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Thanks metrostudio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by metrostudio.
Metrostudio: At the beginning of the design, we need solve three problems: waterlogging is the first problem for the site is located inside a depression with an average of about 7 to 8 meters; secondly, how to solve the traffic accessibility for such a big height difference and give a special experience for the site; thirdly, how to maximum keep the original topography, including the field ponds, wetland, camphor trees what are the most important point of memory of the site, and how to make full use and improve the site.
▽场景视频 Scene video ©林绿
▽公园鸟瞰图 Aerial view

“The design is the process of solving the practical problems one by one. Taking advantage of the site features, the design will combine the edutainment with the ecological restoration, and created a civil park which is translated by the animation scene and focuses on children. The park is a green gift to the Dongshanwan area and we sincerely hope that people can totally immersed in the park and have the time of their life…”–Geng Wei
项目背景 ┃The Background
The project is located at the juncture of Lianping Road and Muzi Road, Yuelu District, Changsha. And it is about two kilometers from the Hat Peak Mountain Forest Park and the Yanghu National Wetland Park, covering an area of about 5 hectares. The site is the area to be developed with small human disturbance, basic system, lack of basic construction and public open space, and poor traffic accessibility, therefore retained the original ecological state.
▽原始现状The original site

First came here which was far from downtown, our first impression of the site was the depression with an average of about 7 to 8 meters below the surrounding roads, the traces after demolition scattered in the grassland, and only a cement path connected. The field was deserted and full of weeds, and people had gone away and a fish pond and camphor trees had been left. The several meters high hills on the north and the depression on the south echoed each other. It was a pity that the hills were bulldozed. So we determined to keep the pond, camphor trees and wetland and around these, we started to design.
▽原始现状The original site

思考 ┃Thinking
Most of the surrounding land of the site is to be built for residential. So after built, the park need to meet the use of the high density population. Consider all requirements of the surrounding and different construction departments, we decide to focus on the child friendly. We get the inspiration from the cartoon “My Neighbor Totoro” and create a child friendly public park with the integration of children’s play, explore, popular science, natural education. The nine scenes of Meet Meow Meow, Entrance of Meow Meow, Forest Tunnel, Plank Road, Camphor Trees Memory, Cloud Lawn, Meow Bus Park, Fantasy Wetland and Meow House are now well underway.
▽概念草图 Concept sketches

▽导览图 Navigation map

▽公园鸟瞰图 Aerial view

▽鸟瞰图 Aerial view

遇见喵喵/森之隧道: Meet Meow Meow/ Forest Tunnel
From a distance, you can see Meow Meow standing at the intersection with an umbrella. The red ribbon behind him is the most sincere red hada dedicated to visitors. It evolved from the flame cloud on the clothes of the Hunan Army. Through the window of the city, we can have a panoramic view of Meow Meow Adventure Valley. In the distance, Meow Bus is driving towards us and attracting people to explore the valley.
The door head deduced from the drooping branches reflects the brilliance of the environment; The lower part of the door head is an abstract interpretation of the interlaced branches. The forest tunnel can pass through the external time and space. The tunnel is full of colorful flowers. At the end of the tunnel, there is a small acorn house, from which you can overlook the whole park.
▽喵喵与红飘带 Meow Meow and red ribbon

▽街角可眺望公园的城市视窗 Overlook the park

▽森之隧道 Through the Forest Tunnel

▽森之隧道细节·交错的树枝 Detail of Forest Tunnel, the interlacing branches

喵巴士乐园 Meow Bus Park
The Meow Bus Park is a full age activity space with strong IP memory points. Parents can teach children various skills, overcome fear, overcome self, help and share, and cooperate in teams through the theme Meow Bus and various amusement devices
▽喵巴士主题器械 The themed equipment of Meow Bus Park

▽喵巴士 Meow Bus Park

▽局部细节 Local details

▽内部细节 Interior details

▽攀爬网 Climb the net

▽儿童快乐的参与其中 Happy children involved
奇幻湿地 Fantasy Wetland
The current site is a shallow wetland pond, which has been restored and retained by the designer, and has been implanted with jungle exploration facilities to link with Meow Bus Park, forming another popular place for children. Through the creation of the designer, this is a happy paradise integrating exploration, recreation, interaction, natural science popularization and parent-child participation. Children explore the unknown, challenge themselves and know new things here.
▽设计分析 Design analysis

▽戏水池和探索设施 The pool and exploration facilities

▽水上梅花桩与探索设施 Floating plum stakes and exploration facilities

▽互动喷泉 Interactive fountain

▽掩映于林间的探索设施 Exploring facilities hidden in the forest

▽湿地与探索设施 Wetland and exploration facilities

▽湿地与水山林 Wetland with water and mountain forest

梦幻镜湖 Dream Mirror
The original pond was a fish pond, which was repaired and retained by the designer. Through ecological restoration and transformation, the lake water has been upgraded from the original Class 5 water to the current Class 2 water, which is crystal clear and surrounded by water plants. One circle around the lake, citizens can do jogging in the morning. The lakeside platform can be used for citizens to have a rest. The east and west sides of the valley complement each other.
▽梦幻镜湖鸟瞰图 Aerial view

▽湖边游玩 Play by the lake

后记 Afterword
Beautiful cartoons are always our good memories, regardless of age. No matter how old you are, when you play the familiar animation scenes in your memory, you will always return to that childhood full of joy and fantasy. Based on this, the design hopes that through the scene design, all the participants can recall the simple joy of childhood. Through strict arrangement, the design combs the spatial links and logic to make the space interlinked. As the animation story unfolds, it affects everyone’s childlike innocence, and enables the experiencer to return to the original heart of joy, forget about age, and forget about all worries.
▽现场施工过程 The construction process

项目名称:金茂 · 喵喵冒险谷公园
景观面积:约59000 m²
景观设计:metrostudio 迈丘设计 -成都分公司
施工单位&标识设计: 跳马园林
设计/竣工: 2022.03/进行中
Project Name: Jinmao Meow Meow Adventure Valley Park
Project Address: Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province
Landscape area: about 59000 m²
Landscape design: Metrostudio(Chengdu Group)
Website: www.metrostudio.cn
Contact email: info@metrostudio.cn
Project Director: Tan Gongliang, Geng Wei
Chief Design: Geng Wei
Main creative team: ,Sun Quandong, Yang Liu, Ma Jie, Zhu Yu, Chen Gexing, Peng Qing, Chen Tao, Zhang Shuting, He Jiangtao, Zhang Cheng
Copywriting planning: Geng Wei, Peng Qing
Owner Unit: Management Committee of Changsha Yuelu High-tech Zone
Agent construction unit: Changsha Zhimao Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Client team: Yu Xin, Xu Jie, Tang Xiaoming
Contractor & Logo Design: Vaulting Horse Garden
Architectural Design: Fangda Design
Amusement facilities and sculptures: Qiuqiu Bird Amusement Park
Design/completion: 2022.03/in progress
Photography & Video: Lin Lv, Liu Ningyong,Fang Da Design, Photographer Wen
“ 设计因势利导,最大化的利用场地元素,使其成为一个全龄化活动的,儿童友好型探索的空间场所。”
更多 Read more about: metrostudio 迈丘设计