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Thanks Taller de Arquitectura Viva for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Taller de Arquitectura Viva.
Taller de Arquitectura Viva:这里是一个神奇的地方,它欢迎着每一颗躁动不安的心灵,并试图改变它,让其变得宁静。来到这里,瞬息万变的身体会发现,这里是一个完美的避护所,它让人平静,能够唤醒我们的心灵,同时也激发我们的想法、欲望和梦想。
Taller de Arquitectura Viva:The magic of a place that receives and transforms restless minds. Transient bodies find this site the perfect refuge to calm or awaken the mind, developing ideas, desires, and dreams.

Bardo 酒店寻求一种心灵的最佳平衡,通过创造一个体验的平台,来唤醒每位客人心灵最深处的蜕变。
Hotel Bardo seeks an optimal balance, creating a platform that through experiences invites transformation to awaken the deepest corners of each guest’s mind.
Balancing between distinctive design and contemporary-lifestyle luxury secluded within the Mayan jungle, seeking for guests to live a pure and unstructured experience, far beyond the ordinary.

酒店由 29 栋阁楼式别墅组成,每栋建筑面积为 60 平方米,包含卧室、起居室、浴室、半室外淋浴间、游泳池和私人花园。公共区域包括中央泳池、餐厅、酒吧、游戏区、蒸疗浴场、综合水疗中心、接待处和管理处。
The architectural program consists of 29 loft-style villas with a construction area of 60m2, including a bedroom, living room, bathroom, semi-outdoor shower, pool, and private garden. As common areas, there is a central pool, restaurant, bar, game area, temazcal, holistic spa, reception, and administration.

The architectural style represents contemporary Mexican constructions mixed with local materials of low ecological impact and blended with the surroundings, seeking to be part of the natural context of the Mayan jungle, aging alongside it.

空间的装饰与佛教中“ bardo”一词的含义有关,换句话说,“ bardo”指的是人在死亡时所经历的一种“过渡状态”。 这一含义的精髓与墨西哥的手工艺相结合,诞生了 Bardo 酒店独特的室内设计。
The decoration of the spaces connects with the Buddhist meaning of the word bardo, which in other words is the “state of transition” that an individual goes through when dying. The essence of that meaning mixes with Mexican craftsmanship and gives birth to Bardo’s interior design.

▽设计图纸 Design Drawings

项目名称:Hotel Bardo
项目地点:墨西哥 金塔纳罗奥州 图卢姆
设计公司:Taller de Arquitectura Viva
首席建筑师:José Edeza
设计团队:Nalleli García,Maria José Ordoñez
客户:Grupo Bardo
合作者:Storm Storm(室内设计)
图片来源:Leandro Bulzzano
Project Name: Hotel Bardo
Completion Year: 2020
Scale: Hotel / residential
Project Location: Tulum, Quintana Roo, México
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Taller de Arquitectura Viva
Website: www.tallerdearquitecturaviva.com
Contact e-mail: tavarquitecturaviva@gmail.com
Lead Architects: José Edeza
Design Team: Nalleli García, Maria José Ordoñez
Clients: Grupo Bardo
Collaborators: Storm Storm (interior design)
Photo Credits: Leandro Bulzzano
Photographer’s Website: www.leandrobulzzano.com
“ 设计混合使用对生态影响较小的本土材料,并与周围环境融为一体,力求成为玛雅丛林自然环境的一部分,与丛林共生共荣。”
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