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Thanks RA! for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by RA!.


RA!:LL 住宅是山体本身的无缝延伸,其结构犹如一块雕刻的巨石,完美地融入环境之中​。​

RA!:LL House stands as a seamless extension of the mountain itself, its structures appearing like sculpted monoliths.


© Mariana Achach
© Mariana Achach



The house is designed with fragmented prisms that both connect and separate to form its distinct internal spaces, merging to create open areas and dispersing for secluded retreats.


▽项目视频 The video


▽住宅结构生成 Structural generation of the house 

© RA!


▽住宅结构轴侧图 GIF

© RA!



The façade features large, tinted concrete blocks with no windows, creating a series of recesses and steps that give the house an ancient, stone-like character. The parking area is discreetly located in one of these recesses.


© Mariana Achach



Entering through the main door, you find yourself in a patio that connects both wings of the house and leads to the service bedroom and art studio.


© Mariana Achach
© Mariana Achach
© Mariana Achach
© Mariana Achach



This patio, surrounded by large blocks, creates pathways that evoke a sense of exploration. The central studio block, with a single window, is illuminated by indirect light.


© Mariana Achach
© Mariana Achach
© Mariana Achach
© Mariana Achach



To the left of the patio lies the main wing, where the hidden kitchen, spacious living room, and dining room feature large windows that open to the main and rear gardens. Further along are the TV room and the master bedroom, both with access to these gardens and large views to the mountain.


© Mariana Achach
© Mariana Achach


房屋呈 L 形布局,两翼朝向风景优美的山坡,可欣赏到山间美景。右翼包括三间次卧,每间次卧都配有浴室、小厨房和电视娱乐室。宽阔的花园与房屋的休息区(包括四间卧室和起居室)相邻,其余的部分形成了新的庭院和错落有致的景观,以承接更多的自然光线。

The house’s L-shape allows its two wings to open toward the scenic landscape, providing views of the hill. The right wing includes three secondary bedrooms, each with a bathroom, a small kitchenette, and a TV room. The extensive garden is bordered by the house’s resting areas, including four bedrooms and the living room, with additional sections creating new courtyards and staggered views that welcome natural light.


© Mariana Achach
© Mariana Achach
© Mariana Achach
© Mariana Achach
© Mariana Achach


▽项目模型 Model

© RA!
© RA!


▽草图与拼贴效果-入口 Sketch/Collage – Access

© RA!
© RA!


▽草图与拼贴效果-接待前厅 Sketch facade / Collage vestibule 

© RA!
© RA!


▽草图与拼贴效果-天井 Sketch/Collage – Patio

© RA!
© RA!


▽拼贴效果图-花园 Collage – Garden

© RA!


▽草图-概念 Sketch – Concept

© RA!


▽草图-方案推敲 Sketch – Parti matrix

© RA!


▽草图-总体平面 Sketch – Floor plan

© RA!


▽平面图 Plan

© RA!
© RA!


▽立面图 Elevations

© RA!


▽剖面图 Section

© RA!


▽剖面细节图 Detail sections

© RA!




项目名称:Casa LL
项目地点:墨西哥 莫雷洛斯州 特波兹特兰
建筑团队:RA!- Cristóbal Ramírez de Aguilar, Pedro Ramírez de Aguilar,
Santiago Sierra, Daniel Martínez, Lourdes Gamez
材料供应:Covintec, Cemex
MEP 工程: Antonio Villarreal Structure: Daniel Manzanares
照片:Mariana Achach

Project: Casa LL
Type: House
Date: January 10th 2023 to April 18th 2024
Area: 481m² interior + 719m² exterior.
Location: Tepoztlán, Morelos, México
Architecture: RA!
Architecture team: RA! (Cristóbal Ramírez de Aguilar, Pedro Ramírez de Aguilar,
Santiago Sierra, Daniel Martínez, Lourdes Gamez.)
Materials: Covintec, Cemex
MEP: Antonio Villarreal Structure: Daniel Manzanares
Photographs: Mariana Achach



更多 Read more about:RA! (sierra ramirez de aguilar arquitectos)

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