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Thanks Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse.
Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse:该项目结合了阿姆斯特丹运河的经典标准轮廓的简单和别致的特点,以及一个特定的Roeterseiland标志:一个额外的赋予Roeterseiland校园新定义,并起连接,引导,吸引和邀请作用的图形。
Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse:The strategy combines the simple and chic qualities of the classical standard profile of the Amsterdam canals with a specific Roeterseiland-signature: An additional, graphical layer that defines the Roeterseiland campus but also connects, leads, lures and invites.

The winding ribbon might refer to the paths students take while studying – sometimes that path is a direct connection between A and B, but often it will be a de-tour or a loop. The path invites to be followed to special places on the water edge or to a hidden courtyard full with flowers with delicate scents and subtile sounds. It creates an intriguing pattern to look at from above and it defines places where one can meet other people or admire an amazing view.

The basic layer consists of a clear profile and the typical materials – brick and blue limestone with the omnipresent Elm trees. The path is created by contrasting bricks laid in a continuous patterns. Sometimes that path curls around a special tree, describes a loop that defines a planted island and it rises up to create seating or tables for students to sit and meet or to quietly work outside. Those sitting elements are spread all over the campus and located on the most interesting places to invite the students to be outside, to study and meet in the open air.

Within the public space of the University Campus the Amazing Courtyard makes for a silent oasis. Inaccessible to the general public and sheltered from wind and cold, this space is enveloped by multiple lecture rooms and studios providing them with light at the same time creating a space for meditation; subtly changing with seasons and along the day.

这些错综复杂的路径不仅在引导用户进入,还能让他们安静地散步、冥想、思考或简单地交谈……庭院的宁静与校园中其他更活跃的部分相辅相成。这也是将于2015年底完成的由Inside Outside设计的整个校园景观的第一部分。
The intertwining pathways not only invite the user in visually but also to take a walk quietly, meditating, thinking or simply talking… the calmness of the courtyard complements the more active parts of the campus. It is also the first part of the realization of the entire campus landscape designed by Inside Outside that will be completed by the end of 2015.

The plant selection within the courtyard is dynamic, with seasonal evergreen plants and stunning flowers all year round. The fragile Magnolias are trees which prosper rarely in Amsterdam climate; here in the sheltered courtyard several different species of Magnolia get a chance to thrive.

▼概念 Concept

▼分区主题 Schemes areas

▼效果图 Perspective

设计:Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse
Date: 2010-2017 (First phase realized in 2013)
Size: 2 ha of public space (First phase: 0.7 ha)
Client: University of Amsterdam
Design: Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse
更多 Read more about: Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse