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Thanks César Béjar Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by César Béjar Studio.
César Béjar Studio:从外部看,建筑的外立面十分简单,由一大片低矮的几乎空白的墙壁组成,两端各有一扇窗户,只有右边的窗户能看到内部的情况。最左侧为一条直接通向房屋的走廊,走廊上设有一张长凳,可供人休息等待。再往前是一扇可以进入的小门。
César Béjar Studio:From the outside, a simple facade is perceived, composed of a large low volume, almost blank walls, with two windows at each end, where only the window on the right reveals what is happening inside. On the far left, a hallway gives access to the house in a non-frank way, there is a bench where you can sit and wait. Then, a small door through which you enter.

▽轴侧图 Axonometric drawing

The first interior space is the social area, it is a volume that closes towards the street and opens towards the central patio, with the clear idea of looking in and looking for your own views inside the house.

The four facades of the house gradually change language, from the most closed and traditional on the street, to the most open and freely designed in the background; from the stereotomy to the tectonic.
The two bays share the program, in front a social area with a sloping ceiling that gives more height and, in the background, a mixed program for rooms and terrace.

The permeability of the ground floor in the two bays blurs the line between interior and exterior. The house is experienced as a large terrace that opens between patios and gardens.
The back bay is a volume of simple reading, made up of columns and slabs, which, depending on the case and use, causes variations. The balconies are made up of cylindrical columns that give space to the user. On the south façade there are cartouches that protect from the sun and on the terrace, they are absent to open up the space.

The rounding of the walls and the cylindrical columns simulate elements washed by the sea accentuating the plasticity of the beach house.

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

名称:Casa Los Tigres
地点:墨西哥 纳亚里特 Nuevo Vallarta
建筑师:César Béjar Studio / Fernando Sánchez Zepeda
建设方:José Daniel Segura Pimienta
摄影:César Béjar Studio
Name: Casa Los Tigres
Location: Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit.
Area: 465 m2
Year: 2022
Architects: César Béjar Studio / Fernando Sánchez Zepeda
Builder: José Daniel Segura Pimienta
Carpentry: WoodenCrafts
Photography: César Béjar Studio
César Alejandro Béjar Anaya
José Gpe Zuno, 1882 int 9, Colonia Americana, Guadalajara, Jalisco. CP: 44160
Tel. +52 3321843605
Luis Fernando Sánchez Zepeda
Juárez, 50, Cuautitlán de García Barragán, Jalisco CP. 48950
Tel. +52 3171086619
“ 这是一座融合现代质朴美学与经典建筑元素的住宅,能让人在空间消隐与融合之间,感受静谧的魅力。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: César Béjar Studio, Fernando Sánchez Zepeda