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WTD纬图设计:阿那亚三亚山之境(东区)是继y hotel和北区之后,纬图在阿那亚三亚项目中呈现的第三个组团。它位于地块北侧山脚,呈细长条形分布,可俯瞰高尔夫球场,依山而建的5栋建筑横向交错,内部存在不同程度高差。

WTD: Anaya Sanya Hillside (East) is the third cluster presented by LATTU in Anaya Sanya project after y hotel and North. It is located at the foot of the hill on the northern side of the site and is spread out in a slender strip overlooking the golf course. The five buildings built on the hill are interspersed horizontally, with varying degrees of height difference within.


▽项目视频 video

▽项目临山而建 The project is built near the mountain




The project site was formed through the transformation of a sloping mountain, which resulted in the formation of numerous lattice and vertical retaining walls on the south side of the site, as well as some exposed soil layers. Restoring nature and restoring the mountain was one of the more important issues for the landscape in this project.

The restoration of nature is not blindly planting plants and restoring the land, it needs to take into account the local climatic environment, soil environment, vegetation characteristics, tree species, from the large, medium, small and micro-environmental considerations, to restore the original appearance of the mountain.


▽山体切坡形成的挡墙 The retaining wall formed by the cut slope of the mountain

▽格构挡墙覆绿前后对比 格构挡墙覆绿前后对比 Comparison before and after the grille retaining wall is covered with green



Anaya Sanya is a narrow valley formed by the encapsulation and extrusion of the Sanhu Ridge-Nanxia Ridge and the surrounding mountain ranges, forming a natural microclimate difference from the typical Sanya seaside rainforest. The leeward and dry climatic environment makes the soil body thin, sandy texture, poor water holding capacity, and also constitutes the less salty and dry, sandy or sandy soil born irrigation and tree community vegetation characteristics.




The salinity and temperature of the soil as well as the altitude directly affect the distribution status of the plants, from the coastal horizon to the mountainous forest hinterland, the plants show different characteristics of groups, the altitude from low to high in order: sandy herbaceous communities – sandy soil scrub communities – sandy soil scrub-joist communities – tropical mixed rainforests – tropical evergreen monsoon rainforests of the hierarchical distribution.


▽植物设计模拟自然法则分布 Plant design simulates natural law distribution



Under nature’s law of natural selection, biomes gradually undergo dynamic changes. Some superior and inferior species gradually replace others and form new biomes and more stable patches. They gradually appear as mixed (diverse species), heterogeneous (different age), and sparse (random density) forests, and these three characteristics lead us to complete the landscape creation of this project.


▽植物立体层次丰富 Plants are rich in three-dimensional layers



The three entrance street frontages are all on steep slopes. This 450m long landscape interface with steep slopes both horizontally and vertically is stabilised by the use of low horizontal grey and white retaining walls to increase the depth of the plant cover and to maintain consistency with the colour pattern of the buildings.


▽景观墙延续建筑语言 The landscape wall continues the architectural language



The plant design uses a combination of sandy plants & large trees & small trees. The bottom layer of sandy herbaceous communities are interspersed with grey-blue and grey-green blocks, superimposed to create an oil painting-like texture. Water-saving and low-maintenance sand plants are combined with Hainan’s native fast-growing rainforest plants, which form a dense and heavy green background.


▽植物设计师从选苗以及现场放线全程把控,做到效果与落地1:1还原 The plant designer controls the whole process from selecting seedlings and on-site seeding, so that the effect is 1:1 restored with the landing



The mid-level trees are dominated by silver birch with a warm grey fresh texture, with small trees such as yellow-flowered acacia and water-stone ficus dotted in to form patches of plants of varying sizes. The root system of the trees reaches into the soil after taking root, which is low maintenance and reduces the inconvenience of maintenance caused by steep slopes. Part of the ground cover is paved with herbaceous plants such as golden salvia, leaving white space in the picture.


▽银桦是首次在海南使用 Silver birch was first used in Hainan



The paving and façade material colours are in line with the architectural elements, with grey and white materials, woods and grasses, and the light and shadow of the grille, wrapping up a cosy and relaxing entrance space like that of a resort hotel.


▽材质细腻、精致,表达空间的质感与温暖 The material is delicate and delicate, expressing the texture and warmth of the space



The design is based on the vertical distribution of forest tree-shrub relationships and simulates the vertical structure of plant communities to restore the mountain. Population relationships are first established, and the ground is densely covered with vertically distributed plant groups, planted in a mixed-seeded manner, while paying attention to site constraints.


▽裸露的格构挡墙与覆绿之后的挡墙对比 The exposed lattice retaining wall is compared with the retaining wall after green covering

▽格构挡墙和种植绿化挡墙相融生长 Lattice retaining wall and planting green retaining wall are integrated to grow



A mixture of tree species is chosen for the main view, secondary view, and dwarf view with random density of trees of different ages and diameters scattered in the planting. The best view of the house built around the mountain is nature. In the internal structure, in addition to the building entry and around the border to do the façade wall, almost no hardscape ‘play’, the designer continues to describe the plants as a paintbrush, the building as if it were inserted in the mountains and fields.




Abandoning the regularity and richness of conventional property, the garden does not have many tree species, and the design gives more ‘drama’ to the mountains that can be seen when you look up.


▽建筑入户我们希望有一些杂木从景墙中穿出来 We want some wood to come through the landscape wall

▽借景远山 Borrow a view of the distant mountains

▽泳池朝向最好的景观面 The pool faces the best view




The fluffy grey cool-toned shrubs shed coolness to the hot and rolling Sanya. We tried some varieties not previously used in Sanya, such as silver-haired wild peony, green-leafed jade hibiscus, and silver-leafed hamamelis, which grew well after six months of growth.


▽灌木品种进行了许多新尝试 Many new attempts have been made with shrub varieties



The entire community and the surrounding micro-environment is like a small nature reserve that continues the ecology of the surrounding mountain range. The design takes the natural community matching method and establishes a small-scale native plant community here, creating a natural spontaneous ecological environment and making the original habitat more solid and lasting.


▽组团内部的森海·四葉餐厅–从山中长出的房子 Inside the group is the Senhai Four Leaf Restaurant – a house that grows out of the mountain

▽餐厅景观细节 Restaurant landscape details


▽总平面 Master plan




业主团队:王磊 周攀 郭祯 符帅帅 黄云
设计团队:李卉 张黎 赵冬舸 唐志杨 庹增娜 李理 陈成 刘依琳 张俊杰 游守悦 童征 宋照兵 胡晓梅 吴永攀 张书桢 王利如
森海·四葉餐厅设计团队:PLAT ASIA 郑东贤工作室
摄影/视频:E-ar TARS

Project Title: Anaya Sanya – Land of Mountains (East)
Project Address: Senhai Road, Jiyang District, Sanya City
Owner: Anaya
Owner’s Team:Wang Lei Zhou Pan Guo Zhen Fu Shuaishuai Huang Yun
Landscape Design: Wisto Design
Design Team: Li Hui, Zhang Li, Zhao Dongge, Tang Zhiyang, Tou Zenna, Li Li, Chen Cheng, Liu Yilin, Zhang Junjie, You Shouyue, Tong Zheng, Song Zhaobing, Hu Xiaomei, Wu Yongpan, Zhang Shuzhen, Wang Liru.
Landscape Construction: Hainan Xingyuan Landscape Engineering Co.
Architectural Design: Shanghai Jianyin Architectural Design Co.
Mori Hai – Four Leaves Restaurant Design Team: PLAT ASIA JUNG DONG-HYUN STUDIO
Landscape area: 37292㎡
Completion: 2024.01
Photography/Video : E-ar TARS




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