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Thanks Estudi d’Arquitectura Toni Gironès for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Estudi d’Arquitectura Toni Gironès.


Estudi d’Arquitectura Toni Gironès:在莱里达气候博物馆的规划过程中,其2008年的竞赛口号受到了人们的质疑:要在这1.2万平方米的空间内,建造一座3000平方米的建筑,全年温度需稳定在18 – 25度之间,所有的标准空间都有内容展示,比如展厅等。建筑师没有遵循竞赛要求,完全开放式的方案真实的反映出对自然气候和建造过程的理解,弱化限制并应对不同的变化需求。

Estudi d’Arquitectura Toni Gironès:During the planning process for the Climate Museum in Lleida, the wording of the 2008 competition call was questioned. In it, and within an area of ​​12,000 m², a building of 3000 m² was requested, as a container and with a stable temperature ranging from 18 to 25 degrees throughout the year and with content displayed in all of its standard spaces, such as the exhibition halls. Alternatively, it was proposed to understand the natural climate and its processes as a true reflection of the proposal, diluting the limits and projecting the different transitions.


© Fernando Alda



Tripling the area in some 36,000 m² and taking advantage of the fact that the surrounding areas were classified as a green area, a large public space is projected. Its materials obtained in the land’s movements are optimized, activating the vegetation of the place. As the climate is the object of the museum, the continent becomes the content, and by proposing not to use any artificial air conditioning, the budget is reduced to one third of what was envisaged in the initial statement.


© Fernando Alda



Posing an inseparable framework between nature and the plots of existence, the earth’s resource as a topography materializes in the walk between the sunny plateau and the dark valley. Likewise, the native vegetation and part of the building that surrounds it, are proposed as elements in harmony that go through the different microclimates generated.


© Fernando Alda

▼地形图 Topographic

© Estudi d’Arquitectura Toni Gironès
© Fernando Alda
© Fernando Alda
© Fernando Alda
© Fernando Alda



Water and its natural cycle manage the different degrees of humidity, optimizing its use by gravity to cover the infrastructural needs of the building and the park, understanding both as a single public space in continuity.


© Fernando Alda
© Fernando Alda
© Fernando Alda
© Fernando Alda



The air appears as a warm breeze from the west in the plateau, and as cool cross-ventilation in the existing forest and the pergola of vegetation in reception area.


▼气候分析 Analysis

© Toni Gironès Saderra
© Fernando Alda
© Fernando Alda

▼设计手稿 Sketches



The fire, from the solar radiation on the skin and in a climate full of contrasts like the continental, heat is excessive in summer but necessary in winter. Here, solar rays are supplied in alternation with the shade provided at any given time by the ever-useful deciduous leaves.


© Fernando Alda



Ultimately, the architecture exert the mediation in key of habitability, that facilitates the interaction between the different elements, enjoying sensations and diverse environmental and climatic contents.


© Fernando Alda






地点:西班牙 莱里达
建筑设计:Estudi d’arquitectura Toni Girones
投资:Ayuntamiento de Lleida

Date: 15/04/2019
Location: Lerida
Typology: Museums
Architects: Estudi d’Arquitectura Toni Gironès
Investor: Ayuntamiento de Lleida


Read more about: Fernando AldaEstudi d’Arquitectura Toni Gironès