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Thanks Spatial Praxes for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Spatial Praxes.
空间实践:当空间实践 (Spatial Praxes) 受邀为西班牙手工水泥供应商西慕艺术水泥(Cement Design),建立一个展馆来展示产品时,事物能同时具备永恒与短暂两种相悖的特质──这样的概念激起了空间实践浓厚的兴趣。明白这个展馆是临时的,空间实践以此自问:如何在这短促的展览期内,营造出永恒的意象与感受?
Spatial Praxes:The notion that things can possess dual qualities of both permanence and ephemerality intrigued Spatial Praxes when approached by Cement Design to create a temporary pavilion for showcasing their products at Design Shanghai. Aware that the pavilion would be dismantled after just four days, Spatial Praxes posed the following question: how to create a sense of permanence given the transience of the event?
▽展馆外观 Exhibition hall appearance

Inspired by the form of traditional villages, Spatial Praxes sought to juxtapose the fleeting nature of the pavilion with a timeless element of a community: a public sphere where its inhabitants converge and where memories are forged.
▽设计草图 Design sketch
▽轴测图 Axonometric drawing
▽设计模型 Design model
▽展馆模型外观 Perspective- Exterior
▽展馆模型室内 Perspective- Interior
The design embraces the makeshift clustering of buildings observed in traditional villages, which tend to culminate coherently around a large open public space. The pavilion comprises three cement houses with inward-sloping roofs, featuring entrances and galleries for displaying products. Pinwheeled along the perimeter, these houses create a sense of intimacy and enclosure while providing multiple entrances welcoming visitors from various directions.
▽展馆外观 Exhibition hall appearance

▽展馆入口 Exhibition hall entrance

▽外部休憩空间 External open space

At the heart of the pavilion lies a large opening that alleviates the density along the perimeter and serves as a public gathering space for product demonstrations and exchanges. A textured ring-wall links the houses into a unified whole while giving a tangible form to the public sphere. Lifted 600mm above the ground, the wall obstructs direct sight into the interior, while evoking a sense of curiosity by revealing only the footsteps within.
▽展馆内部空间 Exhibition hall interior space

▽公共邻域 Common neighborhood

In an event that anticipates tens of thousands of visitors, each with but a few minutes or seconds to explore each stand, the Cement Design pavilion offers a temporary public square where guests are invited to linger and form lasting connections, even if only for a brief moment.
▽框景 Enframed scenery

▽平面图 Plan
▽立面图 Elevation
▽剖面 Section
项目地点:上海浦东新区周家渡街道国展路1099号, 上海世博展览馆
设计公司:Spatial Praxes空间实践
主创设计师:许孟家, 金晓君
Project name: Cement Pavilion
Year completed: June 2023
Project area: 100 square meters
Project Location: Shanghai World Expo Exhibition Center, No. 1099 Guozhan Road, Zhoujiadu Street, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Design Company: Shanghai Sibeishi Construction Consulting Co., LTD /Spatial Praxes
Chief designer: Xu Mengjia, Jin Xiaojun
Design team: Yan Keyan, Jiang Wanxin, Ma Guohong
Client: Shanghai Disi Decoration Design Co., LTD/Ximu Art Cement
Construction unit: Guangzhou Yike Decoration Design Co., LTD
Photographer: Chen Hao、Spatial Praxes
“ 一个受到传统村落形态的启发,试图将展馆短暂存在的本质与社区永恒的内核相互参照的公共场域。”
更多read more about: Spatial Praxes空间实践