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Thanks Abarca Palma for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Abarca Palma.
Abarca Palma:“Plaza de los Espejos”是一个城市基础设施项目,由公共和私营实体双方合作完成。项目包括四个基本组成部分:现有的广场、彩绘的地面、新的城市家具以及一个屋顶,它们共同为这处城市“剩余空间”创造了活力和丰富的潜在用途。
Abarca Palma:”Plaza de los Espejos” is an urban infrastructure project resulting from a collaboration between public and private entities. It comprises four essential elements for its development: an existing square, a painted floor, new urban furniture, and a roof. All of these are intended to create dynamism and unexpected uses in a residual space within our city.

现有的广场属于圣地亚哥拉斯孔德斯市(Las Condes),因广场下方修建了 Manquehue 大道地下段,使这里成为了一个“剩余空间”,并由此创造了一个“城市孤岛”,在三条交通繁忙的大道中形成了一个行人通行极少的三角区域。除此之外,该项目设计还需考虑的几个因素包括:广场上八个混凝土花槽之间的空间(每个花槽里都有一棵树),以及由正交布局的几何排列瓷砖铺设的路面。
The existing square belongs to the Municipality of Las Condes in the city of Santiago and was chosen for this project due to its status as a “residual space” resulting from the construction of the underground section of Manquehue Avenue passing beneath the square. This created an “urban island,” a triangle amidst three heavily trafficked avenues with minimal pedestrian connections. Additionally, the square had several elements that needed to be considered in the design, including an empty space between eight concrete planters, each containing a tree, and a pavement composed of geometrically arranged tiles in an orthogonal layout.

广场地面的彩绘图案融入现有的路面铺装,创造出新的三角形和梯形几何图案,并带有多种颜色。该设计基于汽车品牌 SEAT 提供的一系列潘通色卡,代表了品牌发源地巴塞罗那天空中的各种颜色,同时也用于广告和品牌推广。
The painted floor is integrated into this existing layout, creating a new triangular and trapezoidal geometry with multiple colors. This design is based on a series of Pantone colors provided by the automotive brand SEAT, representing the various colors of the sky in Barcelona, the brand’s city of origin, for advertising and branding purposes.

The new urban furniture, constructed from plywood panels, is seen as an extension of the new geometry created by the painted floor. It includes three levels of height that serve various unplanned activities such as sitting, eating, conversing, gathering, dancing, jumping, playing, skating, singing, and more, essentially providing a stage for diverse activities. This furniture occupies the axis or center of the intervened space with an intermittent line of varying heights and three colors: red, orange, and yellow.

The steel roof is designed to align with the empty space and the planters with trees, resulting in six support pillars placed at the axis of six planters. This design maintains the open nature of the space but provides shelter, shade, and interaction opportunities with people and other elements of the square, including the painted floor and furniture.

反光不锈钢被用作屋顶的天花板,在人与广场元素之间创造出一种动态和抽象的互动。该设计灵感来源于 Norman Foster 的马赛旧港(Vieux Port de Marseille)以及位于由 b720 和 Fermín Vázquez 在巴塞罗那设计的 Mercats 集市。
Reflective stainless steel is used as the roof’s ceiling covering, creating a dynamic and abstract interaction between people and the elements of the square. This design draws inspiration from Norman Foster’s Vieux Port de Marseille and the b720 and Fermín Vázquez-designed Mercats del Encants in Barcelona.

The roof’s shape is also influenced by the planters, as rainwater runoff during the rainy season is directed to the trees due to their incline and a gutter that channels water to the trees. This setup allows for the recirculation of rainwater for tree irrigation. The colors of the roof are chosen with consideration of the concept of the “fifth facade” due to the tall buildings surrounding the area.

项目地点:智利 圣地亚哥
景观/建筑公司:Abarca Palma
主要设计师:Francisco Abarca, Camilo Palma, Sebastián Ochoa
设计团队:Bla! Creative Studio
合作伙伴:Las Condes
图片来源:Felipe Ugalde,Gonzalo Zúñiga
Project Name: Mirrors Square
Completion Year: 2022
Project Location: Santiago, Chile
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Abarca Palma
Website: bla.cl
Contact e-mail: hola@bla.cl
Lead Architects: Francisco Abarca, Camilo Palma, Sebastián Ochoa
Design Team: Bla! Creative Studio
Clients: SEAT
Collaborators: Las Condes
Photo Credits: Felipe Ugalde, Gonzalo Zúñiga (drone)
“ 用明亮的色彩和图案描绘场地,为城市‘剩余空间’注入活力。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: Bla! Estudio Creativo + Abarca Palma Arquitectos