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Basis architectural bureau 在俄罗斯·涅姆奇诺夫卡·奥丁佐沃区完成了一个最新项目:马列维奇公园瀑布(Malevich park waterfall)。



Basis architectural bureau Completed a new project Malevich park waterfall.

Objective: Formation of space for comfortable rest in the natural environment. Creation of a system of waterfalls inscribed in the natural environment.

Solution: Translation of natural appearance through architectural elements, using forms and characteristic of the surrounding landscapes.




The project area is located at the entrance of the Malevich park, in a non-green area. Its location in the forest determined the approach of the project development – it was decided to bring the new facility as close as possible to the natural environment of the surrounding areas. In order to achieve that, we used natural materials and shapes which correspond to the landscapes of the area. The natural territories characteristics of the Moscow Region were analyzed in the course of the work. That helped to identify materials that could artificially form a place with a natural character.




The main part of the park is occupied by a system of reservoirs with cascades. A small pond with two waterfalls turning into a system of streams is organized at the highest point of the relief.




The territory of the park is divided by pedestrian paths, which are equipped with bridges at the intersections with water streams. A ford made of stone blocks passes through the main. It divides the reservoir into two parts with different levels of the water table, one of which has a fountain with illumination. The pond and waterfall are framed by blocks of rocks that are overgrown with mosses and lichens. The stream beds are made of the same material.




Recreation areas such as observation platforms and piers made of wooden flooring are organized at the main viewpoints. They provide a complete overview of the entire territory from different angles.





Walkways and small piers in the park have a special design: the piles are shifted inward from the edge of the frame, which makes them less noticeable. For the large pier, we developed another solution: metal piles are faced with halves of oak logs sealed with metal hoops.

Through the developing of small architectural forms, preference was given to laconic forms and natural materials with a rough texture. The piers covering is made of larch boards, and the wooden elements of the benches, stools and navigation are made of solid large-section timber.




The project involves the active re-greening of the territory. The main greenery includes junipers, mountain pine, spirea, hawthorn, fieldfare and other plants. A buffer zone along the perimeter is filled with willows and small-leaved lindens.



▽渲染图纸 Rendering


▽设计图纸 Design drawing






项目名称:Malevich park waterfall
项目地点:俄罗斯 涅姆奇诺夫卡 奥丁佐沃区
景观/建筑公司:Basis architectural bureau
设计团队:Ivan Okhapkin, Maria Repkina, Galina Kostenko, Uliana Zhomnir
图片:由 Olga Scherbakova 提供

Project Name: Malevich park waterfall
Project location: Odintsovo district, Nemchinovka, Russia
Project area: 3,68 Ha
Landscape/Architecture Company: Basis Architectural Bureau
Website: https://ab-basis.com/en/
Contact email: olga@planthebest.info
Design team: Ivan Okhapkin, Maria Repkina, Galina Kostenko, Uliana Zhomnir
Image: Provided by Olga Scherbakova




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