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Thanks Kerimov Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Kerimov Architects.


Kerimov Architects:这座占地 800 平方米的房屋坐落在一处靠近海洋的悬崖上,周围自然环境优美。

Kerimov Architects: The 800 sq. m house is located on a cliff, near the ocean, in a natural environment.


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The project had to take into account the main requirement of the local municipality: the house should be practically invisible, minimally change the local landscape and not stand out in the environment, since the cliff in which it is located is clearly visible from the downtown.




The house is perfectly integrated into the landscape: from the side of the road, the building seems to be one-story, but from the side of the ocean and the downtown it is almost invisible.



我们根据场地的地形巧妙地安排了建筑体量,从而实现了自然高差的效果:露台成为景观的延续。值得注意的是,每一层(底层和-1 层)都能看到周围的自然景观并拥有充足的自然采光。

Thanks to the smart arrangement of the volumes, following the topography of the site, we were able to achieve the effect of a natural elevation difference: the terraces become a continuation of the landscape. It’s worth noticing that each level (zero and -1) has a view of the natural surrounding and natural sunlight.




The atrium structure is at the heart of the design. Each functional volume of the house is an independent architectural unit. The laconic-formed volumes made it possible to optimize the building area and achieve an architectural appearance that does not argue with the natural context.




 The color scheme of the house, built of architectural concrete and metal, is inspired by the color of the area: the sandy shade of the facade correlates with the color of the rocks, so the house, like a chameleon, mimics the rocky landscape without standing out.



该项目有两个游泳池。一个是面朝大海的带玻璃边与玻璃底板的游泳池,位于上层起居室的位置;​另一个则是面向悬崖的大型游泳池,位于 -1 层的地块边缘。

There are two pools in the project. One is a consoled swimming path with glass sides and a bottom; it is facing the ocean and is located at the level of the upper living room. The second is a large swimming pool at -1 level facing the cliff.




The staff building, which separates the entrance group from the living area, has an exploitable roof with a roof garden where one can relax in nature and enjoy the view.




A bridge leads to the entrance group of the house, on the ground floor. The inner courtyard, on the lower level, can be reached by going down the stairs along the wall with a waterfall.





Strictly following the requirements for insolation, we oriented the house to the cardinal points and maximized all the windows at the main viewpoints. It allows the inhabitants to feel comfortable at home even in the hottest time of the year.

The project uses the sun as an additional source of energy: solar panels are installed on the roofs, which collect both solar and thermal energy. Thermal energy is used to heat the pool and to heat the house on rare cool days. The insolation of the house is also regulated by swivel lamellas installed on the windows.




Since the rocky terrain is problematic for laying communications, we installed water collection tanks and funnels that collect rainwater for later use – watering plants and technical needs.



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项目名称:Hidden House
项目地点:葡萄牙 拉古什
设计:Kerimov Architects

Name of the project: Hidden House
Location: Lagos, Portugal
Total area: 800 m2
Design: Kerimov Architects
Website: www.kerimovarchitects.com
Contact: prkerimovarch@gmail.com
Social media: @kerimov.architects




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