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Yong Ju Lee Architecture:“苔藓柱”是研究如何将生物与建筑相结合的原型。OVID-19 之后,人们对建筑环境的认识有了新的提高。尽管人们采用了各种方法进行可持续设计,但当代建筑中的建筑材料本身在一段时间内基本没有变化。在这次实验中,Yong Ju Lee 提出了一种将植物直接嵌入人工材料的方法。

Yong Ju Lee Architecture:Moss Columns are the prototypes to examine how to combine living organisms with architecture. A renewed perspective on the built environment has increased in the period following COVID-19. Even various methods have been employed for sustainable design, the construction material itself in contemporary architecture have remained largely unchanged for some time. In this experiment, I am now presenting a direct embedding approach of plants into the artificial materials.



苔藓被选为这些实验的主要植物,是因为苔藓具有无维管束的特性,这意味着它们不会像其他植物一样长得很高,而且只用根来固定而不是滋养。为了研究用于嵌入的高清复杂图案,几何图形是通过计算设计工具操作和生成的。而为了实现复杂的形态,项目团队采用了先进的建造技术,如配备工业机械臂的大型 3D 打印机。

Mosses, chosen as the primary plant for these experiments, are suitable due to their non-vascular nature, which means they do not grow tall like other plants and use roots solely for anchoring rather than nourishment. To investigate high-res and complicated pattern for embedding, geometry is manipulated and generated through computational design tools. Advanced construction technologies are employed to realize the complex forms: such as a large-scale 3D printer with an industrial robotic arm.



该实验代表了一种将自然生命与人造结构无缝融合的最新方法,捕捉了人工结构与自然元素和谐融合的视觉表现,模拟了有机溶解的过程。被称为反应-扩散系统的数学模型用于描述一种或多种化学物质浓度在空间和时间上的变化。通过该模型衍生出的设计算法,生成了一个整体垂直形式,前景(苔藓)与背景(3D 打印结构)在 3 米的高度上融为一体。为了实现有效的大规模 3D 打印,团队采用了熔融颗粒制造技术(FGF),在六轴机械臂(ABB IRB-4600)的末端操作挤出机,聚乳酸颗粒的喷嘴尺寸为 2 毫米。这种垂直堆叠的制造工艺成为一种设计限制,对定制工作流程具有一定影响。

The experiment represents an updated approach to seamlessly merge natural life with manmade structures, capturing the visual representation of artificial structures blending harmoniously with natural elements, mimicking the organic dissolution process. The mathematical model known as a reaction-diffusion system is used to describe the spatial and temporal changes in the concentration of one or more chemical substances. Through the design algorithm derived from this model, an overall vertical form is generated, with the foreground (moss) merging into its background (3D printed structure) over a height of 3,000 mm. To achieve effective large-scale 3D printing, Fused Granulate Fabrication (FGF) is utilized, with an extruder operated at the end of a 6-axis robotic arm (ABB IRB-4600) and a nozzle size of 2mm for PLA pellets. This vertically stacking fabrication process becomes a design constraint, influencing the establishment of a custom workflow.




This attempt provides an active and radical solution for integrating organic and inorganic matter through a single-body geometric system. It highlights the interaction and exchange of respiratory and photosynthetic byproducts between people and nature. The utilization of eco-friendly architectural techniques in conjunction with moss is anticipated to bring significant transformations to the future construction industry. This presents the potential for sustainable implementation in the digital era by establishing new relationships among digital, physical, and, furthermore, natural elements. This paves the way for a harmonious coexistence between urban environments and the natural world.





工作室名称:Yong Ju Lee Architecture
竣工年份:2024 年
制造:Robotic fabrication studio (RFS)
团队:Dachan Oh, Yejun Kim, Hyun Kyung Yoo, Yunjin Kim. Seo Yeon Bae, Dong-uk Sohn, Suhyeong You, Thin Hay Thi Aung

Name: Moss Columns
Office Name: Yong Ju Lee Architecture
Office Website: www.yongjulee.com
Social Media Accounts: @yongjulee.arch
Contact email: info@yongjulee.com
Completion Year: 2024
Project Location: Seoul
Fabrication: Robotic fabrication studio (RFS)
Team: Dachan Oh, Yejun Kim, Hyun Kyung Yoo, Yunjin Kim. Seo Yeon Bae, Dong-uk Sohn, Suhyeong You, Thin Hay Thi Aung




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