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LEDA Landscape: In the emotional linkage of harmony but diversity, convey the boundless consciousness between space, nature and life.


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繁华之上,林荫之畔 Above the Bustle, Beside the Shaded Groves



Luwan Jinshangying is located at the intersection of the Third Ring Road and the Financial City East in Jinjiang, Chengdu. To the north, it borders the main artery of the South Third Ring Road, closely linked with the bustling urban network, surrounded by a constant flow of people and vehicles.

Above this, a municipal green corridor stretches along the pedestrian walkway, establishing a natural boundary between the site and the outside world. It serves as both a visual transition and an auditory dissolution, like a prelude to a serene ambiance.


▽场地渐变而入的视听变化 The gradual changes in sight and sound as one enters the site provided inspiration for our design.




The journey through the woodland, from noise to shade to openness, aligns with the contemporary desire for a symbiotic relationship between living spaces and nature.

We aim to integrate the site as part of the forest, consciously borrowing from the woodland and gradually permeating the scenic pathway. This creates a progressive emotion that is harmonious yet distinct, conveying a sense of boundarylessness between space, nature, and life through interconnected interactions.



01 隐于林间 Hidden Among the Trees


Along a nearly 120-meter-long boundary, the design strikes a delicate balance between reshaping and preserving, retaining and supplementing the vegetation to enhance the natural envelopment of the site. The tranquil depth of the shaded pathway, accompanied by the sound of flowing water, subtly transforms the mood from bustling to serene, heightening the anticipation for the mysterious front.


▽局部鸟瞰 Aerial view



Passing through the greenery, one finds the white entrance pavilion hidden among the trees. The design minimizes the architectural form’s presence in the space, eliminating any sense of unfamiliarity. It synchronizes with the city’s pulse while maintaining a certain distance and independence, subtly making space and people the subject of exploration.


▽隐入林间的白色门庭 A white doorway hidden in the woods



As slender streams of water cascade down the walls, they draw the eye into an unobstructed view of the internal landscape.



02 行于林中 Walking Among the Trees



Arriving at the tranquil open water courtyard, the view is naturally released from the dense outer woods. The design achieves a high degree of harmony by balancing the density and sparsity of nature within the same space.

The exhibition hall resides by the waterside, where the graceful shape of the tallow trees interlaces across the water’s surface, their mirror reflections inverting all scenes to create a poetic interplay of reality and illusion. Walking through, one can feel a sense of reserved tranquility in every sight.


▽林下静面水庭 Under the forest there is still a water court



Amidst the dappled starlight, hidden in the profundity, the primal force of nature bestows a serene beauty upon the space.




On one side of the courtyard, black stone is used for a 3-meter-high waterfall wall, with its deep, inky color accentuating the greenery within the courtyard. This balance of weight and lightness, vitality within gravity, exemplifies an ideal retreat within the city.


▽自然包裹的庭院绿意 Nature wrapped courtyard green



Inside the exhibition hall, massive stones are interspersed within the fissures of fragmented and reassembled stones, forming hill and ravine landscapes against a delicate green backdrop. The contrast between light and dark, rough and refined, infuses the space with texture, creating a unique corner rich in modern Eastern charm.


▽下沉展厅 Sunken exhibition hall


03 藏于林后Hidden Behind the Trees


Scending the stairs alongside the water, we have created an open, inclusive space here. The use of floor-to-ceiling glass bricks in the canopy dissolves the harshness of the structure, integrating the soft ripples of light and shadow into the scene. The space features two facets: tranquility and conviviality, embracing a leisurely and diverse rhythm of life.


▽白昼和黑夜下的不同魅力 The Different Charms of Day and Night




Unlike the simple water courtyard of the front yard, the design emulates nature by interweaving and overlapping intricate stone blocks to express the natural terraces of hills and valleys. Various states of water flow bestow the space with boundless dynamism, enabling one to feel the breath and rhythm of nature amidst the interplay of movement and stillness, adding an element of delightful surprise.



林中艺境,森活无边 Artistic Realm in the Forest, Boundless Living in the Woods


CITY REALESTATE·JING SHANG YING,Drawing from a forest, a boundary of water, and a piece of stone, it immerses into nature after walking, viewing hills, observing trees, and playing in the water. It forms an unbounded wandering beneath the trees, translating the ideal natural life into a spatial narrative, laying the groundwork for a spiritual oasis amidst the bustling city.





Project Area: 16,129㎡
Project Location: Chengdu, Sichuan
Landscape Design: Sichuan Ledao Landscape Design Co., Ltd.
Completion Date: December 2023
Photography Team: Fanjing



审稿编辑 Maggie

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