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ecoLogicStudio:由Claudia Pasquero和Marco Poletto联合创立的建筑创意公司ecoLogicStudio总部位于伦敦,该公司设计的“AirBubble”(空气泡泡)是世界上首个集成微藻空气净化的生物技术游乐场。
ecoLogicStudio:London-based architecture and innovation firm ecoLogicStudio , led by Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto, has designed AirBubble for Otrivin Breathe Clean . The innovation brings to life the world’s first biotechnological playground to integrate air-purifying micro-algae.

AirBubble位于波兰华沙市哥白尼科学中心(Centrum Nauki Kopernik)外的公共绿地内,为孩子们创造了一个纯净的小气候,这是一个具有真正清洁空气的泡泡。之后,这里将举办一场专门的展览,用于展示AirBubble发明背后的设计创新——运用Photo.Synthetica技术,将光合作用创造性地整合到建筑环境中。
AirBubble creates a purified microclimate for children to play in, a true bubble of clean air in the centre of Warsaw (Poland). The project is located within the public green space outside of the Copernicus Science Centre (Centrum Nauki Kopernik), a site which will also host a dedicated exhibition illustrating the design innovation behind the invention of AirBubble. The playground integrates the Photo.Synthetica technology for the advanced integration of photosynthesis in the built environment.

“如何把自然系统的生物智能引入城市,将建筑变成生产能源、储存二氧化碳和清洁空气的活性机器,这其中有尚未开发的价值,为实现这一点,我们需要将生活世界视为当前数字革命的一部分:把自然变成新的生物智能基础设施的一部分。” ecoLogicStudio的联合创始人, Marco Poletto说。
“There is untapped value in bringing the bio-intelligence of natural systems into cities, turning buildings into living machines that produce energy, store CO2 and clean the air. To achieve this, we need to think about the living world as a part of the current digital revolution: nature becomes part of a new bio-smart infrastructure.”— says Marco Poletto, co-founder of ecoLogicStudio.
▼ecoLogicStudio两位创始人与AirBubble The two founders of ecoLogicStudio and AirBubble

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution is the biggest global health threat. Warsaw was selected as the first activation for this project as it is one of the most polluted cities in Europe.
▼空气质量指数PM2.5 浓度 Air Quality Index PM2.5 Concentration
AirBubble invents a new architectural typology. It incorporates a cylindrical timber structure wrapped in an ETFE membrane protecting 52 glass algae reactors. This creates a real urban algae greenhouse. The space is equipped with ropes, foot pumps and bouncy spheres, and can function as both playground and outdoor classroom. The white bubbling noise of the algae gardening system masks the surrounding urban noise to provide a calming atmosphere in which to play and interact.

The filtering process is enhanced by the architectural morphology of the playground structure. The ETFE membrane – an evolution of the PhotoSynthetica urban curtain system presented in Dublin in 2018 by ecoLogicStudio – controls the microclimate inside AirBubble. The inverted conical roof membrane further stimulates the air recirculation and natural ventilation, which in turn keeps the play area clean.

The AirBubble monitoring system integrates urban air pollution sensors and is connected to a data processing platform capable of comparing measurements in real time and of highlighting the Air Quality Index for six core pollutants: fine particulate PM2.5 and PM10, ground level Ozone (O3), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO). AirBubble is capable of absorbing 97% of the nitrogen and 75% of the particulate matter in the air.

Early data collected in May 2021 shows concentrations of PM2.5 within the playground have fallen well within the recommended WHO limits (green zone, AQI below 20). The peak reduction rate is an impressive 83%. This figure has been calculated by comparing readings from a pollution sensor located outside AirBubble with real-time data feeds from a monitoring device placed inside. The monitoring phase will continue throughout the summer and into the autumn to verify these promising achievements over a longer period of time, under different climatic conditions and patterns of use.
Over the next few months, AirBubble will become a unique urban laboratory, a test bed of applied biotechnology and its application in tackling air pollution and in mitigating its effect on children’s health.

The AirBubble hosts 52 large bioreactors in borosilicate glass which contain 520 litres of living green Chlorella sp algae cultures that can filter a flow of polluted air of 200 litres/minute. While the liquid medium washes particles, the algae actively eat the polluting molecules as well as carbon dioxide to then release fresh clean oxygen.
▼视频 video

The purifying process is powered by solar energy and children’s playfulness. Kids can interact by jumping on four water foot pumps positioned on the ground while balancing on the bouncy bubbles and the internal rope system.
▼视频 video
“这个游乐场需要两种动力来源:太阳能和孩子们探索及玩耍时的本能驱动力,这两种动力可以毫不费力地获得,共同构成了AirBubble取之不尽、用之不竭的可再生燃料。AirBubble是一个过程的触发点,这个过程会对子孙后代产生越来越多有益的影响,而这一切都掌握在我们手中——我们需要对自己的健康和气候负责。”ecoLogicStudio的联合创始人Claudia Pasquero解释道。
“This playground needs two sources of power: solar energy and kids’ instinctive drive to explore and to play. These constitute the inexhaustible and renewable fuels of the AirBubble that can be obtained effortlessly. The AirBubble is the trigger of a process that can only grow and multiply its beneficial effects towards future generations. It’s all in our hands – we are responsible for our health and climate.”— explains Claudia Pasquero, co-founder of ecoLogicStudio.

为了纪念有史以来第一个AirBubble的落成,ecologicStudio在哥白尼科学中心(Centrum Nauki Kopernik)设计了一个互动多媒体展览,用来展示游乐场系统核心的建筑创意和生物技术。
To mark the inauguration of the first ever AirBubble, ecoLogicStudio has designed an interactive multimedia exhibition at the Copernicus Science Centre (Centrum Nauki Kopernik), illustrating the architectural innovation and biotechnology at the heart of the playground system.

该展览由三个领域组成:“Monitor”从儿童健康的独特视角探讨城市空气污染;“ Purify the air ”揭示了建筑与活微生物之间的强大共生关系,并关注空气污染物的过滤和再代谢问题;“Breathe ”让孩子们参与互动演示,展示如何通过玩耍和呼吸清洁空气获得的能量来治愈他们的身体和改善我们的城市。
The exhibition is composed of three areas: Monitor explores urban air pollution from the unique perspective of children’s health. Purify the air reveals the powerful symbiosis of architecture and living microorganisms, and focuses on the filtration and re-metabolization of air pollutants. Breathe engages kids in an interactive demonstration of how to heal their bodies and our cities through the energy of play and breathing clean air.

“我们非常感谢我们的合作伙伴ecologicStudio,他们创造了第一个利用微藻净化空气的生物技术游乐场,让孩子们可以在不担心空气污染的情况下玩耍和娱乐。遗憾的是,根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的数据统计,世界上有93%的儿童在有害的空气污染下玩耍,我们期待与医学专家一起关注他们的呼吸健康。ecologicStudio结合建筑、生物技术和科学的创新方法,创造了Otrivin AirBubble,此举可以提高人们对空气污染和呼吸清洁空气的重要性的认识,尤其是对儿童健康的重视。”Otrivin全球营销总监Farhad Nadeem说道。
“We are so grateful to our partners, ecoLogicStudio, for creating the first biotechnological playground that seeks to purify the air using micro-algae, so children can play and have fun without worrying about air pollution. Unfortunately, according to the WHO, 93% of children in the world play in harmful levels of air pollution, and together with medical experts, we are concerned about the impact on their respiratory health. The innovative approach from ecoLogicStudio, combining architecture, biotechnology and science, led to the creation of the Otrivin AirBubble, which can raise vital awareness about air pollution and the importance of breathing clean air, especially for children.”— asserts Farhad Nadeem, Otrivin Global Marketing Director.
▼AirBubble夜景 Nightview of AirBubble

哥白尼科学中心(Centrum Nauki Kopernik)的AirBubble游乐场从2021年5月19日起向公众开放。Otrivin AirBubble项目是全球通信网络公司Saatchi&Saatchi策划的拓展运动的一部分,其重点是提高人们对空气污染影响的认识,特别是对城市中幼儿健康的认识。
The AirBubble playground at the Copernicus Science Centre (Centrum Nauki Kopernik) is open to the public from 19 May, 2021. The Otrivin AirBubble project is part of a wider campaign devised by global communication network Saatchi & Saatchi and focussed on raising awareness of the impact of air pollution, particularly on the health of young children living in cities.
▼AirBubble游乐场轴侧图 Image of AirBubble playground axon explosion

▼AirBubble游乐场平面图 The plan of AirBubble playground

▼AirBubble游乐场剖面图 Section of AirBubble playground

▼AirBubble累计入射太阳辐射 Cummulative Incident Solar Radiation

建筑公司:ecoLogicStudio (Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto)
项目团队:Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto, Eirini Tsomokou,Korbinian Enzinger, Riccardo Mangili, Georgios Drakontaeidis, Alessandra Poletto
展览团队:Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto, Eirini Tsomokou,Korbinian Enzinger, Terezia Greskova, Stephan Sigl, Alessandra Poletto
学术合作伙伴:Synthetic Landscape Lab IOUD Innsbruck University, Urban Morphogenesis Lab BPRO The Bartlett UCL
结构工程师:YIP London
生物培养基:Jongerius ecoduna GmbH
全球通信网络合作伙伴:Saatchi & Saatchi
摄影师:©Maja Wirkus
Project Name: AirBubble
Architecture Firm: ecoLogicStudio (Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto)
Project Team: Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto with Eirini Tsomokou,
Korbinian Enzinger, Riccardo Mangili, Georgios Drakontaeidis, Alessandra Poletto
Exhibition Team: Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto with Eirini Tsomokou,Korbinian Enzinger, Terezia Greskova, Stephan Sigl, Alessandra Poletto
Academic Partners: Synthetic Landscape Lab IOUD Innsbruck University, Urban Morphogenesis Lab BPRO The Bartlett UCL
Structural Engineer: YIP London
Biological Medium: Jongerius ecoduna GmbH
Wood Structure: ArchWood
Etfe Membrane: Temme
Global Communication Partner: Saatchi & Saatchi
Photographer: ©Maja Wirkus
“ 一个可以从太阳能和游戏互动中获取能源,并完成空气净化的气泡游乐场。”
审稿编辑: Simin
更多 Read more about: ecoLogicStudio