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WATG:2019年开业的NOBU HOTEL LOS CABOS酒店位于墨西哥巴哈半岛的沙滩上,作为拉丁美洲的第一家NOBU酒店,品牌的目标是将卡波圣卢卡斯(Cabo San Lucas)当地轻松、休闲的生活方式与NOBU品牌标志性的日式极简主义设计风格相融合。作为该项目的建筑及景观设计团队,WATG致力于在这个充满波西米亚风情的海滩呈现一个融合现代奢华、日式简约和前沿设计的海滨度假酒店

WATG:The Nobu Hotel Los Cabos, which opened in 2019, is located on the Southern-most tip of the Baja Peninsula. As the first Nobu hotel in Latin America, the goal of Nobu was to merge the relaxed, casual lifestyle of Cabo San Lucas with the Nobu brand, which has at its core a blend of modern luxury, Japanese minimalism, cutting-edge design, and exquisite cuisine. As the Architecture and landscape architecture design team, WATG dedicated to ensure that serene, Japanese-inspired gardens and other soothing features would fit in naturally with the rugged coastal landscape.



因NOBU酒店品牌的亚洲背景,NOBU HOTEL LOS CABOS的景观建筑设计采用了许多亚洲元素。例如受日式风格启发的庭院和类似禅宗的假山花园,院子里火与水的并置也体现了阴、阳二元论。WATG团队也不忘将品牌风格与墨西哥当地的风情相结合,来自Cabo本地的石头堆砌而成的“山”象征了酒店所在地蜿蜒崎岖的海岸线地貌,而具有代表性的本地植物龙舌兰亦在日式庭院中得到了艺术性的呈现。

Because of its Asian background, the hotel brand’s Asian roots inspire many elements such as a modern interpretation of a Japanese garden that guests experience when they first arrive on site. The juxtaposition of fire with water features in the courtyard, suggests the dualism of yin and yang as well. These features are enhanced by local elements like native Cabo stone and agave plants.


▼酒店迎宾庭院 Nobu Los Cabos arrival courtyard


▼迎宾庭院夜景 Nobu Los Cabos arrival courtyard at night



The most important local element is the magnificent Pacific scenery. From the entrance of the hotel to the lobby along the courtyard, the panorama of the Pacific Ocean is perfectly framed like a picture. Each site selection, orientation design, and architectural plan follows a principle: Pacific Ocean is held paramount. The Japanese-inspired courtyards and Zen-like rock gardens give way to panoramic views of the Pacific – perfectly framed by the hotel’s entry – creating a sense of arrival that exceeds any guest’s expectations.




Strong currents often prevent guests from swimming in the ocean, but to make up for that, several water features are introduced throughout the hotel. Guests can enjoy the panoramic Pacific view and float away to the sound of nearby ocean waves while relaxing in the pool and spa. Even the placement of the hotel structure on the site is intentional to block strong Northwest winds while still maintaining the open space for guests to witness breathtaking sunsets or to catch a glimpse of whales.


▼迎宾庭院水景墙 Nobu Los Cabos arrival courtyard with water feature


创新而富有战略性的设计让NOBU HOTEL LOS CABOS与众不同,它是现代日式奢华极简风格与墨西哥沿海的自然风光和生活方式完美融合的展示。宾客可以在每一处细节和富有意象的景致中感受NOBU品牌的故事,并得到全身心的放松。前沿的建筑设计定义了NOBU品牌,而无与伦比的景观设计更是最大化了项目的投资回报。AIC酒店集团的Paola Chapur说道:“极佳的景观设计给我们的会议、活动方面带来巨大的收入增长。宾客非常喜欢我们的户外活动空间,这里的风景,泳池和草坪都带给我们超越传统会议空间的优势,成为预订的巨大动力。”

The emphasis on a relaxed outdoor lifestyle sets this Nobu Hotel destination apart, as innovative and strategic design decisions help the contemporary Japanese-inspired resort blend seamlessly with its coastal Mexico location. Guests are instantly transported through a subtle yet intentional series of stories and symbols that inspire restorative vacations and retreats as well intimate private experiences. Cutting-edge architecture defines the Nobu brand, and landscape design maximizes the return on investment even further. Paola Chapur, AIC Hotel Group mentioned that “The outdoor space is a huge revenue boost for us in terms of meetings and events. People want to be outside. The landscape, the pool area, and the event lawn are a huge incentive to book with us and give us an edge over traditional meeting space.”


▼酒店大堂 Nobu Los Cabos check-in, with interiors by Studio PCH


“我可以说NOBU HOTEL LOS CABOS现在是我们最好的一个酒店。它的建筑和景观设计让人一步入酒店内就能感受到极简奢华和悠闲的度假氛围。通过设计去影响人的感受,这真是一件了不起的事情。WATG团队非常配合且高效,他们创造了一个愉快的工作环境,并且真正了解我们的所有需求,他们的专业度和丰富的经验是无与伦比的。” Paola Chapur还评论道。

2019年,NOBU HOTEL LOS CABOS亦获得世界建筑节“酒店及休闲建成项目”优胜奖。

“I can truly say Nobu Los Cabos is our best property right now. The architecture on the property is the best we have, evoking relaxed simplicity and elegance. You get to the lobby and you instantly feel like you are on vacation – changing someone’s behavior with design. That’s a powerful thing. WATG’s team was very collaborative and efficient. They made it a pleasant work environment, and did an amazing job understanding all of our needs. There are years of experience there that you can’t make up.” Paola Chapur commented.

The NOBU HOTEL LOS CABOS received the ‘Hotel + Leisure Completed Buildings – Shortlisted’ in WORLD ARCHITECTURE FESTIVAL 2019.



项目名称: 墨西哥海湾Nobu酒店
完成年份: 2019
项目面积: 327500㎡
项目地点: 墨西哥卡波圣卢卡斯
设计公司: WATG
设计团队: WATG
客户/开发商: AIC Hotel Group
室内设计: Studio PCH

Project name: Nobu Hotel Los Cabos
Completion: 2019
Project area: 327,500 square meter site
Location: Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Design company: WATG
Desgin team: WATG
Client: AIC Hotel Group
Interior design: Studio PCH


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