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ZHA:The mixed-use Zugló City Centre in Budapest’s 14th district integrates new civic spaces surrounded by nature together with homes, shops and offices on a site of nearly seven hectares between Bosnyák Square and Rákos Creek. Developed in phases by Bayer Construct Group in Hungary, the project will begin construction early next year and is scheduled for completion in 2029.


courtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects


Zugló城市中心由周边街道和公园的城市肌理所界定,通过重点设计新的公共广场和花园,重新建立起与Rákos Creek自然生态系统的连接,创造了一个相互交织的花园和广场脉络,两旁还有餐馆、咖啡馆、商店、公寓和办公室,以及一个新的医疗诊所和市政大厅。

Defined by the surrounding urban fabric of the district’s avenues and parks, Zugló City Centre weaves new public squares and gardens through the heart of the design to connect with the re-established natural ecosystem at Rákos Creek; creating a network of interconnected gardens and plazas lined with restaurants and cafes, shops, apartments and offices as well as a new medical clinic and town hall.


courtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects


“我们非常荣幸能够中标Zugló市中心开发项目的建筑设计,该项目将在首都布达佩斯创建一个绿色可持续的社区,新的市中心与周边地区和Rákos Creek有机地联系在一起,将提供住宅、办公、商业、娱乐和休闲服务,并与新建的大型绿地和社区空间形成一个和谐的整体。该综合开发项目还将向美丽首都布达佩斯的建筑、文化和历史致敬,并用最先进的解决方案为未来铺平道路。”扎哈·哈迪德建筑师事务所总监吉Gianluca Racana说。

“It is a great honour for us to have won the architectural design tender for the development of Zugló City Centre. The project will create one of the greenest and most sustainable neighborhoods on the Pest side of the capital. The new city centre, organically linked to the surrounding area and Rákos Creek, will equally offer residential, office, commercial and leisure services which will form a harmonious whole with the large green areas and community spaces that will be created. The complex development will also pay tribute to the architecture, culture and history of the beautiful capital, Budapest, while paving the way for the future with state-of-the-art solutions,” said Gianluca Racana, Director of Zaha Hadid Architects.


courtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects



Zugló City Centre embeds future-proof solutions within its design to reduce energy consumption and emissions while enhancing the quality of life for the local community. Incorporating insulating green roofs as well as the collection, storage and reuse of 90,000 cubic meters of rainwater per year, and the orientation and composition of its buildings contribute to naturally regulate temperatures within the centre; decreasing summer peaks by up to 6°C compared to average temperatures in downtown Budapest.


courtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects



To achieve these goals, the design includes nearly 35,000 sq.m of communal green space, shade trees and ponds to establish a new park that will be the third largest in the district. A centralised plant controlled by smart systems and powered by renewables will reduce energy consumption compared to buildings using traditional heating and energy supply.


courtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects



Extensive pedestrian zones and new bike paths will encourage urban micro-mobility by connecting living, working and recreational spaces within short walking distances. Determined by detailed transport impact assessments together with micro/macro simulations, the surrounding infrastructure and road networks will be improved and include the creation of 12,000 sq.m of new landscaped areas.


courtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects


900棵新的植物构成的“绿色中枢”重新定义了城市的中轴,并延伸至Rákos Creek的自然生态系统中,将城市广场和花园转变为水边的自然公园,使生活在第14区的市民都能与自然亲密接触。

Extending to the natural ecosystem of Rákos Creek, the ‘green spine’ includes the planting of 900 new trees and defines the central axis of the City Centre design; transforming from urban plazas and gardens into natural parkland at the creek, enabling all those living in the 14th district to easily connect with nature.


courtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects


“该项目着眼于城市周边生态系统,结合Zugló市和布达佩斯市的未来发展,与Rákos Creek的自然化建立紧密的联系并提高生物多样性,建立一个全面的自然生态系统,促进与更广泛景观的生态连接。新的城市中心设想了一个’绿色中枢’作为生态发展的主轴,实现城市广场到自然公园之间的平稳过渡,并根据用户需求创造了一个常年宜居的空间,此举旨在重新连接人与自然。”景观设计师LAND Italia说。

“The project looks at the surrounding ecosystems, integrating the future developments of the Zugló district and Budapest city to develop a strong bond with the renaturalisation of Rákos Creek; enhancing biodiversity and establishing a comprehensive natural ecosystem facilitating ecological connectivity with the broader landscapes. The new district envisions a ‘green spine’ as the natural backbone of the development which provides a smooth transition from an urban plaza to a natural park, creating liveable spaces designed according to the users needs throughout the year with the intent of reconnecting people with nature,” said landscape designers LAND Italia.




项目地点:匈牙利 布达佩斯
时间:2021 – 2029年
扎哈项目负责人:Gianluca Racana
扎哈项目总监:Maurizio Meossi
扎哈项目助理:Cristina Capanna
扎哈项目首席设计师:Bogdan Zaha
扎哈竞赛团队:Millie Anderson, Sara Criscenti, Harry Spraiter, Shi Qi Tu, Carlos Bausa
Martinez, Pierandrea Angius, Anat Stern, Vishu Bhoshaan, Henry Louth, Federico Borello
扎哈项目组:Zsuzsanna Barat, Sara Criscenti, Shi Qi Tu, Damir Alisphahic, Alessandro Cascone, Benedetta Cavaliere, Juan Pablo Londono, Gabriele De Giovanni, Luciana Maia Teodozio, Yaseen Bhatti, Lara Zakhem, Alexandra Fisher, Dilara Yurttas, Rotem Lewinsohn

景观:LAND Italia srl
可持续发展与能源:BuroHappold Engineering
当地执行建筑师:LIMA Design
景观:LAND Italia srl

Project name: Zugló City Centre
Project location: Budapest, Hungary
Clients: Bayer Construct Group
Status: Design
Date: 2021-2029
Design: Zaha Hadid Architects
ZHA Project Principal: Gianluca Racana
ZHA Project Director: Maurizio Meossi
ZHA Project Associate: Cristina Capanna
ZHA Project Lead Designer: Bogdan Zaha
ZHA Competition Team: Millie Anderson, Sara Criscenti, Harry Spraiter, Shi Qi Tu, Carlos Bausa
Martinez, Pierandrea Angius, Anat Stern, Vishu Bhoshaan, Henry Louth, Federico Borello
ZHA Project Team: Zsuzsanna Barat, Sara Criscenti, Shi Qi Tu, Damir Alisphahic, Alessandro Cascone, Benedetta Cavaliere, Juan Pablo Londono, Gabriele De Giovanni, Luciana Maia Teodozio, Yaseen Bhatti, Lara Zakhem, Alexandra Fisher, Dilara Yurttas, Rotem Lewinsohn

Consultants (Competition Stage):
Landscape: LAND Italia srl
Sustainability and Energy: BuroHappold Engineering
Consultants (Design Stage):
Local Executive Architect: LIMA Design
Landscape: LAND Italia srl
Sustainability: ABUD
Urban Planning: Obeliszk
Mobility / Traffic Simulation: Innoqalea
Road Design: Mobil-city
Fire & Safety: Fireeng



审稿编辑: Simin

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