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Thanks B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio.
B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio:Seed Plaza is located in Nanhu District, Jiaxing, 10 kilometer east of the downtown area. It sits at the boundary between urban and natural environment. Half of the surroundings are farms and parks, and the other half are residential and commercial streets. Different orientations offer different landscapes and atmospheres, forming a diverse and vibrant sense of place. Roads around the plaza intersect, drawing people together and making it the most dynamic core location in the entire neighborhood.
▽项目视频 video
▽项目外观 Project appearance

▽微缩的立体街区 Miniature three-dimensional blocks

The project is defined as a real estate supporting facility, and is currently used as an exhibition center and retail space for nearby communities. The plaza will serve as a community center shared by the surrounding neighborhood in the future.
▽轴测示意图 Axonometric diagram

▽建筑周边环境 Building surrounding environment

设计理念 Design Concept
「一半室内;一半室外」”Half indoors half outdoors”
We observed that after the pandemic, people have began to seek more interaction with nature and enjoy outdoor life. This change in social environment has inspired us to rethink the value and state of architecture in the new era. Under the site conditions where the urban environment and natural ecology are intertwined, we hope to introduce a regulator that helps people leave the city and enter nature, and creates as much comfortable and rich outdoor activity spaces as possible in the plaza.
▽人视建筑外观 People depend on the appearance of a building

The inclusion of up to 3500㎡of outdoor space within the 7000㎡ of architectural space is a key element of the project. In conventional real estate projects, the design methods involving huge amounts of non-indoor spaces contradict the logic of the real estate revenue, leading to a considerable contradiction. However, in this project, the client strongly agrees with the concept of integrating nature and architectural space, resulting in a completely open architectural form.
▽室外平台 Outdoor deck

「一半城市;一半自然」”Half city half nature”
As a public function of the community, the neighborhood center is an important hub for people to relate and communicate. We try to create a miniature three-dimensional neighborhood within an architecture and use the logic of “streets and alleys” to connect the spaces to bring interesting and diverse spatial experience. As a significant medium, plants are inadvertently interspersed in the architectural space that people walk through. The plants easily come into sights of the citizens and allow direct contact with the bodies. Through the design, greenery naturally flows into life.
▽用“街巷”逻辑连接空间 Connect Spaces with “street” logic

The entire building is composed of 20 stacked boxes of different shapes, representing a diverse and growing personality. Combined with the floor slabs, large amounts of grey spaces are created between boxes for people to walk and explore freely. Thirteen stairs that go up and down break the concept of normal multi-storey architecture and are as endless as urban streets. The endless circulation make people to forget the existence of the elevators and immerse themselves in the building, roaming and walking aimlessly, looking for randomness and uniqueness in daily life.
▽建筑生成示意图 Building generation diagram

▽由二十个形态各异的盒子堆叠而成 It’s made of 20 boxes of different shapes stacked on top of each other

The mutually independent architectural form of the boxes can flexibly responds to future functional changes in the building. As time goes by, the demand for real estate’s display function gradually transforms into the functional needs of a community center. During the process of partial adjustment of individual boxes, the normal use of other boxes will not be affected.
▽外观夜景 Exterior night scene

▽室外平台夜景 Outdoor terrace night view

空间节点 Nodes of Space
Based on the project’s site area and the functional requirements of the client we set up four floors as the platforms for spatial organization. The platform relationship moves back step by step, showing an intention of mountainous terrain on the facade. The floor slabs avoids the rigidity of straight lines and responds to spatial changes through spatial bending, reflecting a lively and dynamic visual effect.
▽立面上呈现出“山”的意向 The facade presents the intention of “mountain”

▽弯折的楼板 Bent floor slab

Each box moves with different angles to form semi-outdoor spaces with different scales and views.These spaces are connected to each other, connecting movement and stillness, thus creating a continuous and vibrant spatial state. The area which connects the boxes and the grey spaces is surrounded by local greenery. By placing furniture and seating, the area becomes a communal resting space as if in urban streets.
▽下沉的半室外空间 Sunken semi-outdoor space

▽盒子与灰空间相接的区域 The area where the box meets the gray space

Trees are planted on the roof space which is created by stacked floor slabs and staggered boxes, forming a rooftop forest scattered on the building. Irregular-shaped holes are cut around the atrium, running from the ground floor to the roof, establishing intersecting lines of sight. We choose to leave some gaps around the atrium to grow bushes and ground cover plants. When standing in the semi-underground space and the grey spaces on each floor, people can see the layered greenery. When the breeze comes and sunlights pours in, the sense of nature flows in the space. Meanwhile, the tall and open holes become the major visual focus inside the architecture.
▽散落在建筑上的屋顶树林 Roof trees scattered across the building

The steps going down from the first floor connects the semi-underground space and the square, eliminating the height difference and transforming it into an area for seating, seeing and activity. In this way, the space has various possibilities for use. The top wall of the fourth-floor large box is designed to be high to lead people’s sight inward and upward. People can stay in a ceremonial theater feeling the sky and the earth. Facing the sky at the highest point of the architecture, people get to experience the end of the wandering.
▽半地下空间与广场 Semi-underground space with plaza

▽面向天空的中庭 Atrium facing the sky

材料细节 Material Details
The colors of the building facade materials are designed as the tone of gray and white to ensure a sense of art and integrity. The pure and clean state helps reflect our design philosophy of architecture as the background and container of daily life. In order to further achieve a rich, neighborhood-like status in the space, each of the 20 boxes adopts different facade effects. The boxes on the first and fourth floors use metal panels with different brightness and specifications according to their different commercial and artistic properties. Serving as the core area of the center, the second and third floors choose wood panels and stone as facade materials which are warmer and more friendly.

The materials of the ground is also vary based on the nature and characteristics of the space. The ground floor features stone flooring which connects the landscape of the square. The second and fourth floors employ exposed aggregate concrete, while the semi-underground square and the third floor are made of outdoor laminated bamboo flooring. In addition, the outdoor rest areas of each box are made of different materials and textures. This allows people to experience the rich appearance of the neighborhood center as they move between floors.
▽竹钢铺地 Bamboo steel paving

▽水洗石地面 Washed stone floor

▽屋顶下层广场 Lower roof square

总结 Summary
In the past era of rapid urban development, society pursued saturated interior usable areas. However, in the change from the incremental era to the stock era, outdoor spaces once considered extremely wasteful may gradually become more important. As an architecture with a 1:1 ratio of indoor and outdoor spaces, Seed Plaza provides people with a space that allows them to take a break and connects with nature. Through people’s walking and roaming, the plaza inspires their self exploration and establishes intimate neighborhood relationship, and expands the boundaries of life. We hope that this model may become a new choice for neighborhood center and commercial architecture in the new era.
▽夜景鸟瞰 Night view from bird’s eye view

▽施工过程 Construction process
▽总平面图 General plan

▽负一层平面图 -1 floor plan

▽一层平面图 Ground floor plan

▽二层平面 Two level plane

▽三层平面图 Three-level plan

▽四层平面图 Four-level plan

▽屋顶平面图 Roof plan

▽南立面图 South elevation

▽透视剖面图 Perspective section

▽剖面详图 Section detail

项目名称:嘉兴 种子艺术中心
项目所在地:浙江省 嘉兴市
建筑设计:青山周平、藤井洋子、荣浩翔、陈乃纶、厉静远、王余汀、张昕翌、永崎悠 / B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所
设计周期:10.2021- 07.2022
施工周期:07.2022 – 05.2023
摄影师:Eiichi Kano、朱清言
Project Name: Seed Plaza in Jiaxing
Project Location: Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province
Project Type: Neighborhood Center
Architectural Design: Shuhei Aoyama, Yoko Fujii, Haoxiang Rong, Nailun Chen, Jingyuan Li, Yuting Wang, Xinyi Zhang, Yu Nagasaki / B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio
Landscape Design: WTD Group
Facade ( Curtain Wall) Design: Hangzhou Jiawei Curtain Wall Decoration Co., Ltd.
Sign Design: Boxi Sign
Lighting Design: ZOE Lighting Design
Client: Jiaxing Shihe New Rural Development Co.,Ltd. & Jiaxing; Vanke Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
Size: One Floor Underground/ Four Floors Above Ground
Site Area: 2750㎡
Gross Area: 7000㎡
Design Period: 10. 2021 – 07. 2022
Construction Period: 07. 2022 – 05. 2023
Photography Credit: Eiichi Kano, Qingyan Zhu
Materials: Raw Concrete Coating, Aluminum Panels, Stainless Steel, Precast Aggregate Concrete Panels, Facade Wood Veneer Panels, Glass, Exposed Aggregate Concrete, Laminated Bamboo
Structure Type: Concrete Frame Structure
“ 自然与建筑的巧妙融合,营造⼀个微缩的立体街区,用“街巷”逻辑连接空间,带来有趣、多元的体验,尽可能在建筑中创造舒适、丰富的户外活动空间。”
更多 Read more about: B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所