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Thanks Workshop, Design + Construction for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Workshop, Design + Construction.


Workshop, Design + Construction:Casa Lorena 位于墨西哥梅里达历史悠久的市中心,是 20 世纪初一栋房子的一部分,这栋房子几经拆分,目前的立面宽度只有 4.5 米,是原来的四分之一。

Workshop, Design + Construction:The Casa Lorena is located in Mérida historic downtown in Mexico and is part of what was once a house from the beginning of the 20th century, the property has been divided several times until reaching its current dimensions with only 4.5 meters front, a quarter of its original size.




The house has a small inset with respect to the street and the walkway, something not common to find in the center of the city, and which creates a small access area.


▽住宅入口界面 Entrance interface


穿过色调柔和的外墙,我们进入一个小客厅,客厅的天花板超过 5 米高,仍然保留着 henequén 时期从法国运来的 Decauville 横梁,这些横梁和木梁都是当时建筑系统的一部分。

Crossing the façade in pastel tones, we access a small living room, with ceilings over 5 meters high and which still preserves its Decauville beams brought from France in the henequén (sisal) era, and which were part of the construction system of that period, together with the wooden beams.


▽客厅 A small living room



A large arch invites you to continue the journey towards the kitchen, which has a white quartz central island and pasta tiles coverings in blue tones, integrating the colors of the beams in the living room.


▽厨房 The kitchen



The terrace is integrated into the kitchen through tempered glass doors anchored to the old wooden frames, generating views of the gardens and allowing natural light to pass through them. The roof is a wooden structure that reuses the Marseille clay tiles that were on the property in that same place. On the walls, it was decided to remove all the finishing, leaving the stones exposed, creating a beautiful contrast with the blue color of the pasta tile floors and the red of the clay.


▽露台 The terrace


▽墙上保留的裸露的石头 The stones on the wall


▽花园和泳池 The garden and swimming pool



The private area of the house has two bedrooms, one on the ground floor which is accessed through a wooden deck and has a small ventilation cube that communicates with the bathroom, creating a feeling of spaciousness.


▽底层卧室前的木质平台 Wooden platform in front of the ground floor bedroom


▽底层卧室 The bedroom on the ground floor



This area has a modern and dynamic volume that is presented with a set of cubes at different heights and with different functions, has chukum finishes with blue tints, and is surrounded by tropical vegetation where a small pool converges with the stairs of white cement and the hanging planters that lead to the second bedroom, which has the same spatiality as the one on the first level.



▽白色楼梯通往第二间卧室 White stairs lead to the second bedroom


Casa Lorena 是城市中的一片小绿洲,其历史和纹理让人着迷,让人沉醉于其柔和的色调,神游过去和一个更简单的时代。

Casa Lorena is a small oasis within the city, that captivates us with its history and its textures, falling in love with its pastel colors and transporting us to the past and a simpler time.



▽设计图纸 Design drawing




项目名称:Casa Lorena
地点:墨西哥 梅里达,尤卡坦

建筑公司:Workshop, Design + Construction
设计建筑师:Francisco Bernés Aranda y Fabián Gutiérrez Cetina
建筑团队: Ing. Alejandro Bargas Cicero, Arq. Isabel Bargas Cicero, Arq. Francisco Bernés Aranda y Arq.
摄影师/网站:Manolo R. Solís/ https://www.instagram.com/manolorsolis_fotografia/
家具/Instagram:Artesano MX / https://www.instagram.com/artesano_mx/
艺术/Instagram:Galerista Yesenia Lope / Lope/https://www.instagram.com/yeslopeo/

Project: Casa Lorena
Location: Mérida, Yucatán.
Building date.: septiembre 2020 – junio 2021.

Architectural firm: Workshop, Diseño y Construcción
Website: www.workshop.com.mx
E-mail: contacto@workshop.com.mx
Design Architects: Francisco Bernés Aranda y Fabián Gutiérrez Cetina
Building team: Ing. Alejandro Bargas Cicero, Arq. Isabel Bargas Cicero, Arq. Francisco Bernés Aranda y Arq.
Fabián Gutiérrez Cetina
Mobil: 9992781337 y 9999478825
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/workshop.arquitectos/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workshop_arquitectos/
Photographer / Website: Manolo R. Solís/ https://www.instagram.com/manolorsolis_fotografia/
Furniture / Instagram : Artesano MX / https://www.instagram.com/artesano_mx/
Art / Instagram: Galerista Yesenia Lope / https://www.instagram.com/yeslopeo/



审稿编辑: SIM

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