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Thanks MSLA for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by MSLA.
MSLA:沃勒公园坐落于旧金山市中心前加州大学的扩建基地,是一个占地6英亩的综合体,距离繁华的商业街仅几步之遥。其场地规划整合的项目规模宏大,包括330个市价住宅单元(市价单元是指业主在不受收入水平、租金或销售价格限制的情况下,将在项目内住宅任意出租或出售给住户的单元),110个对LGBT群体友好的高级住宅单元,将历史悠久的Woods Hall Annex修复为社区艺术空间,以及通过沃勒街的地役权打造一个全新的公共公园和社区花园。
MSLA:Just steps from bustling Market Street, Waller Park is a six-acre complex located at the former UC Extension site in the heart of San Francisco.The site plan stitches together an ambitious program of 330 market rate units, 110 LGBT-friendly senior units, restoration of the historic Woods Hall Annex as a community arts space, and a new public park and community gardens through the Waller Street easement.

The design of the landscape integrates innovative ways to bring a wide range of amenities that have helped transform a once-blighted area into a safe, thriving neighborhood where residents and community members now connect.

MSLA worked extensively with neighborhood groups and the Planning Department in the development of the design and was the common link on the design team which included two developers and four architecture firms.The project uses permeable paving, bioswale planters, drought tolerant planting, and all irrigation systems were designed to comply with San Francisco’s Water Efficient Irrigation Ordinance.

▼灌溉系统剖面示意图 Section-irrigation system
▼项目总平面 Master Plan
项目名称:Alta Laguna
首席建筑师: BAR Architects
客户: Wood Partners
合作方:Santos Prescott and Associates, Van Meter Williams Pollack, Page & Turnbull, Wolf Architecture, Sherwood Engineering, KPFF
图片来源:Drew Kelly
Project name: Alta Laguna
Completion Year: 2015
Size: 2 block, 6 acre complex; Waller Park: 32,000 SF
Project location: San Francisco, CA
Landscape Firm: MSLA
Website: www.ms-la.com
Contact e-mail: info@ms-la.com
Lead Architects: BAR Architects
Clients: Wood Partners
Collaborators: Santos Prescott and Associates, Van Meter Williams Pollack, Page & Turnbull, Wolf Architecture, Sherwood Engineering, KPFF
Photo credits: Drew Kelly
Photographer’s website: https://drewkelly.com/
审稿编辑: gentlebeats
更多 Read more about: MSLA