项目中的雨水利用 Rainwater use in Brusnika’s projects

Courtesy of Brusnika


绿色屋顶 Green roofs


最初,为了建造大面积的屋顶绿化,Brusnika 使用了“欧洲绿垫”技术。然而,在亚北极大陆性气候条件下,植物生根缓慢,往往无法茁壮成长。此外,由于成本高昂,这种技术仅限于高档住宅。

A costly element of any project, a green roof often sits in inaccessible parts of the building, which affects its maintenance. It may be equipped with an automatic irrigation system at most, so plants usually used for landscaping in residential areas are unsuitable – they have to be hardy, with no need to tend them daily.

Initially, to create extensive roofs, Brusnika used European green mats. However, in continental subarctic climates, plants are slow to take root and often fail to thrive. Moreover, due to their high cost, this technology is only limited to upmarket housing.


© Ilya Teplov


一个可行的替代办法是种植各种草原和草甸群落植物,它们能抵御乌拉尔和西伯利亚-30°C до +30°C的恶劣气候。我们在俄罗斯城市叶卡捷琳堡的“Na Nekrasova Quarter” 的一个房屋屋顶上启动了一个试点项目。今年春天,景观设计师种植了乌拉尔本地植物,将整个屋顶区域划分为六个等面积的地块,土壤组合和排水膜深度各不相同。通过这种方式,他们将得出一个完美的景观设计公式。明年春天植物过冬后,我们就可以全面评估实验结果了。

A viable alternative is to plant a variety of steppe and meadow communities plants, resistant to the harsh climates of the Urals and Siberia with a range of seasonal temperatures of –30°C до +30°C. We have launched a pilot project on one of the house roofs in the “Na Nekrasova Quarter” in Russian city Yekaterinburg. This spring, landscape architects planted indigenous Ural plants, dividing the whole roof area into six equal plots varying in soil mix and drainage membrane depth. This way, they will derive a perfect formula for such landscaping. We can fully evaluate the experiment results next spring after wintering the plants.


▽屋顶绿化技术——“馅饼”结构 Extensive roof technology_ pie structure

Courtesy of Brusnika
© Alena Skala
© Alena Skala
© Alena Skala


停车场屋顶 Parking trafficked roof

Brusnika 的住宅区一般由封闭的街区、底层临街的零售区和位于停车场屋顶的内庭院组成。因此,屋顶绿化基本上等同于庭院绿化。

Brusnika’s residential quarters generally comprise closed-up blocks, a street-facing retail zone on the ground floor, and the inner courtyard on the first-floor level sited on the parking rooftop. So basically, landscaping the roof equals landscaping the yard.


© Andrey Kuskalo
© Alena Skala
© Alexander Saskov


根据欧洲开发商的经验,Brusnika 设计的停车场屋顶绿色庭院包含 65-70% 的植物,其中 30% 为灌木,20% 为草坪,20% 为草和多年生植物,5% 为大型乔木,其余 25% 为硬质地面。除了美化环境外,大量的绿色植物还能净化空气、挡风、遮阳,并增强庭院内环境的舒适性。例如,针叶树会分泌植物杀菌素,这是一种天然化合物,可以杀死细菌,消除空气污染。为了给院子里的植物浇水,我们翻新了地面管道,用于集水和自动灌溉。

Based on the experience of European developers, Brusnika’s formula for a green courtyard on the parking roof contains 65-70% of plants, where  30% are shrubs, 20% – lawns, 20% – grasses and perennials, 5% – large-sized trees and the remaining 25% – hard surfacing. Except beautification, extensive greenery purifies the air, shelters the wind, provides shade and promotes a comfortable environment inside the yard. For example, conifers produce phytoncides – natural compounds killing bacteria and fighting air pollution. To water plants in the yard, we have refurbished surface funnels for water collection and automatic irrigation.


© Alexander Saskov


街道植物修复设施 Street phytoremediation facilities

这些设施包括雨水花园和生物排水沟(或洼地)。这些功能性绿色缓冲区还能集中地表径流,并将其引向附近的植物。它们能充分减少公用设施的负荷,使流入雨水管道的径流减少到 90%。通过不使用复杂的化学物质来清洁街道,从而在一定程度上防止了水污染。

These include rain gardens and bio drainage channels, known as wadi. These functional green buffers also concentrate surface runoff and channel it to feed nearby plants. They sufficiently reduce utility load, with runoff reaching storm drains drop to 90%. By using no complex chemicals for street cleaning, we prevent water pollution.


© Maxim Loskutov


​在俄罗斯秋明市“Oktyabrsky区”建成的第一条生物排水道在经历了几个季节的考验后,证明了其效率。这些水渠沿街区周边的专用缓冲区修建,在降雨、融雪和当地 Tura 河季节性涨水时收集水源,防止集水区过涝。沿着渠道斜坡种植的抗洪草、灌木和树木,就像一个生物泵,吸收和蒸发水分,防止洪水泛滥。与雨水花园不同的是,“洼地”只有一个吸收杂质的渗透混合土坡。为避免溢出,溢流管会将多余的水引入雨水渠。

The first bio-drainage channels completed in “Oktyabrsky Quarter” in Russian city Tyumen have weathered several seasons and proved their efficiency. Built in dedicated buffers along the quarter perimeter, wadis collect water during rains, snow melting and seasonal overflow of the local Tura River, preventing water logging in the catchment area. With flood-resistant grasses, shrubs and trees planted along the slopes of the channels, they act as a biological pump, soaking up and evaporating water, which prevents flooding. Unlike rain gardens, wadis have only one infiltration soil mix slope to absorb impurities. To avoid spillovers, overflow pipes channel excess water to storm drains.


© Alexander Saskov
© Vitaly Dulger


▽秋明市 Oktyabrsky 区的“洼地”系统 The wadi system in Oktyabrsky Quarter, Tyumen 

Courtesy of Brusnika


街道雨水花园首次出现在俄罗斯新西伯利亚市“European Riverfront”住宅区(Brusnika 开发项目)的一栋房屋中,用于疏导邻近步行街的径流。其特点是混合土的深度为 1.3 米,而不是通常的 2 米。这是因为收集的水来自步行街的地砖铺面和建筑物立面,而不是屋顶。径流成分会影响污染的性质——相关专家们仍在研究水管里系统中的混合土壤。花园中种植的喜湿植物和树木的根系能够吸收杂质。

Street rain gardens first appeared in one of the houses of “European Riverfront” residential area (Brusnika’s project) in Russian city Novosibirsk to channel runoff from the neighbouring pedestrian street. Their feature is the depth of the soil mix – 1,3 instead of the customary 2 metres. It is because water collection comes from the pedestrian street tile paving and building frontage, avoiding the rooftop. The runoff composition affects the nature of pollution – experts are still studying the soil mix in the system. The root system of moisture-loving plants and trees planted on top absorbs impurities.


▽街道雨水花园剖视图 Sectional view. Street rain garden

Courtesy of Brusnika
© Maxim Loskutov


为水体供水 Feeding water bodies

除雨水管道外,雨水径流的另一种排放方式是将雨水导入最近的水体。以 Brusnika 在秋明市的另一个项目“House by the Lake”为例:该地区的雨水花园为邻近的 Tikhoye 湖提供了水源。雨水径流渗入雨水花园和植物修复系统的几个梯田,然后排入湖中。该系统保持了水量平衡,清澈的水体流入湖中,为附近的植物和野生动物提供了栖息之地。为了实现这一技术,Brusnika 公司自 2021 年起开始对 Tikhoye 湖进行改造。通过人工水坝抽水 2.6 万立方米,清除了湖底 2 万立方米的淤泥,将湖面从 1.4 米加深到 2.5 米,并建造了支撑墙。目前该项目正在进行景观美化:湖边正在铺设人行道和自行车道。

An alternative way to discharge rainwater runoff is by channelling it to the nearest water body in addition to storm drains. Take one more project of Brusnika — “House by the Lake” in Tyumen: rain gardens inside the area feed the neighbouring Tikhoye Lake. The rainwater runoff infiltrates into the rain gardens and several terraces of the phytoremediation system before discharging into the lake. It maintains water balance, where the lake benefits from an inflow of clear water, which feeds nearby plants and sustains wildlife. To realise this technology Brusnika has being revitalized Tikhoye Lake since 2021. The developer already  cleaned the basin, removed 20 000 cubic metres silt from the bottom of the lake by pumping 26 000 cubic metres of water through an artificial dam, deepened the lake from 1.4 to 2.5 metres and erected supporting walls. Now landscaping in progress: lake is equipping with pedestrian paths and cycling lanes.


© Brusnika
© Alexander Saskov
© Maxim Loskutov
© Maxim Loskutov


▽秋明 Tikhoye 湖植物修复技术研究 The technology of phytoremediation on Tikhoye Lake, Tyumen

Courtesy of Brusnika


作为 Brusnika 产品标准的重要组成部分,景观的可持续性是全球城市发展不可否认的优先事项,也符合联合国应对气候变化的目标。通过实施全面的水资源管理和植物修复计划,公司成功实现了以下目标:

1. 通过建立雨水收集、处理和利用的生物循环,实现径流分流。
2. 将屋顶绿化面积增加一倍。
3. 缩小污水收集器的直径,形成几乎干净的径流。
4. 在街道和庭院径流之间建立绿色缓冲区。
5. 促进符合 BREEM 社区标准的项目的生态性,并增强其可持续性。

An essential part of the product standard in Brusnika, landscape sustainability is an undeniable priority in urban development across the globe, in line with the UN’s goal to combat climate change. By implementing a comprehensive water management and phytoremediation programme, the company has managed to achieve the following objectives:

1. To divert runoff by creating a biological cycle of rainfall collection, treatment and utilisation.
2. To double the area of green roofs.
3. To narrow the diameter of foul runoff collectors and create virtually clean runoff.
4. To create a green buffer between the street and courtyard runoff.
5. To boost the ecological aspect of projects in compliance with BREEM Communities standards and enhance their sustainability.



水作为生态可持续性的源泉,是景观和城市环境可持续发展的关键因素,Brusnika 通过实施全面的水资源管理和植物修复计划,在景观的可持续性上成功实现了多个目标。

审稿编辑: SIM

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