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Thanks DJA for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by DJA.
DJA: Exposition of Jelgava St. Trinity Church Tower is designed as a contemporary interior installation, which clearly separates the historical heritage from the contemporary implementation. The historic masonry walls of the tower have been left intact, exposing the interior of the historic building. The exposition is interactive and integrates the latest technologies, which allows the history of Jelgava to be revealed gradually. When entering the exposition premises, visitors can see the exhibits and their descriptions, while the invisible part of the exposition is hidden in various mechanically movable elements and multimedia. Such a principle of exploring the exposition allows not only to create a space not oversaturated with information, but also makes visitors interested in seeing the invisible, hearing the inaudible, feeling the lost Jelgava. The exposition is painted in a monolithic light gray color, which both allows to create a homogeneous, sculptural interior, and makes a reference to the historical bright interior of the church. The exposition is made on three floors with different themes.
▽项目视频 The video
3楼-叶尔加瓦象征和居民 3rd floor – Jelgava symbolism and residents
位于房间中央的3D模型展品《消失的叶尔加瓦》(Lost Jelgava),让游客在AR(增强现实技术)的帮助下,通过实时视频的形式了解叶尔加瓦在不同历史时期的城市规划。因此,参观者可以通过屏幕感受到物理(模型)现实和数字化表示现实之间的区别。
The layout of the exhibits on the 3rd floor follows the general principle of the exhibition concept, which is repeated from floor to floor. The exhibits are placed on the new wall that separates the room from the stairwell and the floor in the center of the room.
The 3D model of Lost Jelgava located in the center of the room allows visitor to get to know the city planning of Jelgava in different historical periods as a real-time video with the help of augmented reality. Thus, a distinction is made between the physical (model) reality and the digitally represented reality, which the visitor sees through the screens.

《 叶尔加瓦象征主义和获奖居民》展品被设计成一个微缩的叶尔加瓦居民名人堂。它以数字化方式描绘了历任市长以及被授予城市和国家奖项的叶尔加瓦市民。在这一数字互动的环境中,参观者可以进一步了解叶尔加瓦市的象征意义。
The exhibit Jelgava at the Turns of Time is designed as a time-line, which displays general information about various events in the history of Jelgava in different time periods. By sliding the touch screen attached to the timeline, visitor can get in-depth information about each specific time period.
The exhibit Jelgava Symbolism and Awarded Residents is designed as a miniature hall of fame for Jelgava residents. It digitally depicts the city mayors, and the citizens of Jelgava who have been awarded with the city and the state awards. Here, in a digitally interactive environment, visitors can also familiarize themselves with the symbolism of the city of Jelgava.

四楼,几个世纪以来叶尔加瓦的时尚 4th floor – Jelgava Fashion Through the Centuries
Three thematically related free-standing exhibits are located in the room of Tower’s 4th floor – Wedding Cabinet, Jeweler’s Chest and Fashion Show.
Fashion trends in Jelgava and its surroundings in the 16th – 20th centuries is reflected with the help of a filmed Fashion Show made in contemporary manner. When the fashion show begins, visitors get the feeling that they are no longer alone in the room, as models from another time enter virtually in a size corresponding to the human scale. In this way, the idea of visible and invisible Jelgava in a dual reality is continued. Thin screens are alternately placed higher and lower to expose different parts of the costumes that levitate in space.

The Wedding Closet tells about weddings and wedding dresses in Jelgava. Its central part includes two replicas of Tournament-style wedding dresses. On the sides, in the oval mirrors of the door leaves, the visitor is given the opportunity to see various traditional costumes and digitally try them on.

The Jeweler’s Chest tells about jewelry in the 16th – 20th centuries in Jelgava. Its drawers contain historical information of jewelry, while the upper surface allows visitor to try on some of the jewelry on his/her hand with the help of a video projection. Visitors can choose one of the historical pieces of jewelry, or draw their own and try it on digitally.

五楼,叶尔加瓦圣三一教堂 5th floor – Jelgava St. Trinity Church
在中央圆形的冥想室里,专为这次展览用管风琴演绎了Lucija Garuta的圣歌《上帝,你的土地在燃烧!》。嵌入弧形墙壁中的垂直缝隙让参观者可以透过教堂门看到教堂祭坛和管风琴。
The principle chosen for the story of the church and the tower is a room within a room, or a layout within a layout. The visitor is already in the exposition in one of the parts of the church – the Church Tower. Other lost parts of the church and interior items are reproduced in different scales as reliefs and fused into a single sculpture. On the six facades of the sculpture, objects are grouped according to the human life cycle – christening, wedding, public function and funeral. As in the other exposition rooms, there is also a visible and invisible part of the exposition, which can be heard and seen through the augmented reality on the screens. In the digital environment, the monochrome architectural parts of the sculpture and interior objects are given three-dimensional depth, detail, material texture and color.
In the central rounded meditation room Lucija Garuta’s cantata “God, Your Land Is Burning!” specially interpreted for this exposition, is played by organ music. The vertical slits embedded in the curved walls allow visitors to see what the view to the church altar and organ through the church doors looked like.

▽轴测图,教堂遗失部分的雕塑 Axonometric view 1 – sculpture of lost church parts

▽3楼平面图 3rd floor plan – Jelgava symbolism and residents

▽3楼剖面图 3rd floor sections – Jelgava symbolism and residents

▽4楼平面图 4th floor plan – Jelgava Fashion Through the Centuries

▽4楼剖面图 4th floor sections – Jelgava Fashion Through the Centuries

▽5楼平面图 5th floor plan – Jelgava St. Trinity Church

▽5楼剖面图 5th floor sections – Jelgava St. Trinity Church

项目名称:Exposition Dual Reality
地点:Jelgava St.Trinity Church Tower,拉脱维亚
面积:150 m2
生产和技术设计:YES WE CAN
多媒体:Putnu studija
摄影师:Ēriks Božis
电话:+371 28261221
Project tirle: Exposition Dual Reality
Location: Jelgava St. Trinity Church Tower, Latvia
Area: 150 m2
Year: 2022
Concept and design: DJA
Technologies and management: SOLAVI
Production and technical design: YES WE CAN
Multimedia: Putnu studija
Programming: Overly
Photographer: Ēriks Božis
Contact info: e-mail: dja@dja.lv
phone: +371 28261221
web: www.dja.lv
“ 利用数字技术将一座城市消失的历史过往展呈出来,打造沉浸式的展览体验空间。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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