Thanks MVRDV for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by MVRDV.
MVRDV:In the age of the ‘instant city’ and fast-paced communication, a buffer space for contemplation and return to nature becomes an essential feature of our urban environment.

La Serre
La Serre位于巴黎大都会城市之一的伊西莱穆利欧,是一座由 111 个住宅单元组成的温室公寓楼,旨在成为不断发展的大都市中的绿洲,为人们提供聚会和庇护场所。
Situated in Issy-les-Moulineaux, one of the main poles of Métropole du Grand Paris, La Serre is a greenhouse apartment building consisting of 111 residential units intended as an urban oasis, a place of gathering and shelter, in a continuously evolving metropole.

MVRDV工作室在参加Inventons la Metropole Grand Paris竞赛过程中,见证了住宅创新理念的进一步发展。为了响应竞赛要求,MVRDV提出了一种大胆的混合住宅类型,它挑战了建筑的传统界限,并促进了生活方式的多样化发展。
MVRDV’s participation in the Inventons la Metropole Grand Paris competition saw the further development of ideas regarding dwelling innovation. In response to the competition brief, MVRDV proposed a daring hybrid residential typology that challenges the conventional boundaries of architecture and catalyses the proliferation of diverse lifestyles.

La Serre是城市中的一个”微型村落”,也是一座绿色天堂。建筑内部植被的激增颠覆了传统的二维住宅体验。该方案中所包含的一个垂直空间将会是邻里之间的欢聚之所,也将成为联系社会的纽带。
La Serre is a micro-village within the city, a haven of greenery, an explosion of vegetation overturning the norm of traditional two-dimensional housing experiences. The proposal embraces a vertical dimension, a space of conviviality that welcomes the formation of social ties and bonds that bind neighbours.

To realise this vision the project employs a nudge approach that seeks to create ‘vicinity units’. Scaled in proportion to the building and assembled in a manner that stimulates interaction, the units articulate an animated neighbourhood within the building envelope. Interstitial ‘left-over’ spaces, neither strictly urban nor domestic, host an array of functions and programs that are slowly disappearing from our cities.

这是一个隐藏在宽敞温室之下的“垂直村庄”,MVRDV将不同的单元概念化为叠叠乐积木,以产生用于种植和休闲的大露台,这种结构形式还能供居民在屋顶上放置花园和防护棚。与此同时,La Serre也体现着凡尔登大道上城市自然的更新和修复。
A ‘vertical village’ tucked underneath a generous greenhouse, MVRDV conceptualized the different units as Jenga blocks stacked in a manner that generates large terraces for planting and leisure. This method also allowed for the placement of gardens and protective canopies on the roof. La Serre d’Issy heralds the renewal and recovery of nature in the city on the Avenue de Verdun.

Bagneux是Inventons la Métropole du Grand Paris竞赛的一部分。这个新社区的修建被视为一个重塑公共空间的机会,同时也体现了开发者对场地周围环境的尊重。该社区横亘在北部工业区到南部住宅区之间,我们在此开发了一套城市农业设施,以应对未来大城市对本地食品供应日益增长的需求。
The creation of this new neighbourhood is seen as an opportunity to reshape the public space while offering a respectful density toward the various context surrounding the site; from the industrial areas in the north to the residential area in the south. As a transversal theme, we developed a set of urban farming tools to face the increasing demand for locally produced food in a future metropolitan area. The Bagneux project was part of a group competition Inventons la Métropole du Grand Paris.

该项目的挑战是在四个独立的地块上开发28000平方米的住宅和活动空间,而这四个地块围绕着巴黎南郊的一条繁忙的大道。虽然2020年快速列车“巴黎特快”将能到达Bagneux中心,但位于郊区的该地块目前主要通过 “绿色通道”与首都相连。这条绿色的交通道路穿过场地”心脏”,将周围的一系列公共花园景观延续到未来社区中。
The Blanchard-Croizat-Fortin urban plan raised the challenge to develop 28 000m2 of housing and activities, on four separate plots, articulated around a busy boulevard of Bagneux, in Paris’ south suburb. Even if the heart of Bagneux will be accessible by 2020 with the fast train Grand Paris Express, the site Blanchard-Croizat-Fortin, located in the outskirts, is today mostly connected to the capital through the “coulée verte”. This green soft mobility path deviates through the sites ‘heart’, offering to continue the surrounding landscape with a collection of public gardens into the future neighbourhood.

该方案优先考虑对场地记忆的保护,最大限度地保留和回收从旧建筑结构中提取的材料。此外,主要设计概念完全基于原有地块旧址范围来进行未来的总体规划。由于场地包含私人地块,无法做到同时开发利用,因此该系统规划具有灵活的阶段性特征。将 “未来 “街区植入老旧的社区中,在旧的基址框架上设计新的建筑,产生了各种不同的建筑形式。这个与众不同的”社区”中有一条宽敞的人行道,连接景观和建筑空间。
The conservation of the memory of the site becomes a priority within this proposal. A maximum of materials extracted from the deconstruction of the old is kept and recycled. Moreover, the main concept is based entirely on reusing the footprint of the existing plots to design the future master plan. Since the site is composed of private parcels which will not become available simultaneously, this system allowed a phasing flexibility. The insertion of the ‘future’ neighbourhood in the footprint of the old, act as a framework for the shape of the buildings that will sit on them and gives rise to a wide variety of shapes and forms. A ‘neighborhood’ of different typologies, with generous pedestrian alleys that both connect and define the architecture of this village landscape.
这个繁忙的城市中还坐落着一座新的文化艺术中心,该建筑位于当地艺术家Albert Ferraud的工作室旧址上,这既是一种”回收”利用,也是对大众艺术精神的致敬。
Within this lively atmosphere sits a new cultural arts centre. This is set on the exact location of the old studio of the local Artist Albert Ferraud; a tribute to his ethos of ‘recycling’ and popular art.
This increase in housing density on the site is devised together with the implementation of a spectrum of urban farming solutions on different scales. On the city scale, the creation of a new Farm Lab, embodied in a green tower, creates a landmark for the users of the “coulée verte” and offers a new source of local food production and animation for the inhabitants of Bagneux. On the domestic scale, through 8 building families, the masterplan proposes new potentials in farming. All opportunities are explored to support the possibility for residents to grow their own food.

这里每套公寓都有阳光充足的花园、屋顶或户外空间,它可以是共享的,也可以是私有的。设计师通过将传统的外墙插件与园艺设施结合,已经设计了一系列园艺设施。”盆栽阳台”、”种植窗”、”芳香长廊”、 “番茄温室 “为这个社区总体规划创造了独特的建筑风格。
Each apartment has access to sunny oriented gardens, roofs or outdoor spaces. It could be either shared or private. A wide range of gardening-tool catalogue has been designing by combining classic facade plug-ins with gardening facilities. “Pot-balconies”, “planter-windows”, “aromatic-loggias” or “tomato-greenhouse” create a singular architecture to this masterplan.
This not only supports and promotes self-production and sustainable living, by providing the residents with generous outdoor spaces it also elevates the living quality, while promising a better standard in collective living.

Chaise Urbaine
MVRDV’s proposal for the site at the head of a large harbour in Strasbourg gives a strong urban presence to the mixed use program of housing, offices, hotel and retail, while creating a monumental public space befitting the setting. The project is also an attempt to realise a truly green facade, with an ingenious system of integrated pots fed by a rainwater system, which provide plants for their shading, cooling, and aesthetic values.

The harbour basin of Austerlitz is undergoing an impressive transformation as part of the Strasbourg-Kehl region. The availability of large former warehouses on the water, close to the historic center of Strasbourg, and well connected by transport are making the area an attractive place to live and work. The currently empty Eastern end of the Basin is the challenging site for this proposal: how it can be developed as a coherent whole urbanistically, while providing a suitable gesture architecturally at the Eastern termination of the harbour.

Regeneration plans for the western part of the basin have been discussed at length, demonstrating local desire to improve the area. A decision was made to restrict the height of the new building, and ultimately lead to the program being split into three separate volumes. MVRDV’s ambition was to use these volumes to create a strong presence befitting the prominent site, and to create a public space, great views, and buildings that integrate and contribute to their context. The program of the mixed-use development features almost 50% housing, some of which is social-housing, offices, a hotel, a nursery and a limited amount of commercial space, in addition to a large public square.

The buildings are optimised to create as much light as possible, as well as a monumental public space facing the basin. In contrast to the former industrial area around it, the development is covered in nature: an innovative system of pots on terraces creates a vertical garden, with different pots of different sizes and materials containing plants of varying sizes, including trees. The plants are watered via an integrated system, and provide a mediating effect on wind and sun for the apartments, offices and hotel, as well as a visual richness unmatched by manufactured facades. The terraces which they occupy become pleasant outdoor spaces filled with nature, and the effect of the whole is of a welcoming urban ‘chair’ supporting both people and plants.

Giz Campus Eschborn
埃施博恩的德国国际合作机构(GIZ)办公园区通过两个鲜明的特征诠释了其用户合作和可持续发展精神:一个色彩明亮的多功能 “村落”;以及位于建筑中心的梯田 “山谷”,其提供的绿色空间作为内部办公空间的延伸,成为工作之余的休闲场所。
The GIZ campus in Eschborn reflects the collaborative, sustainable spirit of its occupier through two notable features: an open-plan ground floor hosting a brightly coloured “village” of functions; and the terraced “valley” at the building’s heart, providing green spaces that serve as an extension of the office spaces inside and offer places for leisure during the workday.
The German company GIZ is one of the world’s largest development agencies, implementing international projects for aid and cooperation in developing countries. Given the company’s strong focus on sustainable development in its own work, MVRDV’s proposal reflects GIZ’s company values with a design that adopts sustainability as a key principle while fostering a dynamic office environment for employee collaboration.

The building fits in with the corporate office buildings in its surroundings thanks to its rectangular floorplan and unobtrusive external façade of wood and glass. Inside, however, it is anything but a standard corporate office building. The central element of the building is the green valley that breaks open the rectangular floorplan. At ground level, a rectangular courtyard sits at the very centre of the plan; on each successive level above, this courtyard expands and morphs, creating curving terraces that offer flexible outdoor spaces for work and leisure. This valley is shaped with solar principles in mind. The northern wing of the building rises to 7 storeys, but the south tops out at 6 to allow more sunlight to enter the valley, while an incision from east to west means that the rising and setting sun warms the terraces at the beginning and end of the day. At various points, the edges of the terraces dip to connect the levels vertically, allowing the building’s users to navigate the valley without having to return indoors.
The double-height ground floor has an open-plan layout with a variety of brightly coloured room modules holding functions such as the reception, a tribune, an auditorium, info points, a kitchen, and sports facilities. These functions, along with the floor’s open layout that encourages chance encounters, enable employees to come together in both formal and informal contexts to promote collaboration and shared information.
Thanks to The green terraces serve not only as extensions to the office space, but as a key element of the project’s sustainability strategy, offering ecological benefits such as improving biodiversity and helping to keep the offices cool. The plants used follow the principles of nature to become their own micro-ecosystem. At the lower levels, the terraces are filled with primarily evergreen plant species that thrive in the cooler, darker courtyard, creating a contemplative atmosphere for work. In contrast, the upper levels host more flowering plants, becoming reminiscent of cultivated gardens with ample opportunities for leisure.

项目在施工上也体现了可持续发展,底层的开放空间采用混凝土框架建造,而上面的办公层则采用木质 “胶合板 “框架和混凝土楼板建造。这种混合解决方案结合了木材和混凝土的理想特性:木材可以储存碳,从而降低建筑的内含碳成本;混凝土具有较高的热储存能力,可以降低建筑的运行能耗。该建筑还采用屋顶光伏板、地热泵和个别房间温度控制等技术来减少能源消耗。
A further aspect of the sustainability is the project’s construction, which uses a resource-saving hybrid construction of wood and concrete. The open plan space on the ground level is constructed in a concrete frame, while the office levels above are constructed in a wood “glulam” frame with concrete floor slabs. This hybrid solution combines the ideal properties of wood and concrete: the wood stores carbon, resulting in low embodied carbon costs from construction, while the concrete has a high thermal storage capacity, reducing the operational energy use of the building. The building also uses techniques including photovoltaic panels on the roof, a geothermal heat pump, and individual room temperature control to reduce energy consumption.
项目名称:La Serre
图象与视频:ENGRAM studio
Project Name: La Serre
Location: France
City: Issy-les-Moulineaux
Year: 2017
Surface: 10000 m²
Architect: MVRDV
Project Name: Bagneux
Location: France
Year: 2017
Surface: 27800 m²
Programmes: Residential, Cultural, Wellness, Master plan
Themes: Architecture, Housing, Sustainability, Urbanism
Architect: MVRDV
Images: A2Studio
Model: Made by Mistake
项目名称:Chaise Urbaine
Project Name: Chaise Urbaine
Location: France
Year: 2012
Surface: 31000 m²
Themes: Architecture, Housing, Mixed use
Architect: MVRDV
项目名称:Giz Campus Eschborn
Project Name: Giz Campus Eschborn
Location: Germany
Year: 2020
Surface: 33000 m²
Programmes: Offices
Themes: Architecture, Sustainability
Architect: MVRDV
“ MVRDV关于建筑设计的构想体现了对人性的关怀和可持续发展的理念。”
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