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NOIZ:我们为在东京中城花园举办的“PLAY EARTH PARK”活动设计了游乐场设备。参与该活动的设计师以“土地、水、风、天空、火”五个元素为主题分别设计了各自的游乐场,而Noiz负责其中的“火”系主题游乐场设计。
NOIZ: We designed the playground equipment for “PLAY EARTH PARK”, which was held at Tokyo Midtown Garden (sponsored by Goldwin Co., Ltd.). Each architects designed their own playground on the theme of the five elements : “Earth/Water/Wind/Sky/Fire”, and Noiz was in charge of “Fire”.

Focusing on the instinctive activity of watching at and burning flames, and making them bigger and bigger, we aimed to express the act of burning fire together as a form of play, and to create an experience of combustion and nurturing firewood.
▽项目视频 The Video
Just like the bellows used in the manufacture of “Tatara” steel, when a child jumps on the trampoline, the air is sent through the central stainless-steel mesh, and it is inflated as if a “fire” burnt brightly. When three children jump on each trampoline at the same time, the fire ignites all at once, and the heat generated by the children playing and cooperating is converted into the energy of fire. We designed the instinctive impulse associated with “fire” and the activities of people who have cooperated and developed through “fire” as a game.

At first glance, the way the air is sent from the jumping movement shows an analog relationship, but a sensor is installed under the trampoline, and upon detecting the jump, it performs a digital conversion that sends air at the same time as the jump. Besides, the sound of the shutter opening and closing during the process of sending the air is synchronized with the jumps and gives a stronger sense of sending the air.
▽配置示意图 configuration diagram

▽空气输送过程示意,系统图纸 System diagram

Physical sensations and experiences that are strengthened while being digitally supported will connect not only the activities that lead to the present through “fire”, but also the future that is one step ahead. The stainless-steel mesh that rises when you jump takes on an abstract appearance of “fire” with irregular shapes by reflecting the sunlight.
Through the play of “fire” which appeals to primitive experiences, we hope that this will be a great environment and opportunity to think about how we make our future better.
▽装置细节 Detail

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

项目名称:“FIRE” at PLAY EARTH PARK, Tokyo Midtown
项目地点:日本 东京
首席建筑师:Keisuke Toyoda / Jia-Shuan Tsai / Kosuke Sakai
设计团队:Takuma Komoike / Ines Amine / Marina Lazareva* (*前员工)
合作技术团队:PixelEngine, Tokyo Tokushukoka
照片来源:Takehiro Goto, Ichiro Mishima
Project name: “FIRE” at PLAY EARTH PARK, Tokyo Midtown
Completion Year: 2022
Size: 100㎡
Project location: Tokyo, Japan
Landscape/Architecture Firm: NOIZ
Website: https://noizarchitects.com/archives/works/fire-at-play-earth-park-tokyo-midtown
Contact e-mail: info@noizarchitects.com
Lead Architects: Keisuke Toyoda / Jia-Shuan Tsai / Kosuke Sakai
Design Team: Takuma Komoike / Ines Amine / Marina Lazareva* ( * Former Staff )
Clients: GOLDWIN
Collaborators: Technical Team: PixelEngine, Tokyo Tokushukoka
Photo credits: Takehiro Goto, Ichiro Mishima
Photographer’s website: https://takehirogoto.com/movies/
“ 设计师以构成地球的五种元素“土地、水、风、天空、火”为概念,放大其原理、现象、形象和意义,为孩子们建造了一系列游乐设施,本文主要介绍了“火”主题的游乐设施。”
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