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Thanks Kengo Kuma and Associates for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Kengo Kuma and Associates.
KKAA:我们在慕尼黑离路德维希二世(Ludwig II)的新天鹅堡(Neuschwanstein castle)不远的郊外森林里设计了一个冥想场所。Das Kranzbach是世界闻名的温泉疗养胜地,酒店客人可以在这个小木屋里练习瑜伽或进行冥想。
KKAA:We designed a facility for meditation in a forest on the outskirts of Munich, not too far from Ludwig II’s Neuschwanstein castle. Das Kranzbach is known worldwide as a mecca for spa goers and here in this cabin the hotel guests can practice yoga and meditation.
We selected fir trees grown near the site and milled them to a width of 30mm, piling them up like twigs, in order to produce a transitional scale between the large forest and small architecture. This is also a medium through which humans can be integrated into the forest. The little twigs disperse the light filtering through the skylight, repeating the effect of komorebi or ‘rays of light’ often experienced in the forest.
地点:德国 克林
项目团队:Sarah Markert, Katsuhito Komatsu(前员工)
Location: Krun, Germany
Completion: 2018.09
Area: 141.37m²
Project Type: Meditation House
Project team: Sarah Markert, Katsuhito Komatsu(Former staff)
更多 Read more about: 隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所