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Thanks Estudio Atemporal for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Estudio Atemporal.
Estudio Atemporal:这个位于图卢姆丛林中的地下酒吧是典型的墨西哥风格建筑,与周边环境格格不入,隐匿的入口只为那些真正寻找新奇体验的人保留。
Estudio Atemporal:Located in the jungle of Tulum, this space, like its sister house in Mexico City, makes a different statement than the other places around, it hides its entrance, just to bring it to the attention of those who are really looking for a different experience, keeping the line of the speakeasy.

▼入口 The entrance

In this space a succession of concrete volumes emerge from the ground to contrast with the vegetation creating a series of pavilions with a heavy material feel that at the same time can be felt light by its structure.

▼材料具有厚重感 Heavy material feel

▼结构轻盈 Can be felt light by its structure

The project divides its program according to the modules that make up the set: two independent pavilions that function as covered areas for diners, a bathroom area hidden behind what could be a pyramid and a bar that becomes the heart of the place leaving the kitchen and other services on the back.

▼餐饮区 Areas for diners

▼厕所 Bathroom

▼酒吧 Bar

Through basic constructive elements: columns, slabs, straight walls, curved walls and differences in heights of these, it is possible to create a different experience in each of the pavilions, always having a contact with the materiality in its purest expression and leaving very clear the function: to protect from the sun and tropical rain.

This space generates a very particular and not so obvious experience, making it feel like the discovery of a site of ruins within the jungle, which makes us question its temporality, as if it had always been there.

▼平面图 Plan

▼剖面图 Section

建筑工作室:Estudio Atemporal
图片来源:Luis Gallardo LGM Studio
设计团队:Luciana de la garza / Paul Curuchet / Mario Zetina
客户:Xaman Bar
Architects: Estudio Atemporal
Website: www.estudioatemporal.com
Contact e-mail: Luciana.d@estudioatemporal.com
Year: 2017
Area: 783 m2
Location: Carretera Tulum – boca paila km 7.7, Tulum, Quintana Roo, México
Photos: Luis Gallardo LGM Studio
Design Team: Luciana de la garza / Paul Curuchet / Mario Zetina
Client: Xaman Bar
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