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NEXT architects:更新后的N69省道即“布拉班特最环保的道路”实现了地理空间上的连接,也体现了基础设施、森林和溪谷的宝贵景观与人们利益之间的联系。这条长8.5公里的省道提高了N69沿线的宜居性及其与比利时边境的可达性。通过建造一条自然融入景观中的高质量道路,极大地优化了用户体验。也因此,项目设计的主要目标是最大限度地提高空间质量、资源整合性、可持续性和生态。
NEXT architects: The ‘Greenest Road of Brabant’ makes geographical connections and embodies the connection between infrastructure, the valuable landscape of forests and stream valleys, and the people with their interests. The renewal of the 8,5 km provincial road has increased the liveability and accessibility of the N69 and its border with Belgium. By constructing a high-quality road that is placed naturally in the landscape, the user experience has been optimized. Maximizing spatial quality, integration, sustainability, and ecology was therefore one of the most important project objectives in the elaboration of the integral design.

探索生态框架 Exploring The Ecological Framework
The new road winds through valuable and vulnerable agricultural land, forests, and nature reserves. The design of all the viaducts and bridges is slender and modest and special area icons have been added around the N69 to fit in the natural green environment. The qualities and values of the area served as the starting point for the design of the N69.
The result is a robust green ecological framework that flows over, under, and along the new route. The framework is based on different landscape lines. Existing intersecting structures such as the woods, stream valleys, and recreational routes and avenues have been reinforced, and new structures have been added. Besides the fact that these structures influence the integration and user experience, they also have an important ecological function as natural hop-overs for bats, among others. Small mammals and amphibians can cross the road using one of the 14 different fauna passages.

连接基础设施与环境 Connecting Infrastructure And Environment
The form and material of viaducts and the bridges crossing the streams are in harmony with each other, with a recognizable modest and slender silhouette. The minimalistic integration and slim structures enhance the experience of the landscape and provide a large panoramic view over the road. The wide slender legs that the stream valley bridges are based on, ensure that the landscape continues undisturbed. The three pedestrian viaducts have been specially designed as connections over the new road and places to stay. With the flowing landings and the wooden slatted railings, they are incorporated into their environment in the woods.

创造可识别的设计 Creating Recognizable Designs
N69省道的景观更新以wUrck起草的规划方案为基础,由荷兰Boskalis公司与H+N+S景观设计公司和NEXT建筑公司组成的综合团队合作完成。此外,来自“Area Agreement”的25个合作方也参与其中。
Huge material savings have been achieved by optimizing the design (i.e. the concrete as slim as possible) with respect to the client’s request. For the implementation, Boskalis uses biofuels and new asphalt technologies to maximize material benefits. The two stream valley bridges are equipped with screens with integrated solar cells. A cementless bicycle bridge made of prestressed geopolymer concrete has been placed over the Natura2000 stream de Keersop. This concrete is 75% cleaner than traditional concrete and has been used constructively for the first time. A sustainable integration with a significantly lower CO2 footprint. The greenest road in Brabant has been realized by leading the way in sustainability and innovation within the infrastructure.
The N69 has been realised by Boskalis Nederland, in collaboration with an integrated team of H+N+S Landscape Architects and NEXT architects, based on wUrck’s image quality plan. In addition, 25 collaborating parties from the Area Agreement were involved.

项目名称:The Greenest Road
地点:荷兰 布拉班特
客户:Province Noord-Brabant
团队:Bart Reuser、Marijn Schenk、Michel Schreinemachers和Jurriaan Hillerstrom、Wiebe Strick、Veronica Tirelli
合作者:H+N+S Landschapsarchitects、Nobleo Bouw & Infra、Geonius、MOS Ecologisch Advies en Onderzoek、wUrck
摄影:Paul Raats & H+N+S Landscapsarchitects
Project Name: The Greenest Road
Location: Noord-Brabant
Length: 8.5 kilometres
Year: 2021
Type: Provincial Road
Client: Province Noord-Brabant
Contractor: Boskalis
Team: Bart Reuser, Marijn Schenk, Michel Schreinemachers with Jurriaan Hillerstrom, Wiebe Strick, Veronica Tirelli
Collaborators: H+N+S Landschapsarchitects, Nobleo Bouw & Infra, Geonius, MOS Ecologisch Advies en Onderzoek, wUrck
Photography: Paul Raats & H+N+S Landscapsarchitects
“ 道路实现了地理空间上的连接,同时兼具生态、环保和审美功能。”
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