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Thanks Ninja Stuudio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Ninja Stuudio.
Ninja Stuudio:“白色书页”是一个位于爱沙尼亚塔林卡德里奥(Kadriorg)的小型图书馆/阅读亭,其建筑外形设计源于一个文学形象:阅读亭的屋顶像一张轻薄的白色书页悬浮在空中,只浅浅倚靠在下方的玻璃书架上。书架上摆满书籍,形成了一堵书墙,为亭内阅读之人提供了私密性。阅读亭地面为简单的木质露台,其与玻璃墙相结合,赋予了建筑一种夏日轻盈感,并与当地气候相适应。阅读亭邀请人们参与到阅读中,以此重新激活了这处被废弃的城市空间。该设计是在当地政府、文学中心及社区成员的积极参与下共同促成的。
Ninja Stuudio:“White Sheet” is a tiny public library or a reading pavilion located in Kadriorg, Tallinn, with its architecture inspired by the image of a literary idea. There are always ideas in the air and so also the pavilion’s roof hovers as a light sheet of paper in mid-air relying only on the glass shelves below. The shelves are filled with books forming a kind of a wall that gives some privacy to the people in the pavilion. The floor is a simple wooden terrace that in combination with the glass walls gives the pavilion its light summery feel that matches well the local atmosphere. The pavilion activates the former abandoned urban space by inviting people as well as activities. Its transparency also creates a kind of social control. The idea for the construction stemmed from the active members of the local government, literary centre and community.
▽项目概况 Project overview
阅读亭所在场地原本是一个被人忽视的城市空间,偶尔用来遛狗。场地内的大树与灌木长势繁茂,遮挡了外界的视线,同时也营造了一定的安全感。塔林文学中心(Tallinn Literary Center)位于场地对面,其负责人注意到了该空间的潜力,因此希望通过清理场地、重新塑造一个永久性的文学形象,以赋予这一空间新的意义。
The site was previously a neglected urban space used occasionally for walking dogs. The site had large trees with bushes growing on their feet which limited visibility and a sense of security. Tallinn Literary Center, which operates opposite the site, had noticed its potential and thought it would be a good idea to tidy up the place and give it a more permanent literature-related look.
▽场地原貌,一处被人忽视的空间 Before
▽项目建成后,阅读亭激活了空间 After
The Literary Center, organizing the annual literary festival, wanted to signal that the street had a special connection with literature and also to keep books and literature visible around them. So that anyone could take a few minutes in a day and spend it there with a book. The Tallinn City Centre Government immediately came onboard and made every effort to make the pavilion come true. City organized a small architectural competition of which The White Sheet proposal emerged.
The initial design depicted a thin white sheet supported solely by glass. The hardest part for us the architects was to adapt this idea to the real-life situation concerning the Estonian climate and possible risk of damage. For the floating roof we considered several options among which were veneer structure and CLT-panels. Finally we used our experience of building and repairing yachts, so we designed a 3D mold made of beams and veneer and a local boat builder produced the positive structure from fiberglass.
The shelves are filled with books forming a kind of a wall that gives some privacy to the people in the pavilion. Its transparency also creates a kind of social control. The floor is a simple wooden terrace that in combination with the glass walls gives the pavilion its light summery feel that matches the local atmosphere. The pavilion has reference to history as Kadriorg, part of Tallinn, was formerly known for summer villas with large glass verandas.
“白色书页”阅读亭在 2020 年文学街道节日(Literary Street Festival)期间开放,当地居民很快就接受了它的存在,图书交换活动也从此开始流行起来,每天都有人来这里阅读。虽然一开始相关人员对该项目还有所担忧,但这座公共阅读亭已经顺利地挺过了三个寒冷的冬天。该项目获得了由爱沙尼亚建筑协会举办的当地建筑大奖最佳“小型”类建筑的奖项殊荣。
White Sheet was opened during the Literary Street Festival in 2020. Locals immediately embraced it, the book exchange has caught on and there is rarely an hour in a day when the pavilion has nobody sitting or moving around there. Despite the initial fears the pavilion has well survived three Nordic winters. White Sheet recieved the Estonian Architecture Award in the category SMALL of the Estonian Association of Architects 2022.
▽场地平面图 Site Plan
▽阅读亭平面图 Plan
▽阅读亭剖面图 Section
“ 用简单的干预激活城市中的闲置空间,将阅读场所放置于公共的、自然的环境之中,让阅读变成一件可轻松参与的小事,可以发生在每一个平常的瞬间。”
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