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USAD都境景观行望与居游 Travel and stay


USAD:Urban forests are the harmonious relationship between artificial cities and natural forests, taking into account the natural temperament of mountain life and the convenience and comfort of urban life.




The project is located in Shibei District, Qingdao City, surrounded by rich natural resources, adjacent to the bay, and with high-quality park landscapes to the north.


▽项目周边环境 Project surrounding environment




One part of the history of Qingdao, half of it is on textiles. In the early days of the founding of New China, Qingdao textile people, with Hao Jianxiu as an outstanding representative, brought the “Locomotive Spirit” of hard work, innovation and selfless dedication to all walks of life, forming three major work methods and becoming a banner on the national textile front, which is still shining today. Hui. In the 1970s and 1980s, Qingdao textile industry reached a glorious period.

Entering the 21st century, the National Cotton Mill No. 4, which had experienced the war, withdrew from the historical stage in the market competition, leaving no relics for viewing. The National Cotton Mill No. 1 and the National Cotton Mill No. 4 were successively relocated to the former National Cotton Mill No. 5, and the Qingfanglian Holding Group was reorganized to create the “Textile Valley”. The project area is located on the north side of the Textile Valley Art Park. With this inspiration, we hope to create a new residential work to protect the city’s memory.




With the unique aesthetic concept of luxury BV and Qingdao’s Textile Valley as creative sources, the space in the plot is integrated through the interweaving of “woven geometry” and “line splicing”, focusing on the connection with the surrounding areas, and establishing a rhythmic and interweaving space. Driven by Qingdao’s urban textile memory and the gears of time, the real memory of a city is awakened again and used for contemporary urban life, creating a new journey of human habitation, protecting the city’s memory, and creating a space that conforms to contemporary aesthetic tastes.




The temperament of a project is the key to its success. We hope to find inspiration from Andaz Hotels and create core landscapes in the four dimensions of project quality, experience, integration and innovation.




The quality starts from the hotel-style drop-off area. The windless drop-off area ensures that customers can get to the lobby bar from the car under the shelter of a canopy. The main area can be reached from the underground elevator to each building, ensuring a safe return home.


▽流线分析 Streamline analysis


售楼处一层左侧空间未来是轻餐饮入住,二楼健身房,让业主不出社区体验酒店式配套。右侧通道规划了单独的快递外卖动线, 确保和业主归家互不干扰。


The left side of the first floor of the sales office will be used for light dining in the future, and the second floor will be used for a gym, so that owners can experience hotel-style facilities without leaving the community. A separate express delivery route is planned for the right channel to ensure that it does not interfere with the owner’s return home.

The experience comes from the owner’s long walking scroll when returning home. The 44-meter-long and wide gatehouse opens up a horizontal expansion sequence. The facade transitions from solid walls on both sides to semi-transparent ceramic panels, and then to the hazy framed scenery in the middle.






The vestibule is a transitional space that allows people to transition from the hustle and bustle of the city to the quiet community atmosphere.

People say I live in the city, but I feel like I am in the mountains. I can see the big in the small. The walls of the narrow courtyard should be concave and convex, decorated with green, inlaid with large stones, and carved with words to make inscriptions. When I open the window, it’s like facing a stone wall. The artificial wall and the natural cliff are presented in the form of yin and yang.

The landscape is the control and setting of what is seen and the pause of turning. It is not a copy and imitation of nature, but a performance, a performance and narration of nature in a humanistic way. The narrative is unfolded in sequence through the four groups of landscape spaces, namely, Senjian, Tingtao, Yunpu and Yuxi. The long scroll of walking begins with the sound of trickling water. There is no noise from external vehicles here, only immersive and moving scenery.


▽前庭景观 Vestibular landscape



The integration is reflected in the woven space and details. The organization of the space connects and integrates the architecture and interior. The spatial form is woven through the change of rhythm. The art of weaving is interpreted through the design language of BV in terms of materials. The woven pavement in the drop-off area provides recognition and refinement for the project.




Innovation comes from the use of materials. The project is adjacent to the bay. Inspired by the blue of the sea and the name of the project, blue-green ceramic panels were chosen as the facade material. The texture is simple and elegant, and the metal lines outline the sense of sequence weaving, giving new life to the simple materials. Because it is a curved surface, different levels of texture are reflected under different light and shadow, adding recognition and memory points to the landscape.





Passing through the community lobby and entering the inner courtyard, the existing height difference of the site is combined with vertical design to create a living place halfway up the mountain and half way up the forest. The lush vegetation, clear streams, and bluestone paving all narrate the beauty of hidden luxury and simplicity. The spatial narrative is unfolded through the “Nine Realms of Pure Heart”.


▽空间布局 Spatial layout



Build a house with trees and you will get to know the mountain.


▽听泉,出门回首且按辔,细听泉声和式微 Listen to the spring, go out and look back and hold the reins, listen carefully to the sound of the spring and the decline

▽迎松 奇松鑫立玉屏边,四季伴生云雾间 Yingsong Strange pine stands beside the jade screen, accompanying the clouds and mists all year round

▽观云 独来松树下,坐看白云生 Watching the clouds I came alone under the pine tree and sat and watched the white clouds rise

▽逐溪 一泓清泽流不尽,千年古木立云间 Following the stream, a clear lake flows endlessly, and a thousand-year-old tree stands among the clouds



The core area starts from the residential origin of oriental aesthetics, “living in the mountains can be simulated”, moving mountains and rivers into the garden, seeing the big in the small, stepping into the mountains, close to nature, and the trickles of water shuttle between the dense touch of the growing trees and meadows, forming a tourist interest in immersing in the years of living in the mountains. Use pure space and flowing time to slowly settle the nature of the dialogue environment. The gurgling spring freezes the tranquility of the soul. The hard stone and soft water follow the pace of walking, through the opening and closing of the space, the turning of the vision, and penetrate the natural breath of the forest.


▽澄心 水影澄心空,山色照眼绚 Clear Mind-The reflection of water clears the mind, the mountain scenery is dazzling

▽风音 风音触树起,月色度云来The sound of wind-The sound of wind touches the trees, the moonlight comes through the clouds



The low-key and elegant bar uses a simple form to blend nature and artificiality, and the collision of nature and refinement to restore the poetic life scene of the future.


▽心居 缘起生中平等用,直须乐道善心居。Heart Residence-The mind is equally used in all the dependently originated lives. We should just enjoy the good mind abode.


林趣 平生独往愿,颇得山林趣。

Fun in the Forest-Fun in the Forest I have always wanted to travel alone and enjoy the fun of mountains and forests.




The carefully designed landscape structure leads people to discover more moving scenery. The project ultimately hopes to use modern style to create an oriental temperament and form a resonance between external space and internal emotions.


▽施工前的1:1打样是把控落地工艺,呈现效果的最佳方式。1:1 proofing before construction is the best way to control the implementation process and present the effect.

▽选苗时每棵树根据树形角度规格定好总图位置并进行编号落位 When selecting seedlings, each tree determines the position of the general map according to the tree shape Angle specification and numbers the position

▽定制的陶板的反复打样确保最终效果 Repeated proofing of customized ceramic panels ensures the final effect

▽科普墙的标本小样 Samples of the popular science wall




Project name: Metrop lis times cloud condition
Project location: Qingdao
Landscape area: 8000㎡
Completion date: April 2024
Client:China Overseas Property (Qingdao) Co., LTD
Landscape Design: USAD Landscape
Photographyer: Nancy studio




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