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Thanks ARC·SPACE for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by ARC·SPACE.


黑·白·灰建筑空间摄影: 隐于闹市中的一方禅院

ARC·SPACE: A monastery hidden in a busy town


© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影
© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影
© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影




A tea room is a peaceful and relaxing place. Whether it is simple or elegant, with just a cup of tea, one can experience wholehearted comfort.


▽茶室外观 Tea room appearance

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© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影
© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影
© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影
© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影
© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影



Zizhu Tea House is a place full of natural style, making people feel peaceful and comfortable. The design of the entire teahouse is full of natural elements, with wooden simplicity and stunning green plants, as if one is immersed in nature. The air is filled with a faint aroma of tea, making people feel incredibly comfortable and relaxed.


▽古朴的入口空间 Simple entrance space

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© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影
© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影
© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影
© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影



Choose a bustling city, build a tea room, avoid sound, lust, and dogs, welcome the flow of fresh water, elegance and secular, urban and mountain forests, blend seamlessly here, and then with three or five friends, light a furnace of smoke, drink a pot of tea, and spend a leisurely time, which is like a paradise in contemporary life.


▽沉浸式庭院茶室体验 Immersive courtyard tea room experience

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© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影
© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影
© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影
© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影



Although life cannot completely avoid the hustle and bustle of cars and horses, having the happiness of a tea man can cultivate a fence and plant chrysanthemums in one’s heart, and build one’s own paradise.


▽细节呈现 Detail presentation

© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影
© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影
© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影



The pursuit of a simple tea room space is not only a primitive tea flavor, but also a simple artistic conception of life. Chinese people’s love for tea has long been deeply ingrained in their bones, creating a tea room that is both refined and popular. Every tea loving person seeks a peaceful space between heaven and earth, and there is nothing more important than this. A tea room with a peaceful corner is the first time they fall in love


© ARC·SPACE建筑空间摄影



项目名称:紫竹茶室 & ZI ZHU CHA SHI
项目地点:广州 广东

Project Name: ZI ZHU CHA SHI
Project type: Design sharing
Project location: GUANGZHOU, GUANDONG
Shooting time: 2023
Photo Credits: ARC·SPACE




更多read more about:  黑·白·灰建筑空间摄影