Thanks BLUES for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by BLUES.



BLUES: Forest show art island curve balance sharp.





Hidden Beauty in Light and Shadow

Spiritual Welfare in Luxury and Nature



登岛  /  Island Impression




The play of light and shadow, The pet of the sun and the moon, The intimacy between the island and the wind.

Heading for the island by yacht, you can experience different stories along the way. Light and shadow interweave to form an organic line of art, while flowing and undefined design introduces the scenery into the island and also into people’s heart.

The “trace” of design conveys the “quality” of life.



走/进/麓/湖 Entering LUXELAKES


Point/Line / Interface, Different dynamic canvases are overlapped, Creating a dynamic and organic art space.


▽场地动线鸟瞰 Aerial view


POINT |  场地原生态的记忆点


Surrounded by the urban interface, the island and the shore boast advantaged altitude difference and waterfront resources. With flexible, flowing and penetrating design, we create a space of art experiences that grows naturally in the city.


▽场地与周边环境关系动图 Relationship between site and surrounding environment

▽麓湖坡面分析 Slope analysis of Luhu Lake



LINE | 森林秀场的故事线


Through the design, limitation of functionalism and ossification of logic are offset by organic lines. Runway of the fashion show is introduced into the forest to present a “forest show” in the green world.


▽灵感来源 Inspiration


INTERFACE |  锐利与柔美的展现面


Through the design, limitation of functionalism and ossification of logic are offset by organic lines. Runway of the fashion show is introduced into the forest to present a “forest show” in the green world.


▽场地分析动图 Site analysis

▽设计分析 Design analysis


01.[绿波流动 有迹可循] GREEN WAVE

「精神自现」 Inspiration 


Inspired by water waves, the entrance is enclosed by double walls with “flowing” and “powerful” lines to make a tremendous visual impact.


▽自然流畅的入口空间 Natural and flowing entrance space

▽结合挡墙营造视觉冲击 Combine retaining wall to create visual impact


「植物调度」Plant Design


Different plants alternate to form a distinct visual effect. Ferns define the space style of a tropical island and blur the boundaries between areas, providing infinite possibilities for the limited space and creating a functional aesthetic space.


▽种类丰富的植物营造 A rich variety of plants


界限/ 植物分明,层次意识 BOUNDARY / Plants are well arranged With distinct levels


Lights are designed to creates a space where technique and art are combined, and the retaining wall enhances the function of the flower bed which integrates into the surroundings. Curves and lines, light and shadow, color and tone, every scene shows the beauty of art beyond life.



02.[森林秀场 行皆有境] FOREST SHOW

「空间柔性」 Flexible Space


Ribbons hanging from the pergola enhance the poetic atmosphere of a forest show, highlight the flexibility of the space, and show a positive attitude towards the future.


▽廊架&艺术雕塑 Gallery art sculpture


「多彩韵律」Colorful Rhythm


In the tenderness of time, colorful ribbons wave gently and lively sculpture stands still to tell a story that touches our heart.


▽轻盈且有韵律的彩色线条 Light and rhythmic colored lines


「浮光掠影」Light and Shadow


In the light and shadow, circular tree pool, annular pavement and metal ring complement each other, shaping the visual focus of the space. In addition, natural lines are employed to create a comfortable and green space system.


▽元素与场地的巧妙融合 Clever integration of elements and site


象征/ 植物特征,渲染环境 SYMBOL/Plants of great varieties Beautify the environment.


Roads and plants of great varieties interweave, extending and enriching the space. Colors from nature allow people to experience the romance of light and shadow.


▽自然舒适的景观空间 Natural and comfortable landscape space

▽植物空间设计 Plant space design


03.[遐想之所 向内探索] IDEAL WORLD

「宏观铺陈」Overall Plan


The altitude difference helps to shape a mysterious world, where the circular observation platform and the oval steps lead to the highest part of the project —— the hilltop meadow that reminds people of the happy childhood in the countryside.


▽巧妙精致的铺装设计 Ingenious and exquisite pavement design


「微观细腻」Artistic Details


Like a fairy in a garden, the flower border is created along the artistic terrain, shaping the texture of life and allowing people to relax and get close to nature.


▽自然灵动的艺术花境 A natural and clever artistic flower scene


平衡/ 自然与静谧,兼得 BALANCE/Enjoy both Nature and tranquility 


Full of changes of light and shadow, it’s a world of simplicity, pureness and tranquility. Plants of great varieties help to create a natural and comfortable space, where light and shadow play with each other to enrich the silent space.


▽花境植物搭配 Flower border plant collocation


设计推敲 Design Elaboration


During the design process, we have experienced several collisions and discussions about the multiple possibilities. Eventually, with the joint efforts of the client and our design team, we well controlled the lighting effect, carefully selected the materials, skillfully arranged the functions of the visual corridor, and scientifically designed the pipe network. Through multi-disciplinary collaboration and continuous adjustments, we finally presented an ideal effect.


▽设计呈现 Design rendering


设计结语 Design Epilogue



With urban ecology in mind, Blues tried to promote urban values through landscape, culture and sharing, which will not attach great significance to the project but also bring sustainable growth and development. In this way, Blues helps to shape the characteristics of LUXELAKES Landscape —— modern, ecological, artistic, diverse and harmonious.

The park, the square, the sidewalks, the shore …… every design is a door to a contemporary utopia.




项目名称:成都麓湖生态城 · 样板岛 观澜
设计团队:蓝调国际 · 成都公司

Client : Wanhua Group
Landscape design : BLUES
Location : LUXELAKES, Chengdu, Sichuan
Time of design: June, 2021
Design area: 3,100 ㎡
Design team: Blues International · Chengdu
Construction unit: Sichuan Zhuojing Garden Engineering Co., LTD
Flower border: Chengdu Huimei flower border team
Photo credits: HOLI Landscape Photography



更多 Read more about: BLUES 蓝调国际